What to feed a cat (kitten) after exposure

The cat walks by itself. And it's true! Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of what makes your pet, what it eats, where it happens, etc. because Of this it happens that a cat eats something poisonous. The result is a poisoning. And in this case without the help of a little human pet to do is difficult. What to feed a cat after the poisoning? Try thoroughly to understand this question.

Actually the cats poisoning is rare. They have a very good sense of smell, so they can easily recognize toxic substances in food. Poisoning may be a sign that your pet has problems with sense of smell examination in this case will be superfluous.


To diagnose the cat poisoning simply. Just watch it and know all the symptoms:

  1. Cat constantly lies, not playing, not hunting, is experiencing a General weakness and lethargy. This is a common symptom of any disease your pet. If this behavior is not typical for him, then the above is a reason to think about the health of your pet.
  2. Diarrhea, vomiting, hard to swallow.
  3. Increased salivation. This leads to lack of appetite. The pet can also a long time not to drink water.
  4. Shortness of breath, rough breathing. Another common symptom of ailments.
  5. The increased body temperature.
  6. Heart palpitations.
  7. A change of behavior. There may be different, but the change you will surely feel. Pet during poisoning can lie down and not move or, on the contrary, to be extremely excited.
  8. The cat starts to tremble, she may experience seizures.

Even if there has been one symptom of the above, you need to think about the treatment of cats, as it suggests that the pet feels bad.

First aid

Of course, the issue of treatment of best deal vet. However, it so happens that to get to him with your pet is not so easy (after hours, no appropriate contact information, to travel far, etc.). In this case, you will have to act independently to facilitate the course of the disease and help your cat recover as quickly as possible.

There are several tools able to help the cat during poisoning. To fulfill them it one by one, stage by stage.

I stage. Gastric lavage

The first thing you need to do in case of poisoning as the animal, and person – to exclude possibility of negative influence on an organism of toxic substances. In this case, the poison will stay in the stomach, so you need to get rid of it soon. To achieve the result using different means. You should choose one of the available.

  1. Potassium permanganate. You need to give the cat a very weak solution. The dosage depends on the animal species, so it is better to clarify it from the expert.
  2. A solution of the Polysorbate. It is a universal tool, able to excrete poisons and toxins. As a rule, use a solution of 0.25 teaspoon per Cup of warm water. The cat must not give more than 2 tsp.of solution.
  3. Baking soda solution helps to neutralize harmful substances in the stomach. After application, it is important to take the cat to the street, need free access to fresh air.
  4. One tablet of activated charcoal and a tablespoon of water.
  5. To cleanse the stomach in cats are also used saline laxatives.
  6. Professionals often apply the healing mixture from poisoning. It includes the following components: white clay, activated charcoal, medication tsamaks, oil-based petroleum jelly. This tool neutralizes poison, and removes it with the excrement from the body.

Severe poisoning may require several washings. But remember that every washing is a new blow to the health of your pet, so do not overdo the treatments!

Stage II. To organize the work of the nervous system

Of course, if poisoning of the Central nervous system of cats suffering greatly. So she needs additional stimulation. We do not recommend you to engage in self-administration of drugs, if you have no experience of such operations. For stimulation of the Central nervous system uses the following tools:

  1. A small amount of organic coffee oral. This tool has long helped people from poisoning, and with cats it also works.
  2. Subcutaneous administration of drugs containing caffeine.
  3. A 10% glucose solution injected intravenously.

Stage III. Recovery

It is also better to do the vet as it is better than others will be able to cope with the introduction of drugs into the body. Professionals can use the following medications:

  1. After the injections. Strengthens the immune system, stabilizes the metabolism, restores the intestine.
  2. Durkan. Restores the water-salt balance.

The rehabilitation period

Feeding should be special, as the poisoning serious effort on the intestine. The animal during the period of rehabilitation requires your attention and time. Proper diet for your pet will mean that it will return to normal life in the shortest possible time.

It is important to know! Immediately after poisoning experts do not recommend to feed the cat at all. You need to give time for the gut to fully recover.Only then he will be ready to receive food.

After that it is recommended to feed your cat honey. 4-5 times a day to give small lumps. And then observe sparing diet. It includes the following products:

  • yogurt;
  • boiled chicken meat without bones;
  • liquid semolina;
  • fish broth;
  • boiled eggs;
  • water.

Do not feed your pet forcefully. Eventually, when the animal fully recovers, it will start to eat his usual food.

Poisoning are different. It happens that the cat took a match head or poisoned with rat poison. It is extremely toxic substances that are long removed from the body and almost always leave unpleasant consequences. The liver in the case of such poisoning suffers more other bodies, and the diet should be appropriate.

With a strong influence of toxins on the liver it is not recommended to give your cat fatty, fried and spicy. This is an additional burden, you can aggravate the situation. It has long been an excellent remedy for any poisoning was considered poppy seeds. They can also be added to food to your furry pet quickly recovered and returned to their former way of life, bringing joy to their owners.

How to treat a kitten

Kittens digestive system is not yet formed, and therefore vulnerable to the negative effects of toxins and fats much more than adult animals. All operations against poisoning are the same as with older cats, but the dosage should be significantly lower.

Feed the kitten after poisoning have the same products, but with an eye to the fact that his digestive tract is not yet formed. Try to give him more yogurt and very little meat.

Right solution for the poisoning and during the period of rehabilitation will be to trust your pet to a qualified veterinarian. Doctor better knows how to treat a cat and what to give her in the recovery period.