The cat is poisoned: what to do at home

Poisoning in cats can be caused by toxins or poor diet. This condition is especially dangerous for kittens. In the article we considered what to do if the cat was poisoned, how to provide first aid and when to take it to the vet.

The main causes of poisoning in cats

Poisoning cats is quite common. Although it is believed that a cat with its keen sense of smell and powerful natural instincts will not eat spoiled food, cases of poisoning they are not uncommon.

The main causes of cat poisoning are:

  • Poisons and various chemicals (rat poison, bleach, phosphorus, arsenic, trichlorfon, detergents, thallium and strychnine).
  • Medicines and drugs. The animal may be attracted by the smell, leaving your medication in a prominent place.
    Spoiled and poor quality food. It may be rotten meat, expired cat food.
  • Chocolate. This product is prohibited for cats. Milk or dark chocolate is a substance theobromine, which for them is a virulent poison.
  • Nicotine. Cigarette smoke is very rapidly absorbed through the respiratory tract into the circulatory system of the cat's body. Finding tobacco in a smoky room causes intoxication.

Please note that any chemical substance submitted by you, may cause acute toxicity cat.

Symptoms of poisoning kotyachi

Signs of poisoning in cats are addicted to a drug with which she had poisoned. If poisoning poisons they can occur immediately, but by eating poor quality food – gradually develop during the day.

Below are detailed descriptions of symptoms and the clinical picture of different cat poisoning.

Poisoning with arsenic, phosphorus or copper

The first symptoms appear 3 to 5 hours. First, the animal becomes suddenly hyperactive, then slow and lethargic. The cats appear the following clinical manifestations:

  • The development of profuse diarrhoea. In the stool may be streaks of blood.
  • Vomit contains remnants of food and bile. During the first three hours, she is an indomitable character.
  • The characteristic garlic smell from the cat's mouth.
  • Lacrimation and salivation.
  • General weakness of the cat.
  • The lack of appetite.
  • In the later stages may have convulsions throughout the body, and disturbed consciousness. Gradually the cat falls into a coma.

Thallium poisoning

The poisons from rodents, contains thallium, which is mortally dangerous to cats. It is very quickly absorbed through the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach into the bloodstream of a cat. Symptoms of thallium poisoning develop acute, 1-2 hours after contact with toxic substances inside. If the kitten poisoned with a substance that contains thallium, in 90% of cases he will die. Symptoms develop in the following sequence:

  1. Copious vomiting.
  2. Violation of coordination, the animal begins to postebatsya while walking.
  3. Complete paralysis of the cat. She could neither walk nor sit.
  4. The owner of the animal in a coma.
  5. Hair loss.

Strychnine poisoning

Strychnine is the main active ingredient poisons against moles and rats. When it is ingested, the cat's body, the first clinical signs appear after 1-2 hours. For strychnine poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The pronounced arousal of the animal, which goes into a weakness.
  • Convulsive syndrome. The seizure attack lasts for 60 seconds, during which the cat throws up, it stops the breath, stretch forward legs.
  • Increased secretion of saliva. Cat can slurp out of her mouth while the saliva flowing.

Food poisoning

When you eat stale and spoiled food develops food poisoning. Its symptoms appear during the first days, and consist of:

  • Vomiting of food eaten the contents, mucus and bile.
  • Liquid, unformed stool.
  • General weakness and lethargy of the animal.
  • The lack of appetite.
  • Bloating.

Poisoning cigarette smoke

The cat may be poisoned during their stay in smoggy with cigarette smoke indoors. Nicotine inhibits the work of the Central and peripheral nervous system. After 10-15 minutes she developed these symptoms:

  • Begin to tear the eye, the cat often blinks, she can render the internal third eyelid.
  • Increases the production of saliva. When this animal gets smacked his lips, his saliva flow from the mouth.
  • Trembling in the whole body.
  • General weakness.
  • The lack of appetite.

Poisoning chocolate

Dark chocolate is the most dangerous for cats. It contains a lot of cat poison theobromine. Symptoms of poisoning develop over 12-24 hours. The first signs of poisoning:

  • Copious vomiting.
  • Seizures in all groups of skeletal muscles.
  • Strong thirst. Cat is drinking much more than usual.
  • Rapid and deep breathing.
  • Diarrhea.

What to do in cases of poisoning the cat

Anyone house has Pets bearded Pets, you should know what to do, if the cat is poisoned. In case of poisoning with poisons and chemicals time to think not. Notwe should start to panic. Try to figure out what has poisoned your pet.

The sooner you take the cat to a veterinary clinic for treatment, the more likely she is to survive. In large cities operate round-the-clock veterinary facility. But in small towns and villages, as a rule, all veterinarians work only during the day. How to help the cat by poisoning, if it happened at night, and you have no opportunity immediately to bring an animal to the doctor?

Can begin to make a poisoned cat first aid. It consists of the following items:

  1. Starvation. Get the cat a bowl of food in the acute period of poisoning is not advisable to eat, the digestive system no need to load.
  2. Clean the cat's stomach. To do this, enter her jet and quickly usually 10-15 ml water, and then finger of his hand push down on the tongue. Such actions must provoke the animal vomiting due to which it get rid of the remnants of toxic foods.
  3. Clean the cat's intestines. To do this, take a children's enema-bag, with a volume of 50 ml, fill it with simple boiled water at room temperature, and enter it to the cat through the rectum. You must then wait until the cat goes to the toilet, and repeat the procedure.
  4. Feed the cat with water. Pour her a syringe of water every 30-60 minutes. For once you can give her 5 ml.
  5. Give the cat a sorbent. The most affordable and easy to dosing of Activated carbon. Kitten will need a quarter pill, and for an adult cat is half. Crumble desired portion of tablet and dissolve it in 5 ml of water, and wipaire cat through a syringe.

Remember that if you have a cat, you should always have on hand a children's enema "pear", a volume of 50 ml, syringe 20 ml, and activated carbon. These simple things can save the life of your pet.

That is all you can help the animal by poisoning. The vet at the clinic will write, than to treat the cat, put her on a diet, IVS and injections. If the animal is in serious condition, he is unable to leave the hospital at a veterinary clinic. In the case of stable health, the owners every day bring your pet to the vet for shots and IVS, and medication to give him yourself.

Prevention of poisoning

In most cases, the owners are to blame for the poisoning of your pet. Below are the tips following which you can protect your cat from the development of this pathological condition:

  • Keep all detergents in a tightly closed cabinets.
  • Do not leave anywhere in the free medicines and chocolate. Keep them in the fridge or cupboard.
  • Don't smoke in the room in which your pet lives.
  • Solution for washing floors pour immediately after harvesting. Animal often attracted to the smells of bleach.
  • Check the date of cat food and follow the freshness of food that you feed your pet.
  • Isolate the animal during the rodent.

Cat poisoning can be caused by a vast number of substances. Even cigarette smoke and chocolate are poisonous to cat's body. With the development of poisoning in your pet, immediately take him to the vet. Before that can give him first aid. The sooner a sick animal will go to the doctor, the higher its chances of recovery.