Forage poisoning cows: symptoms and treatment

Feed the cows poisoning requires immediate treatment, otherwise the animal may die. Any farmer or rural resident should know the basic signs and symptoms of intoxication in cattle, as well as the reasons why this is happening. So will be time to take action.

Factors poisoning

As a rule, the poisoning of the body of any animal takes place on the same factors as intoxication of a person is in his body gets toxic substances that lead to disruption of all body systems. Cows belong to herbivorous animals, and therefore, their digestive tract has an unusual structure. The intestine has a low resistance to putrefactive bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms. If the cow is poisoned, to provoke this phenomenon could have a number of reasons:

  • The ingestion of toxic chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides) used in rural areas in order to control weeds, and to improve yield.
  • The use of animals spoiled or poor quality food.
  • Eating poisonous mushrooms or plants, greenish from the sun potatoes.
  • Overeating alfalfa, corn shoots and other plants. This can happen if the cow will be on the field where they grow such crops. Therefore, in the breeding of cattle on a pasture, he would need to be monitored closely.
  • Threat for cow plants containing alkaloids. This is Buttercup, horsetail, henbane, and others. As a result of their drinking affects the internal organs of cattle. Some plants are particularly toxic. For example, Ragwort causes damage to the kidneys and liver, the animal will die in a few days. Hemlock and causes paralysis of the nervous system, so the cow will die after 4-5 hours. Treatment in both cases is not carried out as antidotes to these plants there. The cattle are immediately sent for slaughter.
  • Hit in the gut hard salts. For example, copper salts cause lethargy, stool turn green. If the time to start to treat the animal, it is possible to save him. The degree of intoxication depends on how much toxic substances were in the body of a cow.

Poisoning potatoes are very dangerous for cattle. Therefore, an animal can not give last year's potatoes. It contains solanine, which led not only to the appearance of symptoms of intoxication, but also disorder of the nervous system of cows.

Signs and symptoms of intoxication

Symptoms of poisoning in cattle depend on the type of toxin, trapped in the body. As a rule, signs of intoxication occur a few hours after the receipt of the pathogenic substances in the gut of a cow. Very rarely symptoms can appear within a day (for example, heavy metal poisoning). The General signs of intoxication the following:

  • vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. The cow stomach is strongly blown up and in the feces and urine are observed the blood particles;
  • disrupts the function of the nervous system. The animal becomes agitated, restless. In some cases, body parts of a cow become paralyzed, it becomes stationary, and during the walk staggering. Often there is also no reaction to external stimuli;
  • the pupils do not respond to bright or dim lights, and remain the only constant in the extended or Suzanna condition;
  • the temperature rises, the animal breathing heavily, changing the pulse becomes either too frequent, or, conversely, slowing down;
  • dry mucous membranes. Rarely, there is excessive drooling and watery eyes, runny nose.
  • there are muscular spasms, the muscles become tense. The cow eats is worse, but increases the amount of urine.

If first aid immediately after the animal has eaten a dangerous product, symptoms may not occur. However, if the poisons absorbed into the blood, needed the help of a veterinarian, otherwise the cow may die.

First aid

What to do when a cow poisoned by toxic substances? It is necessary to provide urgent emergency assistance. If you have the opportunity to quickly bring a veterinarian, the better, if urgent treatment is performed by a doctor. Animal give the antidote, which helps to eliminate toxins.

In the case of intoxication with chemical substances penetrate the side of the abdomen by piercing the rumen. It is important to give the cow plenty of drinking to toxins derived from urine. All protivosemnye means can be used according to the instructions. If first aid was provided by the owner of the animal, and then appeared signs of poisoning, you still need to call the doctor. He should examine the cow to confirm if she was okay.


In the process of treatment using the following drugs for poisoning cows:

  • adsorbents that contribute to the rapid excretion of toxic compounds. These include white clay, charcoal. The adsorption is carried out right after eating a cow toxic substances. If the toxin is absorbed into the blood, the absorbents will not help;
  • the antidote is the antidote to the chemical composition. Such a compound will neutralize the poison. For example, in case of poisoning with urea, the cow is injected formalin. As a result of chemical reaction of the poison is absolutely harmless for the animal.
  • physiological antidote. This substanceeliminating the interaction of poison and biological tissues;
  • laxatives. It is also recommended to use immediately, before the poison was absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus, all the contents of the intestine will be cleansed with feces;
  • caffeine is used in the depression of the nervous system. Under his influence, the cow becomes stronger. Chloral hydrate is also used for disorders of the nervous system, but he, unlike caffeine, reduces arousal;
  • glucose is injected into the body of an animal with severe diarrhoea or vomiting to avoid dehydration.

If the poisoning was provoked by mercury compounds, the cow is not getting up. In this case, the animal should immediately enter the antidote Strezhevskoi. Immediately after the introduction he starts moving, removing toxic substance. After 2 hours in the digestive tract introduce milk or protein broth, which coats the gastric mucosa.

In addition, it is recommended to wash out the stomach sick individuals. For washing you can't use pure water, since it only will dilute the poison, with the result that he quickly absorbed into the blood. Apply the solution with tannin or potassium. It is desirable that the procedure was performed by the vet, otherwise you can only harm the animal. After washing the cow is poured into the mouth with a special coating solutions.

Preventive measures

Cows eat fresh or dry grass. To not have food poisoning, you need to carefully watch what the cow eats. Quality grass and hay should be high. Better self make hay for the winter, tasseva only permitted for cow plants.

It is impossible to graze animals in areas that used chemical fertilizer for soil. Special attention should be paid to watering. It is desirable to give the water bucket from the well, not to bring a cow to the river, as it flow down the chemicals used to fertilize the soil and control weeds.

If the cow is already poisoned, it is urgent to take action. If possible, we recommend that you call the vet at home. Not delay, because in some cases even minutes can affect the outcome.