Classification of poisoning: acute, inhalation, etc.

Poisoning beset us at every step. We are constantly confronted with toxic substances. This could have serious consequences for health. Classification of poisoning will help to study the hazards and to warn yourself and your family from the disease.

Classification by type of toxic substances

Depending on what exactly led to the poisoning, there are the following types of diseases:

  1. Medication. Is caused by abnormal intake of drugs: intentional or accidental exceeding the recommended dosage. Most often, the toxicity occurs after taking a large amount of barbiturates, tranquilizers, caffeinated narcotic, cardiovascular, antiseptic and antipyretic drugs.
  2. Alcoholic. Called excessive use of alcohol-containing liquids. In addition to the negative consequences resulting by the use of counterfeit products. Symptoms bright enough. Initially, there is an emotional excitement, a state of euphoria. Afterwards the person experiences difficulty breathing, speech becomes incoherent. In severe cases, loss of consciousness occurs, alcoholic coma. If time does not take action, the poisoning is fatal.
  3. Food. Develops as a result of the use of low-quality, expired food, non-edible plants and fungi. Threat to include: eggs, milk, root vegetables, fish, meat, confectionery, canned food homemade. Intoxication accompanied by fever, weakness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite.
  4. Poisoning gases. Most often poisoning occurs after inhalation of household or the exhaust gas. The reason becomes faulty operation of equipment or violation of safety regulations. Among the first symptoms of isolated dizziness, headaches, nausea, increased sleepiness, loss of consciousness.
  5. Poisoning with pesticides. Most of that faced by agricultural workers. Disease causing pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers. Among the symptoms are: shortness of breath, confusion, seizures, tachycardia, abdominal pain, cough.
  6. Poisoning alkalis and acids. Occurs when in contact with ammonia, vinegar, caustic soda, quicklime, hydrochloric acid and other substances. The symptoms are: shortness of breath, convulsive state, loss of consciousness, involuntary defecation and urination. This disease requires immediate medical attention and hospitalization.

To avoid poisoning will help control for dairy products and the inhaled air. At the first sign of symptoms should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Depending on what substance triggered the poisoning, will be developed the correct method of therapy.

Classification according to the nature of the flow

Depending on the concentration of toxic substances and the nature of the disease distinguish the following groups of poisoning:

  1. Chronic. Develop on the background of regular intake of small amounts of toxic substances. Over time, they accumulate in the tissues of the body. At first, symptoms may be completely absent.
  2. Sharp. Arise suddenly in direct contact with toxic substances. Have a high symptoms.
  3. Subacute. The reason for getting repeated brief contact with the poison. Symptoms may be blurred.
  4. Super acute. There is contact with a large dose of potent poison. Fatal effects can occur within a couple of hours.

Acute and super acute poisoning require immediate hospital admission and acceptance of first aid measures.

Classification according to the method of penetration of the poison

Toxic substances can enter the body in different ways. Depending on this there are the following groups of poisoning:

  1. Inhalation. The poison enters the body through the respiratory tract. It can be gases, vapours, paints, tools for pest management, refrigerants. The main symptoms include shortness of breath, headache, nausea, loss of consciousness.
  2. Oral. Toxic substances enter through the mouth. This group includes food, alcoholic intoxication, and poisoning with acids and alkalis.
  3. Percutanea. The poisons enter through the hair follicles or sebaceous glands in the skin. To strengthen the permeability can wounds, scratches and burns. Most often, toxicity comes from the actions of pesticides, petroleum products, mercury, or hydrogen cyanide.
  4. Injection. The introduction of the poison under the skin, intravenously or intramuscularly. Toxic substances spread throughout the body in seconds. The most dangerous form of the disease.

Depending on the method of penetration of the poison into the cells of the body will depend on the speed of the disease and the degree of intoxication.

Classification by random factor

All poisoning can be divided into two groups: accidental and deliberate. This random divided into two groups:

  1. Production. Occur in people employed in hazardous occupations. May be associated with emergencysituation or the gradual accumulation of toxic substances in the body.
  2. Household. This disease often leads to self-medication, accidental overdose of drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, the use of poor quality or expired food.

Intentional poisoning also divided into a few major categories:

  1. Criminal. The introduction of the poison into the human body with the goal of killing or bringing in a helpless condition.
  2. Suicidal. People intentionally consume toxic substance with suicidal intent.
  3. The usual. These include intoxication of alcohol and drugs in people with addictions.

The most dangerous criminal poisoning. They cannot be prevented and it is not always possible to time to render first aid.

Accidental poisoning is necessary to diagnose. Only so can avoid serious health consequences.

Classification on the possible consequences

Divide toxicity into groups and come there after an illness of complications. In connection with this release:

  1. Complicated. In some situations, toxicity can have serious health consequences. If the concentration of toxic substances was too high, and first aid measures are not taken in a timely manner, it is possible to advance the disability or death of a person. Complications can occur from respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. In this case, after the detoxification of the body will require long-term treatment complications.
  2. Uncomplicated. Are almost completely, not cause serious harm.

Depending on the specific toxic substances and the degree of destruction specialist will develop a program of treatment of the victim. Therefore, when the first alarming symptoms should immediately consult a doctor.