Poisoning without vomiting, diarrhea and temperature

Food poisoning is fairly common and is often characterized by sharp features, among which are diarrhea and vomiting. Intoxication disease-causing microorganisms and toxins secreted by them. They get into the digestive tract through spoiled foods and cause various unpleasant ailments. However, often food poisoning without vomiting and diarrhea, depending on the nature of influence of harmful microorganisms and toxins.

The causes of poisoning

As you know, bacteria surround us everywhere, but their adverse influence on the human body can occur only for certain reasons. Food poisoning is more likely to occur if they were initially unfit for human consumption. Intoxication may occur if products were stored or were prepared incorrectly.

In unfavorable conditions, pathogenic microorganisms can easily multiply in food. Many pathogens secrete one or more toxins, which play an important role in the emergence of certain symptoms. Most often these include enterotoxins, cytotoxins and neurotoxins. All of them act on certain organs, causing the body reacts in different ways.

Enterotoxins and cytotoxins, getting into the body through the food or water, cause pathological changes in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. The victim starts bright signs of diarrhea or vomiting (often both together). But the severity of the symptoms depends on the properties of toxins and their number. If the dose of toxins is small, there may be poisoning no fever, diarrhoea or vomiting. Wondering whether it may be intoxication with without food liquid stool, or retching, you should know that it is quite possible. However, this does not mean that the victim will have no symptoms. Toxins still have a devastating effect on the body, forming a General picture of the poisoning.


Feel unwell people may have 2-3 hours after eating the food (and sometimes before). The victim feels a sharp malaise, the severity of which depends on the General condition of the organism, age, and doses of exotoxins. Without poisoning the classic signs of vomiting or diarrhea often is softer and independently held three days later. The risk of complications is extremely low. Most often may experience few symptoms from the list:

  • Pain in the stomach or intestine;
  • General weakness of the body;
  • Low appetite;
  • A slight rise in temperature;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • The feeling of nausea.

Quite sensitive to food poisoning are children. Even with a small ingestion of exotoxins, the child begins to feel severe fatigue in the body until the increase in temperature (fever is rare). While diarrhea in a baby can not be celebrated, but it can tear. Frequent urge for vomiting dangerous because it can lead to dehydration child's body – if there is such a situation, you should call a doctor.

Dehydration in urine, typically missing for several hours. Baby lips are dry and pale, they can appear cracks. With this condition the baby may cry without tears.

In case of intoxication, the body tries to get rid of the dangerous toxins and removes them with the help of liquid stool and vomiting. The poisoning of food without these manifestations is dangerous because the toxins remain in the body. Therefore, even if slight intoxication should help detoxify all the harmful microorganisms and their waste products.


If the poisoning is severe life-threatening symptoms then you should immediately call medical assistance. Especially dangerous poisoning Salmonella or botulism bacteria.

Intoxication no diarrhea or vomiting is usually mild nature, and does not have too pronounced and acute manifestations. In this case, would be sufficient to perform some simple first aid measures at home.

Very often, to get rid of harmful effects of toxin sufficient to cause vomiting. To do this, the victim should drink several glasses of warm water (better with the addition of salt or a small amount of potassium permanganate), and then induce vomiting. This will help you to quickly clean the stomach from spoiled food or toxin including.

If the toxins are already in the intestine, as evidenced by abdominal pain, an effective measure will be the appointment of sorbents. These drugs are often used to cleanse the body, but in a state of intoxication, they are essential. Sorbents perfectly absorb toxic products and toxins, and then easily leave the body.

One of the most simple and proven of chelator is an activated carbon. Collecting all harmful compounds, the drug leaves the body in a natural way. In addition to activated carbon, with the same efficiency to use POLYSORB, Enterosgel or Polifepan.

Sorbents are not recommended to all those who have atonybowel and intestinal obstruction. For this pathology the sorbent will not be able to get out of the body. Drugs POLYSORB activated carbon Polifepan unsafe for gastric. Because of this, before taking them or any other drug you should consult with your doctor. Chelators should not be taken in just one take with other medicines or food. Necessary to sustain the interval to 2 hours.

To quickly rid the body of ailments, you can resort to laxative drugs. There are many different means to cleanse the bowel with certain mechanisms of action on the human body. When choosing them it is better to consult a doctor.

During treatment, the patient must ensure to drink plenty of liquids, which will protect from dehydration and helps to restore electrolyte balance and withdraw harmful substances. Drinking will help avoid possible complications. For this purpose specialists recommend to drink clean water (preferably boiled) at room temperature, mineral water without gas, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, jelly, weak tea or decoction of herbs with anti-inflammatory action. Taking liquid, you need to provide the body with necessary amounts of potassium and sodium. These substances are extremely important for the heart and other vital organs.

For recovery it is important to know that during the period of intoxication the heavy food undesirable. It is necessary to exclude food of animal origin and to include in the diet more fruits (excluding pears, prunes and plums), for example, is very useful apples.

On the first day even better to forgo food in order to help the body to get clean without the extra load. In the next few days to eat often, but small portions.

If symptoms of poisoning do not leave during the treatment and the victim feels bad for 4-5 days, you should consult a specialist and pass the necessary tests that will help determine the condition of the body.


One hundred percent protect yourself from food poisoning is impossible, but by following some simple steps, you can significantly protect yourself and your family.

Choose in shops and markets only the freshest products, you need to pay attention to their shelf life. When purchasing, pay attention to the integrity, appearance, and smell. Products which raise doubts must be put aside. When buying food you must also pay attention to storage conditions.

With caution eat mushrooms (especially strangers) and food from cans. In the use of these products can cause intoxication of varying severity.

Before you start cooking, foods should be thoroughly washed. Some types of threat agents can be easily removed with the help of running water.

Many raw foods (meat, fish, chicken, raw milk) is often contamination with dangerous microorganisms. These products must undergo proper heat treatment. Each dish should be brought to full readiness. Meat or fish should be well cooked. If you use meat from the freezer, it should be thawed before cooking (preferably in the fridge).

Cooked food is best consumed immediately. The longer prepared food remains uneaten, the more it will begin to accumulate bacteria and thus food becomes unsafe.

To store cooked food or need hot (+60° C) or cold (below +10° C). Baby food it is better not to store and use immediately after preparation. Pre-cooked food must be thoroughly heated (liquid dishes boil), causing a harmful microorganisms will be eliminated.

Another important measure is perfectly clean kitchen. Any surface on which a dish must be clean. To work with meat, it is desirable to have separate knives and cutting boards. Kitchen towels should be changed every day. You must also follow the absence of flies and other flying insects that can be vectors of parasites.