What is protein poisoning: symptoms, treatment

Protein ─ the most important component of the human body. However, excessive consumption of this organic matter may lead to violations of functions of internal organs and the poisoning of the whole organism.

Protein and its importance

Protein (the scientific term is "protein") consists of 20 amino acids, half of them being essential. This means that the body cannot synthesize them on their own. They must come from food. The second half is interchangeable, the body creates them from other amino acids.

Animal food rich in protein: eggs, dairy products, meat, fish. Vegetable protein is found in nuts, legumes, wheat, rye, and soybeans.

Once in the digestive tract, protein is broken down to amino acids, which are absorbed in the intestine and are distributed throughout the body. What they need:

  • the growth of muscle tissue;
  • the construction of the bones;
  • part of hormones, enzymes;
  • an alternative source of energy.

The causes of poisoning

Protein poisoning in humans occurs due to the imbalance in the diet. In 95% of cases it, consequently, occurs as a result of deliberate and conscious actions of people. For example, when strict and limited diet, excess use of sports nutrition when a person wants in accelerated pace to lose weight or build muscle.

Poisoning sports nutrition

Proteins, contrary to all myths – not chemistry, and natural products. They are mandatory included in the diet of all athletes. If people decide to visit the athletic hall, to actively train and use the proteins, he needs to remember simple rules:

  • it is impossible to independently choose the sports nutrition, its form and dosage recommended by the coach, considering the frequency and intensity of physical activity;
  • the dose of protein for a beginner and a professional athlete is different, despite the same duration of training;
  • increasing the dose of standard indicators that are recommended by the manufacturer, should be gradual.

Disregard for the rules in the pursuit of quick results leads to protein overdose and poisoning. Proportional to the disparity of proteins, fats and carbohydrates violates the metabolic processes in the body. Another reason is the use of low quality products of dubious production. Sports nutrition must be licensed and have certificates of international quality standard.

The severity of the poisoning depends on protein:

  • age;
  • sex;
  • physical activity.

Protein diet as the cause of poisoning

The desire to lose weight quickly pushes people to drastic changes in the diet. However, they do not think about the consequences, believing that external transformation is worth the risks that can lead to problems inside the body.

Protein Dukan diet, Atkins diet or Kremlin suggest an abundance of animal protein, mainly meat, and the exclusion of carbohydrates. This diet a few days leading to intoxication meat and protein poisoning. Deficiency of carbohydrates and fats results in the following violations:

  • the failure of the kidneys due to the high content of ammonia, which is released from the breakdown of proteins;
  • the accumulation of salts and formation of stones in the urinary tract;
  • violation of transport of nutrients in the body;
  • cholesterol increase that by 30% increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of lack in the diet of fiber;
  • nervous irritability and emotional instability.

The systematic consumption of large quantities of meat products leads to poisoning.

Poisoning seafood

Exotic seafood – oysters, octopus, shrimp, squid, snails, lobsters contain high amounts of protein. Enthusiasm for these products, experiments in cooking can cause not only allergic reactions, but also poisoning, also with the big use, for example shrimp, you can get protein poisoning seafood. This is especially true among Europeans, where such dishes are a delicacy.

Protein poisoning mushrooms

The protein content in mushrooms – up to 30%, depending on species. It is twice more than in eggs and three times than meat. They are low in calories and quickly cause a feeling of satiety. The amount of protein distributed in the mushroom unevenly, more hat, less, in the leg.

Mushroom protein is soluble organic matter. In combination with chitin (a polysaccharide providing rigidity), which is contained in mushrooms, poorly digested proteins enzymes are not completely absorbed in the digestive tract. When excessive eating mushrooms cause protein poisoning of the body.

Poisoning proteins fungi or their toxins are not one and the same. Protein poisoning is the result of excessive intake of edible mushrooms or at infringement of technology of cooking. It is not dangerous for life, the treatment is carried out at home. Toxic poisoning occurs after eating the poisonous mushrooms and requires emergency hospitalization.


Objective signs of poisoning applies a high content of protein in the blood (hyperproteinemia), and in the urine (proteinuria).

Symptoms of poisoning squirrels:

  1. From the blood – the smell of ammonia from mouth, impaired peristalsis, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, abdominal pain of different character and intensity, heaviness in the epigastric region.
  2. The skeletal system is for the digestion of protein requires calcium. With an abundance of protein, calcium from food is not enough. It begins to leach from the bones. In the result, the bone tissue becomes brittle, creates conditions for the development of osteoporosis.
  3. From the urinary system – dark urine because of the content of Ca. When a large amount of broken work of kidneys (nephritis), inflamed mucosa of the ureter and bladder. Start the process of stone formation in the kidney (mainly oxalates).
  4. The General intoxication symptoms – fatigue, chills, dizziness, fever.
  5. From the nervous system – transient blurred vision, headache, rarely fainting, emotional instability.
  6. The older people showing signs of heart failure – shortness of breath, severe weakness after any physical exertion, shortness of breath at rest, mental confusion.

First aid and treatment

At the first signs of poisoning should be possible to cleanse the body. If intoxication caused by food, the treatment should be directed at removing food residue from the digestive tract and relieving symptoms.

To clean the stomach, cause an artificial vomiting or lavage. For bowel movement put enema (1 liter of boiled water, 22-25 °C). To reduce the level of intoxication, you should drink the activated coal. When conducting these activities are not part of digested protein in the body remains. For its digestion and absorption are taking pancreatic enzymes, two day, adhere to a rigid diet.

Treatment for an overdose of protein (sports nutrition):

  • drinking regime at least 4 liters per day;
  • the rejection of protein per week;
  • cancellation of training before the disappearance of symptoms of poisoning.

If improvement does not occur, and the symptoms intensify, monitoring the state of the organism in the hospital environment.

Isolated cases of protein poisoning do not pose a serious threat to the human condition. Incurred temporary symptoms can resolve on their own, without the involvement of doctors. To avoid intoxication, it is necessary to strike a balance in eating and clear dosage in sports nutrition.