How and what can be poisoned at home

Poisoning is the most common thing in our time, and none of it is insured. You can get poisoned, even at home, and those products from which you least expect. Although many do not understand how you can get poisoned by food that people use for many years and not experience any discomfort. And, actually, therein lies the greatest danger – it is possible to poison those foods that people used to eat many times and felt fine. Consider the top 10 most dangerous products that are in your fridge, and tips on what to do to avoid them.


This includes shrimp, mussels, squid, sets and everything that is sold in the store under the guise of "Seafood". The problem is that it is long in the refrigerator, so it does not deteriorate. But if you take a pack, for example, mussels and thaw it, will "revive" harmful microorganisms and make new bacteria. The same thing happens with meat if you keep it in a warm room, it will start to wind up dangerous bacteria. This effect occurs in the case of seafood. Only meat you can buy in the nearest village and bring him to the store, but the seafood most often driven far away.

Besides the supermarkets have from time to time to convey all the frozen products, which they defrosted (transport them in the same refrigerators that are included in the outlet, and have in the refrigerator). If you repeatedly freeze and thaw any product, he can just rot. With seafood, the same thing happens, so any of us can easily poison them at home. If we're talking about seafood, they will certainly infest Salmonella.

To not be poisoned seafood, the only thing that can make an ordinary buyer is to look at the expiration date.


Due to the fact that the tomato skin is very delicate and easy to damage, often in the product "settling" of the same Salmonella, noroviruses and bacteria. Besides, usually in winter, tomatoes are stored in large rooms, where again, very well breed some bacteria. In winter, fresh vegetables driven from a distance or from the same repositories. In the first hour after ingestion of the usual tomato from the store can be poisoned and go to hospital for gastric lavage.

If you don't want to poison the tomatoes, be sure to thoroughly wash it before you eat.

Ice cream

Due to improper storage in the ice cream is very easy to accumulate bacteria which when ingested in the human body begin to compromise its performance. In the summer season, up to 20% of poisonings it is necessary on ice cream. The fact that this product melts a little, then the bacteria inside of it "come alive" and even "invite your friends". And they can cause food poisoning.

To avoid ice cream, you need to choose the right. And it can be done by applying the following tips:

  • the ice cream should be no clots, lumps, it should have one color;
  • if it's not berry ice cream and it is evenly colored, buy it is not necessary – most likely, he has expired;
  • take ice cream in your hand and if it remains some traces from the pack or the label on the pack will be blurred, ice cream is definitely overdue;
  • if you already bought ice cream and I can taste metal, a better product to throw away.


Cheese is one of the most favorite products for Escherichia coli. In addition, this product is affected to a different food, which lies next to him in the fridge. So, if you put cheese near potatoes, fish, meat or other products, they will acquire a strong odor, if not worse. Interestingly, the cheese may not cause poisoning, but those products that were lying around. With extreme caution to treat the following types of cheese:

  • bree;
  • Roquefort;
  • Camembert;
  • FET;
  • mizithra;
  • bonchester.

In General, this list can include absolutely all soft and semi-hard cheeses. Also the danger cheeses.

In order not to poison the cheese, be sure to wrap it in foil, put in a plastic bag and close it or use food containers.


Black olives are most often normal green fruit, painted black with ferrous gluconate. In fact, this substance and can be severely poisoned in the body will be too much iron, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, vasodilatation, reduction of blood supply to the brain, shock, coma, liver damage and obstruction of the intestine. Of course, with household iron poisoning last 5 symptoms are rare, but if you regularly take the olives with iron, theyit can take place.

In order not to get poisoned olives, use these tips:

  • it is better to buy olives in glass containers;
  • look at the consistency of the olives – homogeneous if they are, whether rich color;
  • pour in the Cup of the liquid from the container with the olives – if it is black, then there is iron gluconate;
  • put one olive on a napkin and leave for a few days if the cloth will remain a black mark, olive painted iron.

Processed meats

This includes all sorts of sausages, burgers (not properly cooked), liver, stuffing, pâté, and so on. No I do not say exactly what conditions produce all these products and observe whether the rules of hygiene. Also, no one recognizes what exactly they are made. In addition, if not properly stored there is the botulinum toxin (which causes botulism). It is popularly called the sausage poison. This product would be a completely normal taste, color and smell.

Therefore, to avoid poisoning from sausages and other processed meats, you need to do the following:

  • before use, boil the purchased product;
  • buy something that has a short shelf life;
  • buy only the highest grade;
  • look at the temperature in the refrigerator is where you store similar products – it should be from 0 to 8 degrees.


Of course, our top 10 can't do without cakes, pastries, creams and so on. The problem is that all such filling is perishable. If it's a baked product, when there is insufficient air circulation it can wind up all kinds of bacteria. The shelf life of the sweets may not be the greatest, so the staff often "kill" it again to showcase.

In this case you can only look at the expiry date – it should be clear, applied directly to the packaging (no stickers) and not too large.

Interestingly, even in this case, sweet may be poisonous in the home, if it is wrong to keep them.

The usual meat

It can be chicken, pork, beef, quail or any other meat. This product is very rarely kept in the right conditions – it either peremanivat (that rapid defrosting leads to decay of the product), or put a very high storage of meat temperature.

Therefore, when choosing meat, look at its texture, color (homogeneous, saturated), it should not be too much water. Also smell the meat should not be too sharp odor. It is important not to eat meat dishes more than two days, because they just deteriorate, even if they are in the fridge.

Dairy products and eggs

As dairy products and eggs are a perfect incubator for Salmonella, Staphylococcus, exotoxins, and many other dangerous "passengers". Many people prefer to consume these foods raw, without heat treatment (i.e., without cooking, frying, boiling and so on). Dangerous bacteria develop in milk, if the cows, goats and chickens was poor care or the people who care for them suffer from skin diseases. In the latter case, no gloves won't save.

To avoid poisoning, we need to do the following:

  • don't buy these products in untested places and natural markets;
  • keep dairy products at temperatures above 5 degrees and the eggs are not above 6 degrees;
  • store eggs and milk not more than the period.


Often poisoning products which I least expected. The most common parsley or lettuce can carry many dangerous bacteria. The problem is that these products are washed very poorly (in the case of the supermarket, in the best case, the greens are just pouring water from a hose). Because of this, all that is in the ground, remains of fertilizers, and most dangerous, chemicals remain on the green and end up in the human body.

To avoid poisoning the greens, always rinse it and poured boiling water.

So, this was the TOP 10 most dangerous foods can be poisoned at home. But adhering to the above tips, you can avoid this. Bon appetit!