How many hours is manifested food poisoning

The question is, how long seen poisoning, worries many people, even a couple of hours of inactivity may lead to serious consequences – complexity of treatment and longer recovery period.

What is poisoning

Poisoning – it is a modular concept, which implies the violation of the normal functioning of the organs and systems caused by the ingestion of harmful toxins. Types of intoxication are classified according to poisons and their effects. Thus, irrespective of the stimulus, the disease symptoms will be similar.

The most common type of poisoning is a food, triggered by poor quality food. Pathogens – bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract with food, but also due to the violation of personal hygiene and food processing. Food poisoning is manifested in acute and chronic form.

Pathogenic bacteria

Penetrating the stomach, pathogenic bacteria start active proliferation and the release of harmful substances. The intensity and time of the first signs is directly dependent on the individual characteristics of the organism, such as bacteria and the number of eating contaminated food. Favorable environment for the occurrence of harmful microorganisms are the following foods: meat, fish, shrimp, vegetables and fruit, eggs. If these products were used during inadequate treatment, the risk of poisoning is very high, especially for children and the elderly.

Common symptoms of food intoxication:

  • acute beginning of disease – from an hour to several days (up to weeks) after ingestion of the bacteria;
  • fast for 3 to 5 days;
  • clear signs indicating that the poisoning occurred due to consumption of a product;
  • the disease is transmitted to humans from the environment of the patient.

There are two types of food poisoning:

  1. Bacterial pathogens are of various pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Non-bacterial intoxication occurs due to exposure to pesticides, as well as through threat inedible mushrooms, plants and berries.

The most common pathogenic agents of food poisoning are Staphylococcus, botulin, coliform bacteria, Salmonella.

Bacterial poisoning

Intoxication caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli, can begin as early as 30 minutes after the ingestion of bacteria. Appears food poisoning the following signs:

  • a sharp deterioration, weakness;
  • chills, shivering;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature rise;
  • hypotension.

Timely begun treatment in a day comes improvement.

This type of poisoning most often occurs by eating stale fish and poorly cooked it in dishes. Thus, in the period of spawning, the ROE, liver, milt of sturgeon, perch, pike become toxic. Poisoning fish is dangerous inthat it can manifest in the form of Allergy, with the characteristic of this disease signs (rash, itching).

When purchasing the fish, pay attention to its appearance. Distended abdomen, scales leafless, gray gills, dull eyes indicate that it is stale and, therefore, its use is dangerous to health.

Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus can contain meat and cooked products unless they were prepared with the violation of the technology.

Salmonella makes itself felt during the day. Symptoms of poisoning:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • a strong increase in temperature (to 40 degrees);
  • headaches.

The danger of this type of poisoning is that dehydration of the body, if untreated, even possible death.

Difficult manageable botulism, at home with illness is impossible to cure. Infection of the body is the result of eating canned goods. There are signs of poisoning within a few hours and are expressed as:

  • disorders of visual and respiratory functions;
  • weakness, aches in the body;
  • difficulties swallowing.

Doctors quickly recognize the signs of botulism, so with timely treatment for medical help, he successfully treated.

In poor quality dairy products and home unboiled milk can develop a bacterium Shigella. Appears food poisoning caused by shigellosis, 1-7 days from the moment of penetration into an organism bacteria.


  • headache;
  • weakness in muscles and joints;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increasing the temperature to 38 degrees;
  • frequent stools (severe cases with blood);
  • loss of consciousness, convulsions.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory diagnosis confirming the presence of bacteria.

Salmonellosis and shigellosis are communicable diseases, so the treatment should take place in a hospital.

Non-bacterial poisoning

Intoxication occurs due to the influence on the organism of chemical substances (nitrates, chlorine, mercury) and toxins contained in plants or fungi. The last type is one ofthe most dangerous types of toxicity, as some of the mushrooms (pale toadstool, fly agaric) contains toxic poison alpha amanitin. 4 hours after it enters the blood appears severe diarrhea, then the patient's condition stabiliziruemost. After a 48-72 hour turn yellow skin, there is a tremor, the level of glucose in the blood drops sharply. If you do not start timely treatment, the patient may die due to pulmonary, hepatic or renal failure.

In cases of poisoning with medicines is the time of manifestation of symptoms of intoxication – from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the drug. A person may experience dizziness, a disorder of the Central nervous system.

Medicines that reduce the pressure dangerous symptoms will appear in an hour: loss of coordination, a critical decrease in blood pressure, disturbance of visual function, slowing of the heart rate. The death of the patient may occur in 6-12 hours.

In any case, do not combine drugs that contain paracetamol, with alcohol. A man comes a poisoning in the acute form of hepatitis. Intoxication is manifested through 2-5 hours after taking the dangerous "cocktail".

The severity of poisoning from alcoholic drinks depends on how the person drank alcohol on an empty stomach or during a meal. The first option involves the concentration of toxins in the blood within 30 minutes, the second after 1.5-2 hours. Symptoms of poisoning: vomiting, aggressiveness, loss of coordination, loss of consciousness. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood exceeds 4%, the person dies without regaining consciousness.

Very dangerous for the human body, nitrate poisoning, which occurs due to eating unwashed fruits and vegetables previously treated with chemical fertilizers. Symptoms similar with other types of intoxications.

The greatest amount of nitrates accumulated in the radishes, Brussels sprouts, turnips, rutabaga, fruits poisonous toxins accumulates much less.

How to treat poisoning yourself

For the successful treatment of intoxication all operational actions. As soon as the person noticed the first signs of poisoning, it is impossible to lose.

The first thing to do is to cleanse the body of toxins by artificial vomiting. For this purpose a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which the patient needs to drink, and then push two fingers on the tongue and induce vomiting. The procedure must be repeated several times until the water coming out of the stomach, is clear. If no potassium permanganate solution can be prepared from baking soda.

Then the patient need to take drugs-sorbents. The most common of them is activated carbon, the dosage which is calculated from the patient's body weight: 1 tablet per 10 pounds. Black coal can be replaced with white, it will need much less, just 2-3 pills. You can also take enterosgel, Polisorb, smectite, pre-carefully read the instructions or consult with your doctor.

The action of enterosorbents is their ability to absorb, like a sponge, harmful toxins and go with them from the body naturally.

During vomiting and diarrhea leave the body not only toxins, but also water, and is a useful macro. To restore the water-electrolyte balance is recommended to drink plenty of liquids: bottled water, mineral water without gas, sweet weak tea, stewed fruit, broth herbs. Some of the herbs not only fill the body with liquid and reduce stomach pain, reduce inflammation – chamomile, dill, yarrow, wormwood. The drink should be hot.

During treatment, you need to follow a strict diet. In the diet of the patient should enter a light meal: navaristye soups, mashed potatoes, meat, boiled or steamed (for example, steam cutlets, meatballs, souffle), mashed cooked vegetables, rice, semolina, cereals, crackers, cookies app. From the menu you should avoid fatty, salty, sweet dishes, raw vegetables, fruits, berries, dairy products.

How can we prevent poisoning

As practice shows, most of the food poisoning can be prevented, it is necessary to follow simple precautions:

  • do not buy products with expired shelf life;
  • do not buy products in damaged packaging;
  • carefully handle fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • do not eat raw eggs;
  • to keep clean and tidy the kitchen up.

Bacteria surround us everywhere, whether we like it or not, but at observance of simple precautions you can avoid poisoning.