An overdose of ibuprofen: implications, treatment

Ibuprofen belongs to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is used as analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agents in various diseases in children and adults. The action of the drug prolonged that allows you to forget about the unpleasant symptoms for a few hours. But despite the benefit from the drug, it is possible to overdose on ibuprofen in case of incorrect use.

General characteristics of the drug

Ibuprofen (Ibuprofen) is a medicine which belongs to the group of nonselective NSAIDsthat block COX-1 and COX-2, derivatives of propionic acid. The drug comprises the eponymous substance ibuprofen. Forms release the drug lot of gel and ointment for topical use, suspension for children, pills, capsules and tablets for making effervescent solution.

Indications for use

Ibuprofen drug remedy is indicated for pain of various etiologies and in fever, which is caused by different reasons. Indications for use are:

  • fever, which is caused by infectious diseases and influenza. And also fever during teething in children after preventive or routine vaccination;
  • acute pain tonsillitis, otitis.
  • migraine;
  • toothache;
  • arthritis;
  • pain in various diseases of the spine and joints.

It is strictly forbidden to take the drug with marked pain in the abdomen. This can smooth out the symptoms for appendicitis and hinder timely assistance.

In what cases may a poisoning ibuprofen

Poisoning ibuprofen possible only in a few cases, often by negligence:

  • Incorrectly calculated the dosage of a pure substance relative to the weight of the body. This happens if the dose is calculated on the eyes, without taking into account the exact weight of the patient.
  • If taking the drug, which contains more active ingredient than necessary. The pharmaceutical industry produces ibuprofen in tablets with different content of active funds, so the possible confusion.
  • If the child is found attractive jar with delicious fruit syrup and all drank it. It is the result of the irresponsibility of the parents who have to hide drugs in inaccessible places.
  • In self-medication. Some people prefer to put a diagnosis and prescribe treatment independently, which sometimes leads to bad consequences.
  • If you have an allergic reaction to this drug.

To avoid overdosing, you need to take it only by the doctor and in precisely the dose!

Contraindications to the use of ibuprofen

In rare cases poisoning drug if you take it despite these contraindications in the instructions. These include diseases and conditions:

  1. Chronic heart failure.
  2. Diseases of the optic nerve.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.
  4. Pronounced diathesis.
  5. Consistently high blood pressure.
  6. Wounds on the skin (for ointment and gel).
  7. Breast-feeding.
  8. The last trimester of pregnancy.
  9. Children under the age of three months for suspension.
  10. Children under six years of age, for tablets.
  11. Allergic reactions in anamnesis.

If the patient has in the history of the disease some of these diseases or conditions, the dose is adjusted by the doctor or the medication replaced.

How ibuprofen is harmful

Harmful if ibuprofen? Question people of different age groups. It turns out that people who regularly take higher doses of ibuprofen at risk of cardiovascular disease. The effect on the heart and vessels begins, if the patient consistently takes medication in a dosage exceeding 2400 mg per day. Doctors should prescribe this drug with caution for those patients diagnosed with heart disease. But still benefit from meds more than harm. How many pills a day can be consumed in a particular disease, the doctor calculates. But the dose should not exceed 1200 mg per day for an adult.

Side effects

Like other medicines, Ibuprofen has many side effects:

  • Changes in the digestive tract – nausea, vomiting, heartburn. You may experience sores in the mouth that is accompanied by pain.
  • The liver is hepatitis, which is accompanied by a yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Disorders in the respiratory system – shortness of breath and heaviness in breathing.
  • Disturbed hearing and vision, possible conjunctivitis.
  • Nervous system – headache, confusion, sleep disturbance.
  • From cardiovascular system tachycardia, and possible increase in pressure.
  • Mochevyvodjashie system changes, manifested acute renal failure.
  • Skin rash and itching.
  • Anemia.

If there is unwanted effects, you need to stop treatment and consult a doctor. Usually , the rapid elimination of the drug serious health effects notoccurs.

Symptoms of overdose of ibuprofen

If a person took a large amount of the drug, he experiences these symptoms of overdose:

  • movements slow down;
  • have an acute pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • noises in the ears;
  • sleep disorders;
  • a migraine and a feeling of pressure in the skull;
  • irregular heart rhythm;
  • the pressure decrease;
  • failures in the respiratory system;
  • coma.

Anti-inflammatory drug excessive use may result in severe condition that require medical care.

First aid for overdose

Overdose ibuprofen first aid only effective for the first houruntil the drug had not fully absorbed into the bloodstream:

  1. The victim washed stomach. Use pure non-carbonated or slightly salty water. The procedure can be performed until the waste water is absolutely clean.
  2. Give adsorbents – Polisorb, APSCO, activated carbon. All products should be pre-dissolved in water.
  3. Give the patient plenty of drink, preferably pure water at room temperature.

It is impossible to unsolder patients with poisoning juices or sodas!

  1. Symptomatic therapy, which aims to improve heart function and elimination of intestinal bleeding.

If poisoning ibuprofen diagnosed in a pregnant woman, a child of any age or elderly persons, it is reason for immediate call an ambulance.

Features of taking ibuprofen

Therapy with ibuprofen trying to hold in a minimal dose, which helps to achieve efficiency, and in a short time. It is worth remembering that the almost complete withdrawal of the drug from the body after 6-8 hours, so to take the next dose is not before this time span. During treatment it is forbidden to drink alcohol and to engage in any activity that requires increased attention.

How to prevent poisoning

To prevent ibuprofen toxicity for everyone, it is necessary to be attentive to themselves and families:

  1. You can't leave antipyretic syrups available for kids place. Even the bottles and caps equipped with a secret can accidentally uncoiling.
  2. It is prohibited to store in the house of drugs with expired shelf life, they can cause severe poisoning.
  3. It is impossible to self-medicate.
  4. If you have a chronic illness, make known to the doctor before prescribing.

In case of allergic reactions should be cautious to take medication in syrups. There are dyes, preservatives and fragrances that may aggravate the disease.

Comparing the benefit and possible harm of ibuprofen, the doctors come to the conclusion that this drug is very effective for many diseases, but only when used correctly.