Overdose and poisoning azaleptinum: lethal dose

Azaleptin is an antipsychotic that is very different from traditional antipsychotics. The drug has a sedative effect. It is prescribed to patients with cognitive disorders – reduction of information perception, mental abilities, memory. Also the drug is indicated for schizophrenia, depression, manic States, psychomotor agitation. The drug is toxic, therefore azaleptinum poisoning is possible at high doses.

The causes of poisoning by medication risk group

The drug is available as tablets for oral administration. To reduce the chance of toxic effects, drink the medicine you need after a meal. The maximum allowable daily dose for adults is 600 mg Poisoning azaleptinum occurs when exceeding the prescribed dosage. This may occur accidentally and intentionally with the purpose of suicide.

The product is dangerous to health, and its intake in large quantities poses a direct threat to life, it is not indicated for patients with severe mental disorders, drug and alcohol addiction.

The categories of persons who have a risk of poisoning azaleptinum upgraded:

  • elderly;
  • patients with serious kidney and heart;
  • thin, emaciated patients;
  • if the history of the pathology of the hematopoietic system;
  • cerebrovascular disease – hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, CHD (coronary heart disease).

Symptoms of poisoning azaleptinum

The drug has a toxic effect on all internal organs and systems. Therefore, signs of toxicity is multifaceted and manifested in varying degrees of intensity.

The impact of azaleptin on the Central nervous system characterized by such symptoms:

  • dizziness, pain in the head, the temporal region;
  • the increase in body temperature, which persists antipyretic agents;
  • paleobiology or brief loss of consciousness;
  • excited state, an inexplicable excitement;
  • muscle rigidity – increased tone of skeletal muscles;
  • tremor – twitching of the fingers, hands;
  • akathisia – a pathological condition that requires constant change of body position (internal restlessness);
  • she is confused, inadequate reaction to external stimuli;
  • the impossibility of voluntary movements.

In case of overdose azaleptinum there is insomnia, disturbed sleep quality, shortens its duration. The victims is aggravated by depression, muscle cramps appear according to the type of epileptic.

Toxic damage to the nervous system is displayed on shared state. Blood pressure becomes unstable, the skin becomes pale, marble, cold to the touch. Dramatically decreases physical activity, increases the overall fatigue. The victim sweats a lot.

Due to toxic action on the kidneys develops oliguria (reduction in the daily amount of urine) in severe cases, a few hours after the poisoning occurs anuria (absence of urine), which indicates the stop of the kidneys. In men impaired potency.

The defeat of the digestive system manifested by such signs:

  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • hypersalivation – active uncontrolled salivation;
  • single or repeated vomiting;
  • pain in the epigastric region and abdomen.

Poisoning azaleptinum directly affects the qualitative and quantitative composition of the blood. The victim is reduced in the peripheral blood the number of granulocytes (a group of white blood cells responsible for human immune system). In severe cases of intoxication occurs agranulocytosis (absence of granulocytes). The first symptoms of this condition are chills, fever, high body temperature, uncontrollable thirst, inflammation of the mucous membranes and gums.

Once in the blood, the drug affects the respiratory system. The person has shortness of breath, frequency of the respiratory acts increases, but the depth of inhalation is minimal. Therefore, the breathing frequent, superficial, sometimes intermittent.

Azaleptin in high doses, violates the metabolic processes in the body, leading to functional disorders of internal organs. In chronic poisoning patients present weight gain.

The affected fixed myasthenia gravis – a neuromuscular pathology, which is characterized by rapid fatigue of striated muscles.

Broken fixture or adaptation of the senses to the external factors of irritation. From the cardiovascular system slightly decreases blood pressure.

Signs of severe poisoning azaleptinum:

  • the sense of clouded due to the impact of medications on the hearing aid;
  • severe epileptic seizure accompanied by intense seizures;
  • inexplicable feeling of anxiety, restlessness;
  • partial, short-term memory loss;
  • madness;
  • delusions and hallucinations;
  • disruptions of heart rhythms;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure, collapse;
  • decrease peristalsis and motility of the intestine, atony until.

First aid and treatment of overdose

If after receiving large doses of azaleptin it took less than an hour, an urgent need to wash out the stomach. To do this at home causeartificial vomiting.

The algorithm is efficient gastric lavage:

  1. Person sit on chair or lay on its side, wrap towel under the feet to put a bowl or bucket.
  2. To drink for 2-4 minutes, 2-3 cups of cool water
  3. Wrap your fingers, cotton cloth, ask the victim to open his mouth to put pressure on the tongue.
  4. Such actions will provoke a gag reflex, and stomach contents will come out.

After washing to drink any of the adsorbents is activated charcoal or white charcoal, POLYSORB, smectite.

The victim, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. With severe nausea, antacid drugs – Almagel, aluminium phosphate gel, Rennie. To reduce abdominal pain is antispasmodics. To calm the nervous system and improve sleep quality sedatives.

Poisoning azaleptinum requires monitoring of cardiovascular activity and water and salt balance of the body. This is due to the strong toxic effect on the myocardium, which can lead to arrhythmias, as well as the negative impact on the kidneys until they stop. Therefore patients will be advised to observe the abundant drinking regime and go control study of the heart – ECG.

The patient should continue surveillance for weeks even in the absence of signs of poisoning.

Lethal dose azaleptin is uncertain. It depends on the physical condition of the person, resistance of the organism to unfavorable external factors. To avoid overdose and its consequences, must strictly adhere to the prescribed dose.