Pesticide poisoning and pesticides when spraying plants

Pesticide poisoning is a dangerous condition for the health and life of man. It leads to disruption of the Central nervous system and internal organs. In this article we reviewed the causes, symptoms, consequences of pesticide poisoning, basic first aid skills and the extent of the treatment of this condition, prevention methods.

What are pesticides and where they're used

Pesticides are potent chemicals. They are widely used in agricultural industry for controlling parasites on insects. The spraying of pesticides improves productivity, helps to protect plants from pests. Pesticides can also be used at home to destroy cockroaches and ants.

The name "pesticides" brings together a large number of chemicals, including mercury, copper, arsenic, organophosphorus Hiking. Examples of trade names of pesticides:

  • "Karbofos";
  • "Metaphos";
  • "Tipos";
  • "Mercaptophos".

Causes of pesticide poisoning

Pesticide poisoning most often develops in people who are engaged in agricultural activities and do not follow safety regulations when working with chemicals.

Pesticide poisoning can happen for several reasons:

  • Eating vegetables and fruits that have been treated with pesticides. There are rules for the use of these substances, according to which foods you can't eat for some period of time (depends on type of chemical) after treatment with pesticides. Unscrupulous manufacturers in pursuit of profits ignore these rules.
  • Poisoning with chemicals when spraying plants. The poison enters the body through the respiratory tract.
  • Accidental ingestion by a child poison cockroaches or drugs pesticides which were left in an easily accessible place.

Symptoms of poisoning

The first signs of pesticide poisoning develop during the first 30 min after their ingestion. The weight of the patient depends on the dose and type of chemical. The first affects the Central nervous system. Can also suffer kidney, liver, digestive system, heart. Listed below are the main symptoms of intoxication by pesticides:

  • Headache, dizziness, General weakness are caused by damage to the nervous system.
  • Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of intoxication. They can develop with the defeat of the vomiting center, which is located in the brain, the act of vomiting does not bring relief.
  • Abdominal pain localized in the stomach or intestine. Occurs after oral ingestion of pesticides.
  • Hypersalivation – increased saliva production.
  • Tachycardia – rapid heart rate, the frequency may exceed 120 beats/min.
  • Hypertension – high blood pressure. When the poisoning is severe, the pressure can be dramatically reduced.
  • Respiratory failure in the form of shortness of breath of mixed character. The victim complains of shortness of breath, breathing and often superficial.
  • Auditory or visual hallucinations.
  • Constriction of the pupils.
  • Cramps throughout the body, resembling an epileptic seizure, developed with focal lesions of the brain chemicals.

Please note that in severe cases the patient lightning of impaired consciousness, it is loaded into a deep coma. This may experience spontaneous discharge of feces and urine.

Possible consequences

Acute intoxication with pesticides can lead to severe disorders in various organs and systems. Below are the main critical condition and the complications to which it might lead:

  • Toxic pulmonary edema develops by inhalation of pesticides. The patient is disturbed breathing could stop.
  • Acute renal failure develops due to lesions of the internal structures of the kidneys pesticides. Patient develop swelling, ceases to move urine.
  • Acute liver failure is manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium, yellowing of sclera, visible mucous membranes and skin.
  • Acute anemia that develops due to hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells.

The provision of first aid

With the development of pesticide poisoning should immediately call the ambulance. Tell the dispatcher your correct address and list the symptoms of the patient.

If the patient is on site, the air which is polluted by pesticides, should be immediately out of there. Take care and about their own safety, cover your nose and mouth with a damp cloth, mask or respirator.

Until you go to the doctors, proceed to self-provision of first aid. Below details the basic components.

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage is carried out using plain water, without additives. Give the patient to drink a liter of liquid and explain to him the need to vomit. Vomiting can be triggered by pressing two fingers on the tongue root. For maximum cleansing of the gastric cavity of poisons repeat gastric lavage several times.

Remember that to add potassium permanganate insolution for cleansing the stomach in cases of poisoning by pesticides is prohibited. If the wrong dilution it can cause severe poisoning and intoxication.

Gastric lavage is forbidden to do with the development of bloody or black vomit or in violation of consciousness of the patient.


Enema necessary for the rapid purification of intestines from pesticides. It should be done on the basis of simple boiled water. The temperature of the liquid should be room. Repeat the enema several times before the advent of clean wash water.


In cases of poisoning by pesticides , you can use any of the sorbents, which are available in your home medicine Cabinet. Faster acting liquid preparations (smectite, enterosgel, atoxil), but in their absence it is possible to drink activated charcoal or sorbex.

Before taking medications, check their expiration date and read the rules of dispensing. Drink sorbents should be enough liquid.


After cleansing the stomach of a patient need to start soldering. Liquid is needed to accelerate the elimination of chemicals from the body and regulation of water and electrolyte balance in the body. You can drink simple or mineral water, sweet tea. Not to provoke repeated vomiting, drink fluid slowly, little by little.

What to do if the patient has lost consciousness

In case of violation of consciousness, place the victim on a flat surface, turn his head to one side, slightly lift the legs. Before arrival of doctors monitor his breathing and pulse.

Breath check, his hand on the chest of the patient. When you inhale and exhale, it will rise and fall. Pulse is the easiest to control on the sleigh artery, which runs on the anterolateral surface of the neck.

Stop breathing and palpitations – signs of clinical death. In this case, you should immediately start doing chest compressions.

Medical treatment

The paramedics, arrived on a call, will examine the patient, checking his vitals. Then they will connect it to oxygen, start intravenous drugs that regulate the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

After stabilization of the patient's state doctors hospitalitynet him to the nearest hospital that has an intensive care unit. The duration and amount of treatment depends on the chemical agent and the severity of the condition of the victim.

In parallel with the treatment in the hospital will conduct a detailed examination of the patient, which consists of blood tests, urine, examination of internal organs and detect poison.


Prevention of poisoning with pesticides helps to insure against them. Below are the main components:

  • safety when working with pesticides. Sprinkling the plants, you need to wear a respirator, gas mask, protective clothing. After completion of work should be thoroughly washed with soap and water all exposed areas of the body;
  • purchase fruits and vegetables only from certified outlets. Buying these products with hands or natural for the markets, you run the risk of poisoning by pesticides;
  • storing pesticides out of reach of children.

Pesticide poisoning can develop for many reasons. When the first symptoms of intoxication should call the ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors you need to wash the sick stomach and the intestine, to give absorbents and drink. Attempts to treat this pathological condition is contraindicated. The treatment is carried out in the intensive care unit or the toxicology Department. Its duration depends on the severity of poisoning and patient's condition.