Overdose and poisoning silver: symptoms, treatment

Argiros of pathology, resulting in long-term deposition in the body, compounds of silver or tiny particles of the precious metal. For the intoxication characterized by a significant irreversible pigmentation of the skin of different localization. The lack of effective methods of drug therapy makes the silver poisoning is very dangerous to the human condition.

How can you get poisoned

The likelihood of silver toxicity in the home and in manufacturing is extremely high. Professional poisoning develops in people who are engaged in the extraction or processing of ore. Oxidation resistance, high electrical and thermal conductivity allow the use of silver compounds in the following technological processes:

  1. To cover the mirror surfaces.
  2. When creating photographs.
  3. For the production of ceramic capacitors.
  4. In the manufacture of batteries.
  5. To cover the contacts.
  6. In the production of infrared optics.
  7. As a catalyst for the filters of a gas mask.

Professionals employed in such productions, often suffer from chronic poisoning with silver ions. Penetrating through the skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract and lungs, the metal is accumulated inside the body. There is a long intoxication with symptoms gradually appearing in the form of unusual pigmentation.

Silver has a high sensitivity. The sun's rays falling on the damaged metal joints skin, provoke pigmentation spots become larger and more noticeable.

Silver is still used in medicine as a drug. Due to its antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and disinfectant properties of the chemical compound used to treat children and adults:

  • Protargol. Colloidal compound used for the treatment of the inner surface of the bladder and urethra urological infections. 2% solution of silver Proteinate helps to get rid of a lingering and chronic cold in children.
  • Collargol. Eye drops with a compound of silver is used to eliminate inflammation. Also with the help of collargol treat diseases of the urinary system.

Silver is widely used during the surgery – antiseptic solutions processed material for a suture.

In the medical literature describes cases of poisoning with silver salts, which are gradually received into the body from fillings, crowns and dentures. This option is intoxication refers to traditionalismum.

Some of the adherents of the self-skin is always dull and gray. They are specifically made "healing" an infusion, adding to the water, silverware and coins. A few months external and internal use develop chronic poisoning.

Toxic properties

A lethal dose of metallic silver is 8-10 grams. The degree of toxicity is in direct proportion to the composition of the compound, the path of penetration of toxic compounds into the organism and state of health. Especially dangerous heavy metal for people suffering from allergic reactions. The composition of many cosmetics manufacturers add silver ions to eliminate rashes on the skin. People with a heightened sensitivity after using this lotion or cream can get extensive chemical burn.

Poisoning colloidal solutions of silver may develop in children who have rhinitis. Nose drops cannot be used more than a week. The high permeability of the vessels and the immature immune system of babies provoke the accumulation of the drug inside the body.

When using medicinal or cosmetic products tiny particles of silver are deposited in the upper layer of the epidermis, causing the pigmentation. The external signs of argarose manifested by the accumulation of metal inside the body or on the skin and mucous membranes. Toxicologists are the following localization of ions:

  • sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • the wall of large and small vessels, capillaries;
  • hair follicles;
  • the inner layer of the epidermis.

Silver compounds can cause unwanted pigmentation certain areas or the entire surface of the skin and mucous membranes. When injected into the gastro-intestinal tract, a significant dose of one of the colloidal solutions is overdose silver similar to intoxication poor quality food. A person experiences painful spasms in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The gradual absorption of the concentrated silver solution could trigger pulmonary edema, coma, destruction of erythrocytes with release of hemoglobin.

The clinical picture of poisoning

Acute intoxication silver dust or colloidal solutions leads to the damage of the intestinal walls. They ulcerate, bleed, swollen, and with extensive exposure to poison compounds may be damaged. The gradual accumulation of inorganic substances provoke argiros – skin, mucous membranes stained brown or gray.

Pigmentation develops not only on the visible parts of the human body. Tissue of internal organs and blood vessels becomerich gray-brown color.

In addition to hyperpigmentation of nails and conjunctiva, poisoning common symptoms:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, pain in the stomach, sour belching, heartburn, flatulence;
  • violations of water-salt metabolism, reducing the amount of urination, back pain, change in the composition, the color of urine;
  • the formation of adipose tissue in the kidneys, liver, heart;
  • the development of chronic bronchitis, brochiolitis, recurrence of pulmonary diseases;
  • the decrease in visual acuity.
  • the emergence of unpleasant sensations in the throat, larynx, mouth cavity;
  • increased sweating, lacrimation;
  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • chronic rhinitis that emits blood clots;
  • arterial hypotension.

Severe poisoning with silver ions is characterized by the appearance of seizures, vertigo, loss of consciousness, loss of coordination. The destruction of red blood cells leads to a deficiency of molecular oxygen in the brain cells. Decreases its ability to regulate all processes of life. The death of a person occurs as a result of cerebral edema, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.

Treatment of intoxication

Still not created by modern methods of drug therapy argarose not synthesized an antidote that would be able to lead from the tissues, blood vessels, bones accumulated silver. Skin pigmentation in case of overdose refers to an irreversible state.

In specialized clinics carry out treatment to restore the original color. Apply the method of gradual removal of the top layer of the epidermis. Damaged cells produce new tissue. Complications of these operations are formed scars.

Prevention of poisoning by salts of metals is in compliance with the doctor recommended dosages in the treatment of bacterial or viral infections. Do not exceed the therapy or use drugs without prescription. When working with silver it is necessary to use protective devices.