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First aid in case of poisoning with carbon monoxide in the home

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a dangerous pathological condition which is dangerous to life and health. The rapidity and correctness of first aid depends on the victim will survive or not. This article discusses first aid for carbon monoxide poisoning, the main symptoms and signs of this condition.

The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning develop quickly. The degree of their manifestation depends on the quantity and concentration of inhaled CO (carbon monoxide), and the time spent in a smoky environment.

Below are the main symptoms and signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, mild and moderate degrees of severity:

  • Severe headache, dizziness. The pain may have a pulsating character, localized in the temporal region. Under strong intoxication the pain is sharp and diffuse throughout the surface of the head.
  • Pain in the eyes, watery eyes are caused by irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes with smoke.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting occurs at the height of the headache, it does not bring relief, as arises from irritation of the vomiting center, which is localized in the brain.
  • The ringing sensation in the ears, and the vision flies, spots, shimmering spots before my eyes.
  • Tachycardia – rapid heart rate (pulse). Heart rate can be above 100.
  • The decrease of arterial blood pressure (hypotension).
  • Shortness of breath. Due to lack of oxygen, the person begins to hyperventilate.

When the poisoning is severe, to the above symptoms include:

  • Disturbance of consciousness. Due to disturbed blood supply of the brain, the person gradually begins to "boot", and fall into a stupor and then into coma. He ceases to answer questions, react to stimuli.
  • General convulsions of the whole body, which occur on the background of the oppressed consciousness. Against the background of convulsions, may occur an arbitrary defecation and urination.
  • Irregular breathing and pulse. If a strong poisoning with burning products, the person starts to breathe superficially and not rhythmically, not regularly. The pulse becomes very frequent (about 130 beats/min), weak.

What are the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning

CO according to its chemical structure similar to iron (the main component of hemoglobin, a protein that transportorul oxygen to tissues of the entire body). As a result of carbon monoxide poisoning, hemoglobin is transformed into carboxyhemoglobin, and providing the entire body with oxygen is broken. This leads to persistent hypoxia. The lack of oxygen first reacts to the brain, kidneys, cardiovascular system.

Timely first aid in case of poisoning with carbon monoxide can prevent the following complications:

  • The brain death and the failure of internal organs.
  • Acute renal failure.
  • Anemia.
  • Acute myocardial infarction.
  • Swelling of the brain.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in brain tissue).
  • Pneumonia (inflammation of lungs)

First aid to the victim

The rendering of first aid in cases of poisoning by carbon monoxide can be performed by people without medical education at home or any other place where the poisoning occurred. To help the victim need to know what to do in cases of poisoning by carbon monoxide and in what sequence to perform the actions.

If you witness human toxicity, not to be lost. From your actions depends on his life. Gather and focus. The list below detail what to do and how to provide first aid for carbon monoxide poisoning:

  1. Print, or remove the victim from the filled with smoke room. At the time of his move don't forget about your safety. Cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth or a gauze bandage, this is done as a prevention of further ingress of CO2
  2. After poison gas had ceased to poison you and the injured person immediately call for medical help. In this case you need details to tell the Manager about what happened, to call, if possible, the most accurate its location and describe the condition of the poisoned person. Perhaps the Manager will give you some recommendations, follow them.
  3. If poison is unconscious, you should put it to one side. In this position, the risk of collapse is minimal.
  4. The victim should be a free flow of fresh air, oxygen. Undo his shirt and tie. If you are indoors, open all Windows wide open and curtains.
  5. If you have a ammonia, give it a sniff poisoned person. The alcohol may help him regain consciousness.
  6. If the person is not unconscious, give him drink sweet hot tea, coffee, give him water. So you will be able to increase his blood pressure, to overcome hypotension.
  7. If not breathing and pulse, you need to start CPR (described in detail in the next section).

The above emergency treatment of co poisoning will help a person to survive until the arrival of ambulance crews.

Please note that such help should be carried out in the absence of immediate danger to your life.

The basics of cardio-pulmonaryintensive care

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation consists of chest compressions, artificial respiration and intravenous administration of drugs that stimulate myocardial contractility (epinephrine, atropine). In a domestic environment, when providing first aid, medications no medications are introduced.

Please note that before conducting the intensive care unit, you need to make sure that the person is no heartbeat and no breathing. Pulse it is best to check on the aorta (the large blood vessel that runs on the anterolateral surface of the neck), breathing and listening with your ear to the chest.

If you provide assistance yourself, and no one to help when performing CPR should do only chest compressions. To do this, put one brush to another, and press them on the middle third of the sternum of the person. Elbows should be straight. Push the chest should be 3-4 cm, the Frequency of chest compressions – 100/min.

Rhythm of resuscitation is similar to the tempo of the song "Staying alive" Bee Gees. This musical composition used in learning the basics of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to medical universities and colleges.

If you have two, you can add in the resuscitation CPR. To do this, open mouth, person, hand, or gauze, clean it from unnecessary contents (vomit, blood, fragments of teeth). Then spend the breaths mouth-to-mouth using a gauze or cloth. After every 15 pushes on the chest, you need to do 2 breaths.

Every minute should be rapid control of availability of the pulse in the aorta and breathing. If it is not visible, continue the resuscitation until the arrival of the medical team. Switch places every 5 minutes, so you save energy.

What is first aid

First aid (PMP) is a medical team, which arrived on a call. It is safe and not smoke-filled room or in the ambulance. Doctors measure heart rate, blood pressure, saturation of blood (saturation of oxygen), assess the General condition of the patient, collect it and the surrounding history.

Before transporting victim to the hospital, doctors stabilized his condition. PMP consists of:

  1. Oxygen therapy. The man wears a mask through which oxygen is fed the moistened mixture.
  2. Intravenous solutions. It is necessary to remove the intoxication from poison gas, raising arterial blood pressure. Can be introduced Reopoliglyukin, Reosorbilakt, Glucose, Trisol, Disol, saline.
  3. The introduction of corticosteroids, which will raise the pressure, and help prevent brain edema.
  4. In the presence of seizures, intravenously introduced anticonvulsant drugs (magnesium, sibazon).
  5. Intensive care carried out in health indicators.

After stabilization of the patient, the ambulance takes him to the nearest branch of intensive therapy and resuscitation, and where ongoing treatment.

What is the treatment in a hospital

The main treatment for poisoning chadny stinking gas is the stay of the victim in a hyperbaric chamber. With this equipment, the excretion of carboxyhemoglobin, which prevents proper oxygen supply to all body tissues.

The hospital is continued on intravenous fluids to detoxify the body. Amount of medical of hospital care depends on the degree of destruction of the person, related injuries, skin burns. The patient are entered antimicrobial drugs that prevent the development of pneumonia. The patient continuously receives oxygen mixture. The duration of hospital stay depends on the condition of the victim.

Chadny stinking poison gas. Knowledge of the basic rules of providing first aid can save the life of the person who is next to you. During its rendering, you need to be sure of their safety, remain in the smoke-filled room. The victim should immediately call the ambulance, which stabilizes the condition of the patient, and transferred him to the ICU.