What is the impact of mercury on the human body

Mercury is a metal, which at standard conditions of atmospheric pressure and air temperature is in liquid form is silvery-gray color. Product vapors are very toxic. Mercury in the human body causes serious disturbances in the internal organs and systems.

This chemical element belongs to the first class of danger. This means that it is extremely dangerous and under certain conditions poses a threat to human life. The extent of the toxic effects of mercury poisoning depends on dose, method of penetration into the body, a person's age. The most susceptible to the destructive effects of mercury in the fetus during intrauterine development.

A distinctive feature of a substance – accumulation – the ability to accumulate in tissues. When mercury pollution of water bodies, the element accumulates in fish. People who live in areas of fishing and a daily diet which includes fish exposed to chronic poisoning.

Signs of acute mercury poisoning

Acute poisoning with chemical substance is possible only in conditions of industrial production (in case of accidents, violation of safety regulations). The risks posed by high concentrations of mercury in air, which increases when heating substances.

Vapour inhalation element affects the Central nervous system. The signs of poisoning of the organism occur in the first hours after inhaling poisonous substances.

The symptoms of the toxic effects of mercury vapor on the nervous system of the victim:

  • General intoxication of the body – sudden muscle weakness, dizziness, headache, fatigue, increased body temperature to 38-40°, chills;
  • signs of poisoning from the digestive system metallic taste in mouth, nausea and vomiting, not associated with food intake, excessive and uncontrolled salivation, inflammation and bleeding gums, diarrhea with mucus and blood, a sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • the symptoms of injury of respiratory system – acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, profuse rhinitis, respiratory disorder, shortness of breath at rest, cough, not bringing relief, severe pain in the chest resembling a heart attack, pneumonia;
  • signs of chronic renal failure – oliguria (reduction in the daily amount of urine) in severe cases of poisoning – anuria (absence of urine), the clinical analysis of urine revealed a large content of mercury.

Severe poisoning due to the fact that they are odorless, therefore people did not immediately realize that he got a dose of poisoning of toxic substances.

More dangerous are mercury compounds:

  • corrosive sublimate or mercuric chloride, has a strong irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, skin;
  • calomel – the penetration inside damage to the liver and kidneys, nervous and digestive system;
  • cyanide of mercury (mercuric salt of hydrocyanic acid) – has a strong neurotoxic effect on the CNS (Central nervous system).

If acute mercury poisoning affected not to render timely medical care, death occurs within 2-3 days.

Chronic mercury poisoning

Chronic action of mercury on the human body is a long process that develops over 10-15 years and similar signs of chronic fatigue syndrome. So people do not betray special value to his state.

The symptoms indicating the poisoning of the metal in its accumulation in the body:

  • fatigue with slight physical exertion;
  • the daytime sleepiness, impaired quality of nighttime sleep;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness with sudden change of body position;
  • General weakness.

Chronic influence of small doses of mercury directly affects the psychological state of the person. People are apathetic, indifferent to the world. Losing interest in socializing, Hobbies and Hobbies. The man seems detached, not committed to any activity.

Small doses of mercury affect a person and his emotional background. Victims become mentally unstable, irritated for any reason. Appear shyness and self-doubt. Dull memory, decreased attention and concentration. The susceptibility of the brain to new information is lost, so mental abilities remain at a low level.

On the background of mental disorders gradually develop signs of physiological disorders of the brain:

  • mercury tremor – involuntary rhythmic oscillatory movement of the muscle at rest, it first affects the muscles of the face (especially the eyelids and lips), and then the limbs and body;
  • frequent urge for defecation and urination;
  • disruption of senses – decreased sense of smell, of touch;
  • the failure of metabolism – increased perspiration;
  • thyroid disease;
  • abnormal heart rhythms, hypotension (decrease blood pressure).

People with chronic mercury poisoning prone to atherosclerotic changes of vessels, toxic irreversible liver damage, susceptible to tuberculosis. Mercury especiallythreat to the woman's body. Its consequences – violations of reproductive function. Pregnant the metal causes miscarriage, premature birth, the sinking of the fetus.

If during fetal development the child received a dose of poison, he will be born with a diagnosis of mental retardation. This congenital abnormality of the brain, a mental defect, which manifests itself in dementia and mental retardation.

To reduce the number of cases of lesions of the body with mercury, who recommends explanatory work among the population included in the risk group. It is undesirable to use at home mercury containing devices – thermometers, lamps, tonometers. In a production environment to protect workers from exposure to hazardous sources.