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The lethal dose of alcohol for a person in parts per million, liters

Every substance has a limit. What is a lethal dose of alcohol for a man and if she can resist?

Alcohol is not a vital product. Many people use it for no apparent reason. The composition of beer, vodka includes alcohol. Its chemical formula is C2H5OH. Alcohol ─ is a narcotic poison. Misconception is the opinion that alcoholic beverages based on natural grapes, such as wine and brandy, not harmful to the body and can even be used for medicinal purposes.

What is ppm, indicators of a lethal dose

Ppm ─ a term which is used to determine the thousandths of a substance, it is part of the 1/1000 or 0.1%. The symbol 0/00. The level of alcohol in the blood expressed in parts per million.

If the blood alcohol content showed 1 0/00, this means that 1 l of blood contains 1 g of pure alcohol.

The lethal dose of alcohol for each individual. It depends on such indicators:

  • age and gender;
  • physical state;
  • the presence of somatic diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart;
  • individual characteristics;
  • fortress, the quantity and quality of alcoholic beverages;
  • simultaneous reception with drugs;
  • the quality and nutritional value snacks.

There are averages. According to some indicators, they are 8-12 ppm, on the other ─ 6 0/00 already dead. This means that the amount of alcohol that threatens the life, is from 6 to 12 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight.

Indicators of a lethal dose of alcohol in ppm for a person, depending on age:

  • children up to 12 years ─ 3-4 0/00;
  • teenagers ranging from the 4-4,8 0/00;
  • adults ranging from 5 0/00.

The possibility of death is influenced by such factors:

  1. The number and rate of introduction of alcohol into the body. One-time drinking large quantities of spirits negative impact will come instantly. If this dose is divided over several doses, the toxicity of the body will not be strong.
  2. The influence of the ambient temperature. Beer and other drinks increases the heat transfer, overheating the body. Creates a threat of heat stroke. So drink beer, alcoholic drinks in the heat is impossible, especially for quenching thirst. They give an enormous strain on the heart. As alcohol dilates blood vessels, in cold weather when the heat feels warm. At long stay in the cold in a state of alcoholic intoxication is easy to get frostbite, or even freeze.
  3. Individual tolerance to alcohol. In chronic alcoholism is the addiction. People are not prone to frequent alcohol consumption, the body is not adapted to the large dose of alcohol. Therefore, the risk of death is higher.

The failure mechanisms of the body with the help of alcohol

There is a direct mechanism of cell disruption by alcohol. Ethyl alcohol ─ a universal solvent, it is particularly well dissolve fats. Membranes of cells are composed of fat molecules. Alcohol easily destroys them and penetrates. Through the resulting defect in cell penetrating bacteria, viruses, various chemical compounds and destroy its structure. If the alcohol penetrates the cell nucleus, it affects the chromosomes and leads to genetic mutations. Under strong intoxication the cell dies.

Alcohol is absorbed into the blood, nourishes the red blood cells. They get blood flow to the brain and clog the cells. Oxygen deprivation occurs, brain cells begin to die EN masse. When consuming 100 g of vodka or 1 liter of beer irretrievably destroyed several thousand neurons. The work of the cortex of the brain is disturbed, causing inadequate behavior.

Alcohol affects each person differently. Some have disrupted the vestibular apparatus, which leads to disorders of coordination and disorientation in space, slower movements, impaired vision. Other changes occur in the psyche:

  • short-term memory loss;
  • aggression or apathy;
  • confusion;
  • manic-depressive condition.

The main attack of the poison alcohol comes to the liver cells. The liver, it is a unique natural filter. It cleans the blood of alcohol. High concentrations of alcohol disrupt the structure of the body. Cells die and are replaced by connective and adipose tissue. There is degeneration of the liver-steatosis which leads to cirrhosis or cancer. As a result, the liver metabolizes and death.

Alcohol circulates in the blood, enters the heart and destroys the cells of the myocardium. On heart muscle appear scarred, it loses its elasticity. The heart is unable to pump full of blood. In drinkers it is always increased due to the growth of fat tissue. Impaired access of oxygen to the body and heart tissue die.

Border state (between life and death), which lead to a fatal outcome

The lethal dose of alcohol for a person in litres is 1-1,5. Chemical composition makes it highly toxic. Overdose of alcohol causes acute poisoning of the body and leads to serious conditions, life threatening.

  1. Myocardial infarction-thrombosis of the coronary vessels that feed oxygen to the heart muscle. Due to the shortage of blood supplyvessels die off (necrosis), which leads to cardiac arrest.
  2. Stroke-the interruption of the blood supply of the brain, an overflow of blood vessels fragile. They burst, and going on a massive hemorrhage in the brain and spinal cord. Consequence-the death of brain cells, sudden death.
  3. Hemorrhagic shock ─ occurs as a result of internal bleeding. Alcohol disrupts the chemistry of the blood, it becomes thick, viscous. Her movement is hampered by the bloodstream. Thinned vessels overflow and burst, causing severe internal bleeding. Signs of hemorrhagic shock ─ sudden depression of all the vital functions of the body. Falls the blood pressure, quickens the pulse and breathing, disturbed heart rhythms. Due to acute blood loss rapidly decreases the volume of circulating blood. To stop the internal bleeding such intensity is impossible. So inevitably comes death.
  4. Alcoholic coma-the result of an overdose of poor quality alcohol. This is a severe condition in which a person is unconscious, does not respond to any external stimuli. On the background of poisoning developed acute renal failure ─ in the urine of large quantities of nitrogen, acetone, and urea. Then comes a complete lack of it. Shallow breathing, poor pupillary response to light. The skin and mucous membranes are dark red. The mortality rate is high.

Interesting facts about alcohol

The human body produces an average of 15 ml of alcohol per day. This endogenous alcohol (internal). Its presence is necessary for the metabolic and hormonal processes. Deficiency of endogenous ethanol are violated physiological processes in the body, which will eventually go into mental pathology.

According to who standards, maximum allowable dose wine for men is 180 ml for women ─ 120 ml But the data do not take into account the individual characteristics of the person. Individual formula of spirits is calculated from the weight of 1 kg ─ 1 ml of alcohol. If the heart rate exceeds 90 beats per minute, the next day, a clear mind and no tremors in the hands, it means that this dose is normal. 50 g of vodka, cognac or a glass of wine-is the dose that the liver will cope without the effects of intoxication.

The daily and systematic use of even small doses of alcohol in 90% of cases is formed an alcohol addiction with the subsequent development of alcoholism.