What to do for poisoning wine and wine product

Wine is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. In some countries it is customary to use it daily. Small amounts of natural wine has a positive effect on the body, accelerates metabolism, promotes the production of collagen, improves complexion. Poisoning wine is quite common. In this article we have considered the basic causes and clinical manifestations of poisoned wine, what to do with the development of this condition in which cases you need to seek medical help.

The causes of wine poisoning

There are many reasons why it may be poisoning the wine. Guilty in its development can be unscrupulous manufacturers, sellers, or the people themselves who use it in uncontrolled amounts.

Causes of the poisoned wine are listed below.

  • The use of wine in large quantities, which led to an increase in blood alcohol concentration above the permitted level (2.5-3.0 g/l). It should be noted that for each person a valid dose of wine individual. It depends on the gender, age, weight, condition of the liver and the rate of metabolic processes in the body.
  • The use of low-quality wine or a wine product. Such drinks only for flavor and color reminiscent of wine. When cooked used chemicals, flavor enhancers and alcohol. Wine products much cheaper natural wines, they lead to rapid intoxication and intoxication.
  • Receiving fake wine product, prepared on the basis of alcohol substitutes. Methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol according to their taste similar to the "food" methyl alcohol. These substances are used in industry. Unscrupulous manufacturers "wine concoctions" substitute for ordinary alcohol substitute to reduce the initial cost of the product.
  • The combination of wine and some medication or drugs. Alcohol should not be combined with antidepressants, hypnotics, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, narcotic painkillers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and sedative drugs.
  • Poorly cooked or poured into a dirty container homemade wine. Many people wonder, is it possible to get poisoned homemade wine. This drink can be as dangerous as store-bought wine.

The main symptoms of wine poisoning

The first clinical symptoms of poisoning appear wine during the first 2-6 hours after consumption. The speed of onset of symptoms depends on the quantity and quality of alcohol consumed. The patient's condition deteriorates, can cause disruptions in the heart, affects the respiratory and nervous systems.

Symptoms of poisoning by wine:

  • nausea with profuse vomiting. Vomit can consist of leftover food and wine, gastric juice, mucus, and bile. Vomiting can be repeated;
  • abdominal pain may be localized in the stomach or spread throughout the perimeter of the abdomen. It is caused by irritation of the digestive tract alcohol, inflammation of the pancreas. Perhaps the development of intestinal cramps – painful spasms in the abdomen, which develop as a result of increased gas formation;
  • abundant and repeated diarrhea. Feces may have a foul-smelling unusual smell;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • dry mouth and feeling of thirst is a symptom of dehydration and intoxication syndrome;
  • the increase in body temperature to 37-38 degrees occurs when inflammation of the pancreas;
  • tachycardia – rapid heartbeat. Heart rate exceeds 100 beats/min.;
  • hypertension – high blood pressure. It develops due to spasm of blood vessels;
  • respiratory failure manifested by rapid and superficial breathing, shortness of breath of mixed character;
  • disturbance of consciousness. When severe intoxication may develop deep coma;
  • cramps all over the body indicate a malfunction of the Central nervous system, damage to its toxins of alcohol;
  • blurred vision is a symptom of intoxication with alcohol substitutes. If no emergency comes complete blindness.

First aid for poisoning the wine

Poisoning wine can lead to severe disorders in the whole organism, blindness and death, so treatment it has to do with doctors. When the first signs of the wine of intoxication should immediately call an ambulance. Hope that everything will itself – is meaningless.

Remember that self-treatment in cases of poisoning by wine is contraindicated. Only an experienced doctor after inspection and examination of the patient may reveal complications, to put a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

While waiting for the ambulance can begin to provide first aid to the victim. Thanks to her, the patient's condition improved and reduced intoxication syndrome. Below are the basic steps that you can do to help before arrival of physicians.

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage will help to deduce from it the remnants of alcohol that are not yet absorbed into the bloodstream. It will prevent the strengthening of intoxication and relieve nausea and vomiting.

In order to clean the stomach, gulp need to drink a liter of plain water at room temperature and snatch it up.


Enema alcohol poisoning is based onsimple cool water. Add drugs or decoction of herbs at home is contraindicated. Enema prior to the advent of clean wash water intestinal.


Sorbents is the only medication that can be given to the patient at the stage of rendering first aid. They help to neutralize and withdraw from the intestines of toxins.

In cases of poisoning by wine will fit any of the sorbents, which have in your medicine Cabinet. For example, activated carbon, sorbet, APSCO, smectite.

Please note that before taking sorbents need to check the expiry date and read the rules of dispensing. Some drugs are calculated by weight and some by age.

Drink plenty of liquids

Dehydrated and poisoned wine, the body needs liquid. You can drink little and often. For replenishment of fluid in the body suitable mineral or table water.

First aid

The physicians who have arrived on a call, quickly gather the history, examine the patient, check his blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation in the blood. Details tell them about the volume you rendered first aid to the victim. First aid if poisoning the wine consists of:

  • formulation of an intravenous catheter and IV fluids. The patient introduces the solution, which remove intoxication and restore water-electrolyte balance in the body;
  • the introduction of antiemetic drugs (cerucal, metoclopramide);
  • gastric lavage (if it was not held until the arrival of medical);
  • antispasmodic drugs, removes pain in the abdomen;
  • drugs that regulate heart function.

Treatment in a hospital

In the hospital the patient is given qualified support to the removal of alcohol, the regulation of the internal organs, heart and nervous system.

When poisoning with methyl alcohol introduced its antidote ethyl alcohol. In severe intoxication shown hemodialysis – cleansing the blood of toxins using an artificial kidney.

In addition to providing first aid is examination of the patient, which is necessary to establish the level of alcohol in the blood, detection of disorders in the internal organs and complications.

The duration of stay in the hospital depends on the patient's condition and complications. When the poisoning is mild, it is discharged in 1-2 days.

Poisoning the wine – heavy and dangerous condition. With the appearance of its first symptoms should immediately seek medical help. Self-medication can be dangerous. Before arrival of physicians can carry out the cleaning of the stomach and intestines, give the patient sorbents and drink. The sooner he is given help, the faster he will recover and return to everyday life.