Hallucinogenic drugs, or what pills cause hallucinations

The human desire to escape from everyday routine made him discover drugs – chemical compounds that distort the perception of reality, provoking different visions and sounds, which are actually not. Hallucinogenic drugs sold in modern drugstores, enjoy great popularity among people of adolescence. These products contain substances that can enter the patient in a state of euphoria and cause hallucinations. However, these drugs are not innocuous, and can cause highly addictive.

Why do people have hallucinations

There are many reasons why a person experiences imaginary images do not correspond to reality. These include:

  • mental illness – schizophrenia, alcoholic psychosis, epilepsy, paranoia and other;
  • pathology the somatic nature of a tumor, brain damage;
  • infection – meningitis, encephalitis, syphilis of the brain, severe diseases of cardiovascular toxicity;
  • receiving agents that affect the Central nervous system: narcotics, alcoholic beverages, medicines, and the use of some plants and mushrooms, toxic impact on the brain;
  • chronic stress and lack of sleep.

Hallucinations can affect all sensory organs, while patients are able to hear voices or sounds, to see people or animals that do not exist.

Most often illusions occur under the influence of serious diseases affecting the brain. Sometimes, however, illusory effects may appear because of the refusal to sleep for more than 2 days after surgery, depression, menopause in women and during puberty in adolescents.

Substances that cause false images

Some people seek to escape from reality purposefully, using chemicals or drug compounds inside. One of the known psychedelics is lysergic acid diethylamide, known as LSD.

In addition, the hallucinogenic effects have some synthetic compounds and plants containing alkaloids:

  • PCP "Angel dust" or PCP;
  • cocaine is a drug in powder or paste derived from Coca growing in South America and Africa;
  • opium – narcotic drug derived from poppy;
  • heroin – derived morphine in powder form;
  • psychedelics, cannabis, marijuana, hashish, are synthesized from cannabis;
  • ecstasy, or MDMA methylenedioxymethamphetamine is an amphetamine that has become part of street culture;
  • Salvia (seer's sage) is a plant that can be found in the forests of Mexico;
  • peyote – cactus-hallucinogen;
  • poisonous mushroom Psilotsibum;
  • Ayahuasca is a decoction, which is prepared from the vine;
  • the plant tabernanthe iboga, which grows in Africa.

To provoke hallucinations, enough to eat mushrooms that cause confusion, for example, pale toadstool, or mushroom. Some plants – belladonna and Datura have hallucinogenic properties.

Cause disruption in the perception of reality, drugs, alcoholic drinks taken in large doses, and overdose of certain medications.

What medications provoke hallucinations

Some medications used in psychiatry, dentistry, surgery, and other fields of medicine may trigger hallucinogenic effects.

Known psychedelic agent is nitrous oxide – "laughing gas" which is used in the treatment of teeth. Inhalation of large amount of this substance could trigger a short-term occurrence of hallucinations.

Among other drugs that can cause hallucinations include:

  • analgesics narcotic and non-narcotic of origin: Indomethacin, Ketamine, Morphine, Pentazocine, and salicylates;
  • antibacterial drugs – Acyclovir, Amantadine, Amphotericin b, Chloroquine, Penicillin, and others;
  • antihistamine drugs – Suprastin, Tavegil;
  • anticonvulsants – Suxilep, Hexamidine;
  • some drugs prescribed by doctors for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, also have hallucinogenic effect, for example, Levodopa, Bromocriptine, Carbidopa;
  • excess dosage can cause disturbance of consciousness conventional nasal drops Ephedrine, Nazol;
  • antidepressants – Amitriptyline, Trazodone;
  • cardiotropic drugs such as Lidocaine, Digoxin, Procainamide;
  • Clonidine, Dopegit, Inderal, Propranolol – such solutions and pills cause hallucinations in the treatment of hypertension;
  • tranquilizers – Triazolam, Diazepam, Relanium;
  • steroid agents – Prednisolone, Dexamethasone.

Most often hallucinogenic drugs taken for pain relief or the introduction of patients into artificial sleep. These medications usually have side effects, including hallucinations.

The most dangerous substances

Among the most dangerous pharmaceutical drugs that cause the hallucinogenic effect and addictive, the preparations containing:

  • ethanol;
  • cocaine;
  • nicotine;
  • morphine;
  • heroin;
  • href="/vidy/alko-i-narko/kak-dejstvuet-amfetamin-na-cheloveka.html">amphetamine.

Special danger represent funds belonging to the opioid drugs:

  • tramal;
  • buprenorphine;
  • oxycodone;
  • lortab and others.

Great harm to the body can cause stimulants that contribute to the mood elevation and boost of energy, like cocaine, and drugs with morphine sulfate, fentanyl, methadone.

The list of pharmacy drugs included codeine medication that causes powerful physical and psychological addiction:

  • kofeks;
  • Nurofen plus;
  • sedalgin;
  • ointment;
  • Terpincod;
  • kodterpin;
  • Pentalgin N;
  • sedan M and others.

Dependence on these drugs is a severe disease and requires serious treatment. In addition, uncontrolled application can cause glitches.

  • lyrica is a drug for people suffering from epilepsy. Has properties similar to opioids;
  • Tropicamide is available in the form of eye drops. Able to trigger a hallucinogenic effect and fainting;
  • tramadol taken for pain relief patients suffering from malignant tumors;
  • drugs psychedelic action containing dextromethorphan (Tussin+, the pharmacy was, Atussin);
  • the muscle relaxant Baclofen, anticholinergics Parkopan, Taren;
  • mescaline, dimethyltryptamine and psilocin not cause severe psychological and physiological dependence, however, is very dangerous for the brain. Often the cause of disorders of perception, illness and the decline of intelligence.

The most popular are the drugs of opioid group includes codeine, ephedrine and tramadol, and the tranquilizers with sedative effect.

Effects of hallucinogenic agents

Sometimes visions and the addict is quite harmless but can be dangerous. In the mind of a person having a voice orders to commit any aggressive actions or actions. In addition, the intake of hallucinogens can lead to severe poisoning and be fatal.

Hallucinations from the drug can manifest as:

  • imaginary voices and non-existent objects;
  • distorted perception of taste and smell;
  • sensations of touch, which is not.

Hallucinogens chronic administration can provoke the patient:

  • cramps;
  • disorientation in time and environment;
  • falling into a coma and delirium.

Excess dosage leads to the oppression of the emotional state of the person. The most dangerous are agents that stimulate the CNS – amphetamine and cocaine. In overdose, they cause severe hallucinogenic effect, delirium and psychosis.

Uncontrolled use of psychedelic substances is often the cause of coma, arrhythmias and death.

The consequences

Hallucinogenic drugs are often purchased by drug users for their further synthesis with other harmful substances. Combining substances with chemicals, man turns them into a poison that can destroy it in a few years. The most popular are the drug Desomorphine, external use, Screw.

Dependence the addict can be formed very quickly. The strongest craving to obtain pleasure and to eliminate poor health forces him to consume hallucinogens. In the so-called withdrawal in drug addicts experience the following symptoms:

  • an increase in temperature or chills;
  • panic attacks;
  • a tendency to diarrhea;
  • watery eyes, discharge from the nose;
  • spasms in the abdomen;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nausea and retching;
  • confusion;
  • sleep disturbances or drowsiness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • restlessness, anxiety, depression, irritability.

A systematic flow of hallucinogen makes the brain gradually to adapt to it, and the addiction leads to a need to increase the dose.

Hallucinogenic substances can cause persistent addictive. While psychological dependence is usually stronger than the physical.

In addition, regular use of the drug causes severe damage to the Central nervous system, mental disorder, which is manifested with symptoms similar to schizophrenia. Particularly intensively manifested in old age older people are more prone to accidents and injuries under the influence of drugs.

Drugs negatively affect the overall health, can destroy the liver and brain. The probability of dependence increases several times when using the drug in high doses, combination with alcohol and pain medication.