The splitting of alcohol in the human body

Alcohol in large doses is the strongest poison to the human body. When you abuse alcohol suffer from liver, kidney, heart and nervous system, violated all metabolic processes. This article describes the splitting of alcohol in the body, the enzymes responsible for these processes, and the ways to accelerate the metabolism of alcohol and its excretion.

As the cleaved alcohol

Once ingested, the alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream from the gastric mucosa. The suction time depends on many factors, including the condition of the gastric walls, eating or any medications.

Once blood alcohol reaches the liver, which produces enzymes that break down alcohol. Chief among them is alcohol dehydrogenase. With its help it is assimilation of alcohol. Also, the alcohol dehydrogenase in a small amount is produced in the gastric cavity. In men, this enzyme is synthesized in greater volume. This explains the tendency of women to more rapid intoxication.

Interesting fact: alcohol dehydrogenase is produced not only in humans but also in animals. Scientists believe that this enzyme is evolutionarily began to synthesize our ancient ancestors with the purpose of digestion of fermented fruits and vegetables.

Under the influence of these enzymes, the alcohol turns into acetic acid. When consuming alcoholic beverages in large quantity can develop oxidation state of blood acidosis. Thus there is a decrease in pH and a violation of all metabolic processes.

Prior to the formation of acetic acid, the alcohol is first converted into the toxic substance acetaldehyde. He's toxic effect on the whole body, in large quantities causes the development of acute alcohol poisoning. Generated acetic acid in the process of metabolism breaks down into ordinary water and carbon dioxide and excreted through the kidneys and lungs.

By itself, acetic acid is harmless to humans, it is dangerous only when production in large quantities. But the transformation of the molecule of alcohol into acetaldehyde from her tiny hydrogen atoms. They do the most harm to the human body and can lead to the following consequences:

  • High yield of lactic acid. This substance has a negative effect on the Central nervous system, can lead to anxiety attacks and panic attacks. It explains common mental disorders among individuals abusing alcohol.
  • The development of gout. Hydrogen atoms can enhance the production of uric acid.
  • To increase the level of lipids and cholesterol in the blood, which leads to fatty liver and atherosclerosis.

We've all heard that alcohol prevents the deposition of fat plaques in blood vessels and development of atherosclerosis. In fact, only moderate and infrequent drinking may have a beneficial impact on the condition of the vessels. And the abuse of alcohol stimulates vascular damage and the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

How long alcohol from the body

The time of breakdown of alcohol and its excretion from the body depends on many factors and is individual for each person. It depends on:

  • the amount of alcohol consumed. The more people took the alcohol, the longer the body is to neutralize him and break down;
  • state of the liver. Impaired enzyme activity neutralization time of alcohol is greatly increased;
  • an alcoholic "career". The liver of people who abuse alcohol usually is in poor condition;
  • concurrent use of certain medications. For example, narcotic analgesics, antidepressants, nootropics enhance alcohol intoxication;
  • consumption of protein foods of animal origin. Scientists have proven that the neutralization process of removing alcoholic beverages in humans that in parallel with the reception of alcohol, ate meat, fish, eggs or cheese, accelerated for a few hours.

The following is an indicative table of breakdown of alcohol and its excretion from the body.

Drink Women Men
1 glass of light beer (0.5 l) 6 hours 2 hours
100 ml of vodka 15 hours 7 hours
150 ml champagne 8 hours 4 hours
200 ml of wine 7 hours 3 hours

However, these figures are very approximate. In practice, all have their individual elimination rate of alcohol. Some people genetically inherent low production of enzymes responsible for metabolism of alcohol. They get drunk from small amounts of alcohol and then for a long time suffer from the hangover.

How can I speed up the excretion and metabolism of alcohol

Hangovers, dehydration and poor health is what a person faces after drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities. To speed up the metabolism and excretion of alcohol from the body can be in the home. Below, we have gathered for you the recommendations that will help to do this:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Water is the catalyst of most of the biochemical reactions. It also helpsremove alcohol by the kidneys. Alcohol leads to dehydration and acidosis. Using simple or mineral alkaline water can help the body cope with alcohol intoxication.
  • Drink sorbents. These drugs do an excellent job with intoxication, and will help flush out intestinal toxins formed due to the impact of alcohol. For this purpose, any suitable preparations of this group, for example, activated carbon, enterosgel, APSCO.
  • To speed up the metabolism and to remove vascular spasms will douches. Take it for 5 minutes and feel the improvement.
  • Drink a glass of brine. This drink will help to regulate the water-electrolyte balance and speed recovery after drinking.
  • Eat a full Breakfast. It is best to choose protein foods of animal origin. Dairy products, milk, eggs, meat, cheese and fish will speed up the metabolism of alcohol. Beware of oily and spicy food, it can cause indigestion.

If you want to bring alcohol from the body, in any case, no need to hangover. This method can only help to remove the nausea and headache, but in the process of removing alcohol, it positively will not be affected.

The abuse of alcohol should not be abused coffee, Cola and energy drinks. They can lead to increased blood pressure, increased headache. Also should refuse the admission of hot tubs. This procedure will cause nausea and dizziness.

The breakdown and metabolism of alcohol in the body is a long and complex biochemical process. Its rate is affected by many factors. To speed up the cleansing of the body from alcohol is possible with the help of copious drinking, protein and sorbents. Do not abuse alcohol, this drink poisons the body and disrupts all the metabolic processes in it leads to cardiovascular diseases and pathologies of the liver.