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Sodium thiosulfate and alcohol: compatibility and interoperability

Sodium thiosulfate is a drug used for the treatment of a large number of intoxication and toxic components. It has anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect. Use this medicine only on the recommendation of the doctor. In this article, we examined how the interaction between sodium thiosulfate and alcohol what are the indications and contraindications for their joint use, can develop negative consequences?

The description of the drug

Sodium thiosulphate, or hyposulphite, is a drug with a strong anti-toxic effect. It comes in the form of solution for injections in glass ampoules. This drug is considered to be an antidote for some poisons and drugs. For example, it is used in cases of poisoning by lidocaine or mercury.

Remember that to apply the sodium thiosulfate is prohibited. It may be administered only under the supervision of the attending doctor, who determines indications and contraindications for its use, to tailor the dosage. Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but dangerous.


Sodium thiosulfate has many indications for use. Most often it is one component of treatment and is used in combination therapy.

The main indications of using this drug include the following States:

  • of cyanide intoxication;
  • intoxication Arsen;
  • mercury poisoning, lead, bromine, and iodine;
  • variety of arthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • scabies;
  • allergic diseases;
  • overdose of lidocaine;
  • acute poisoning with hydrocyanic acid.

To treat each of the above described pathologies, the dosage is selected individually. Also crucial to the proper selection of additional remedial measures. For example, in the treatment of cyanide poisoning with sodium thiosulfate is introduced only after the application anticiana or amyl nitrate.


Sodium thiosulfate not always possible to apply even in the presence of indications for its use. Contraindications include following conditions:

  • Allergy or individual intolerance of the drug;
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • children the drug is used only for health reasons.

Combine sodium thiosulfate with other drugs only after consultation with your doctor. Yourself to take it with other drugs is dangerous, it can cause allergies, kidney failure and liver failure in the functioning of the Central nervous system.

Interaction with alcohol

In the official instructions to the sodium thiosulphate does not say anything about the possibility of its use in the treatment of alcohol poisoning or alcoholism. However , according to many sources the efficiency of the use of this drug in alcohol intoxication or dependency.

Remember that if you decide to use sodium thiosulfate in alcoholic intoxication, all the responsibility for their health you take exclusively for yourself, as in the official description of this drug there are no data about compatibility and interaction of these substances.

The use of sodium thiosulphate is justified in the treatment of alcoholic intoxication in people who binge. Their body under the influence of alcohol can be deposited toxic substances, salts of heavy metals. It is their neutralization and removal and directed the action of the drug.

At the very alcohol intoxication sodium thiosulfate has no effect. At the same time, this drug is considered relatively safe, has few contraindications and side effects. The use of this drug during intoxication with alcohol will help a person remove toxins and improve health.

Treatment of alcoholism using the drug

People can give up drinking and overcome its dependence on him, only if he had aversion to it. It is the formation of a negative Association with alcohol and built all the treatment of alcohol dependence.

Sodium thiosulfate from alcoholism is even used by some drug treatment. They administered this drug to patients and using it to form a negative attitude to alcohol. At interaction of alcohol and sodium thiosulfate develops nausea and vomiting, a person has an aversion to alcohol, as in the use of them even in minimal quantities it begins to feel feeling sick, vomiting, nauseous.

Alcoholism treatment with sodium thiosulfate is carried out in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. People can come to the doctor every day or stay in a drug treatment unit. Below, we have estimated the treatment of alcohol dependence with this medication:

  1. The duration of treatment for alcoholism sodium thiosulfate ranges from 16 to 20 days and may be renewed by the doctor when indicated. The doctor looks at the response of the patient to therapy, compiles the scheduleand the duration of therapy.
  2. The drug is administered intravenously in individually selected doses in the form of a 30% strength solution.
  3. After intravenous administration of medications the patient is given to drink a glass of vodka. Gradually he develops an aversion to this drink, after 3-4 days, vomiting after ingestion.
  4. Throughout the period of treatment is the formation of aversion to alcohol. By the end of therapy the person may feel sick and vomit from only one kind of alcohol, even without prior administration of sodium thiosulfate. Such aversion to alcohol, as a rule, is resistant and durable.

Effective treatment of alcoholism is possible only if the human desire to get rid of this dependence. Plays a big role, its environment and the society. If at the end of treatment he will return to his old company of alcoholics, the effect of treatment with sodium thiosulfate will be short.

Sodium thiosulfate is a drug that can deal with a large number of States of intoxication, poisoning. It is also effective for neuritis, arthritis and psoriasis. Despite the fact that in his official instructions, nothing written about its use in the treatment of alcoholism and acute intoxication of alcohol, it has been successfully used for these conditions. It is especially effective in eliminating alcohol dependence. Sodium thiosulfate forms the man's aversion to alcohol. To apply this medicine only on the recommendation of the doctor. Self-medication could be dangerous and harmful to the body.