Reamberin in alcoholic intoxication

Reamberin is a medicinal drug which comes in the form of a solution for intravenous drip-feed. It is effective in various diseases, intoxication, poisoning, dehydration. In this article, we considered whether the use of Reamberin in alcoholic intoxication, in some cases, this drug is contraindicated.

The description of the drug

Reamberin is a drug that belongs to the group of detoxification solutions. To purchase it does not need a doctor's prescription, but still independently use it at home unsafe. It includes N-methylamine sodium succinate and succinic acid.

Reamberin influence of electrolyte composition of blood. It can be used only in hospital conditions, under the control of the blood and condition of the patient.

Reamberin, getting into the human body, has antioxidant and antihypoxic activity and improves the transport of oxygen to the tissues, prevents the oxidation processes. This drug restores the vital functions of cells, improving their energy potential. Also, the drug affects the Krebs cycle, regulates blood pH, is able to eliminate acidosis and slightly to stimulate diuresis.

The drug Reamberin you can use to troubleshoot various intoxication and hypoxic conditions. It is approved for use in children older than 1 year.

Contraindications to the use of:

  • individual intolerance or Allergy to the drug, any of its components;
  • pregnancy and feeding the baby breast milk;
  • children up to 1 year;
  • alkalosis;
  • renal failure (acute or chronic);
  • traumatic brain injury of varying severity;
  • cerebral edema or high risk of its development.

Features of the application in case of poisoning with alcohol

The drug Reamberin can be used for the treatment of acute alcohol intoxication. It accelerates the elimination of toxins from the blood stream, eliminates hypoxia and acidosis caused by alcohol, protects cells and tissues from oxygen starvation.

Remember that the use of Reamberin in cases of poisoning by alcohol only in the hospital environment. The doctor after laboratory tests of the patient selects for his individual infusion therapy. This takes into account the electrolyte composition and the pH of the blood.

Laboratory tests conducted in the hospital, helps the doctor to determine the severity of alcohol intoxication, blood pH, and electrolyte. Also investigated the functionality of the kidneys. All infusion therapy is conducted under the supervision of the daily amount of urine.

Examination of a patient admitted with acute alcohol poisoning consists of the following diagnostic techniques:

  1. A General detailed analysis of blood.
  2. Analysis of blood for alcohol content.
  3. Define electrolyte and gas composition of blood.
  4. Biochemical blood test for kidney and liver markers.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication is not limited to the introduction of one drug Reamberin. Typically, such a process is comprehensive and focuses not only on the withdrawal of intoxication, but recovery of the digestive system, normalize heart function, breathing.

How to recognize acute alcohol intoxication

Many people confuse simple intoxication and acute alcohol poisoning. When the intoxication of alcohol is the Central nervous system, the patient's condition may rapidly deteriorate, causing a deviation in the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.

When combining alcohol with some drugs, or drug-alcohol poisoning can result from drinking small amounts of alcohol. If you were assigned any medications, talk with your doctor about the possibility of combining them with alcohol.

Listed below are the main symptoms of acute alcohol poisoning:

  • Nausea and vomiting. The body itself is trying to get rid of surplus alcohol. We must not forget that vomiting can occur due to the switched off consciousness or during sleep. The person may choke on vomit and die.
  • Violation of the stool, and diarrhea. You may also experience intestinal colic, and increased discharge of gases.
  • Headache and dizziness. On the background of severe intoxication is a violation of coordination of movements and fine motor skills.
  • Palpitations, which can go into acute heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Hallucinations. They can be visual or auditory in nature. Especially often occur in people in the period of the binge.
  • The confluence of a person in a stupor or coma. Can also develop seizures.

The severity of alcohol poisoning depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and weight of the patient. When violation of the liver the person requires a smaller amount of alcohol for the development of acute intoxication.

What to do when alcohol poisoning

As we mentioned, the drug Reamberin you cannot enter on the stage of premedical first aid. All the drip and intravenous injection canbe conducted only by physicians.

If you suspect the person with acute alcoholic poisoning, the first call for an ambulance. Waiting for doctors, you can help the patient following their actions:

  1. If he's conscious, let him drink several glasses of plain water. After that you need to provoke retching. This can be finger pressure on the tongue. After vomiting, give him a drink of sorbent. It can be activated carbon, enterosgel, or any other drug. Then make victim drink plain water.
  2. When disturbed mind do not attempt to give a poisoned person anything to drink. Put him on his side. In this position, the risk of asphyxiation from vomiting or sunken language is minimal.
  3. In the case of a seizure try to hold the victim's head, that he is not broke. In no case do not try something to shove in his mouth, by doing so, you only harm him.

The more you yourself can do nothing to help the person. Further treatment and testing will be carried out by physicians. It will consist of IV fluids, medications to normalize the heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. If necessary, will be conducted gastric lavage through the probe.

Reamberin is a modern and effective drug used to relieve various States of intoxication. It is effective for poisoning in alcoholic beverages. It accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body and improves the metabolic processes in tissues. Use this drug only in the hospital, he is under the control of electrolyte parameters of blood. Self-medication may lead to death.