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Alcohol and drug poisoning: symptoms and signs

Milk and alcohol: compatibility and interoperability

Around compatibility of milk and alcohol a lot of rumors. Someone thinks that if to drink it before consuming alcohol can prevent the development of excessive intoxication, someone with it read more...

Reamberin in alcoholic intoxication

Reamberin is a medicinal drug which comes in the form of a solution for intravenous drip-feed. It is effective in various diseases, intoxication, poisoning, dehydration. In this article, we considered read more...

Can I drink vodka and other alcohol for food poisoning

Most people somehow trust folk medicine and the advice of friends and neighbors more than doctors, people who have spent many years learning the rules of assist and treatment of read more...

Alcohol and radiation: does vodka and other alcoholic beverages

On the harmful effects of radiation are known to all. How to be safe from its effects than to reduce the harm it can cause? The people are of the read more...

Alcohol enema: dosage, prescription, effects

Alcoholic enema extreme is a satisfied method of making alcohol. As incredible as it may sound, but in such a way to get drunk is resorted to frequently. It is read more...

Sleeping pills with alcohol: the consequences of use and a lethal dose

Often people take sleeping pills with alcohol if you experience stressful situations, when I want to at least briefly disconnect from all problems. Relatives of patients with alcoholism, use this read more...

What to do if you feel bad after drinking alcohol

Almost all the festivals and feasts not dispense alcoholic beverages, which help lift your mood and relax. However, after taking alcohol, many of the next day developing a hangover, and read more...

Acute alcoholic toxic fatty liver

Regular consumption of ethanol leads to irreversible violations of the functional activity of internal organs and brain. But the main target of toxic compounds is always to get the liver read more...

Alcohol intolerance: causes, symptoms and types

Sometimes, after drinking of spirits in humans occurs deterioration of health. Alcohol intolerance occurs suddenly in the form of the response of the immune system to a stimulus. The main read more...

Klonopin and alcohol: effects, consequences, lethal dose

Clonidine is a drug intended to reduce blood pressure. Nowadays he is appointed by doctors are not often sold strictly on prescription. This is due to the frequent use by read more...

Antibiotic and alcohol: compatibility and reviews

Adaptol is a popular anxioliticeski drug with sedative and anticonvulsant properties. As a rule, it is assigned to the patient for a long period, at least 2-3 weeks. So many read more...

Nitroglycerin and alcohol: consequences of the use and a lethal dose

Nitroglycerin is one of the most common cardiac drugs. It is used to relieve an attack of angina pectoris, has a hypotensive effect. Few people know that combining nitroglycerine and read more...

Phenibut and alcohol: the compatibility, consequences of the use

The drug phenibut (noofen) belongs to the group nootropics and has tranquilizer properties. It is used in the treatment of many conditions and diseases. Generally this drug is well tolerated read more...

The effect of alcohol on the liver

About the liver and alcohol you can say a lot. All alcoholic drinks in the first place to destroy this body. They lead to serious and severe diseases which are read more...

How to make succinic acid with a hangover

Hangover can be treated using different drugs, for example, succinic acid. This is a substance produced in the human body and contained in many foods (beer, cheese, dairy products). Attribute read more...

As alcohol is rapidly excreted from the human body

Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs. It poisons cells and leads to their death, and this requires just a small amount. In addition, the abuse of alcoholic drinks read more...

Medicine and drugs that cause aversion to alcohol

You can count on your fingers the cases when the alcoholic is aware of his addiction and agreed to medication. The vast majority of abusers vodka, wine or beer perceived read more...

The ethyl alcohol poisoning: symptoms, first aid, lethal dose

Ethyl alcohol, or ethyl, is a poison to humans. With moderate use it can cause intoxication, but in large doses leads to the total defeat of the Central nervous system read more...

Harm and benefits of non-alcoholic beer

Is it harmful non-alcoholic beer? This question bothers many fans of this frothy and delicious drink. After alcohol drink can not in all situations. For example, work, driving, antibiotics or read more...

Consequences of drinking expired beer and wine

We all know about the danger of eating expired meat and dairy products, buying them, often check the date of manufacture and sometimes smell and appearance of the product. At read more...

Poisoning surrogate alcohol: symptoms, effects, first aid

Surrogate alcohol has become a real national issue in connection with the frequent cases of poisoning with toxic compounds instead of alcoholic beverages. Late stages of alcoholism are characterized by read more...

POLYSORB hangover and alcohol poisoning

Almost everyone at least once in their life experienced unpleasant symptoms of a hangover. Headache, weakness, thirst and other ailments can be quickly removed, if you take POLYSORB hangover. Powdered read more...
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