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Diet for intestinal infections in adults and children

Intestinal infections are not uncommon, especially in the warm season. During this period in the human diet there are many vegetables, fruits and berries, which are not always efficiently washed. And the rest of the products in the summer deteriorate quickly and can become a breeding ground for infection. Pathogenic microorganisms are bad for the entire body, but are more likely to suffer digestive organs. A sick person suffers from nausea and vomiting, he is concerned about severe diarrhea. To relieve the acute symptoms use medications, but fully recover after illness helps diet. Diet for intestinal infections in adults and children plays an important role during the rehabilitation period.

The symptoms of the disease

Intestinal infections can spread by airborne droplets, domestic and fecal-oral. This means that you can catch transport, store, or while walking on the street. Increasingly susceptible to the pathogen, younger children. Often occurs infection large groups of children in kindergartens, schools or children's camps. This is due to the good resistance of microbes to external impact. Die pathogenic sticks with strong heating, or under the influence of disinfectants.

Symptoms of disease-specific, it is difficult to confuse with something else. Are such disorders:

  • Nausea and uncontrollable vomiting. When the stomach is completely empty, starts vomiting stomach acid.
  • After a couple of hours starts the upset chair. Stool watery, with particles of mucus and blood, have a very fetid smell.
  • The temperature of the patient can achieve high marks.
  • The skin becomes bluish tint, indicating dehydration.
  • In the abdomen are observed paroxysmal cutting pains.

In some cases, young children and adults similar symptoms can give the inflamed Appendix, so the patient must see a doctor to rule out dangerous pathology.

First aid

First aid for intestinal infections begin to have immediately, as soon as the unpleasant symptoms. The minutes of the emergency is:

  1. Carefully washed stomach solution of potassium permanganate or a little salted water. Children under the age of 2 years, this procedure preferably be performed in a hospital.
  2. Do a cleansing enema, for which the charge solution pharmacy regidrona or decoction of chamomile. If these medications at hand, you can use normal clean water.
  3. After acute symptoms subside, the patient is given adsorbents.

To prevent dehydration, the patient should give plenty to drink. For this purpose you can use the solution regidrona who will be able to restore the balance of microelements. Small children this drug is not very willing to drink. Moreover, an unpleasant taste regidrona could provoke a new attack of vomiting. Therefore, to otpevanie kids take more palatable drink.

What tasks are performed by the therapy

In the process of rehabilitation after intestinal infections need to adhere to a diet. Diet helps:

  • to avoid dehydration that may occur due to heavy vomiting and diarrhea;
  • fully to exclude from a diet of heavy foods which irritate the stomach and intestines;
  • to restore due to the product lost during the illness of the nutrients and trace elements.

In the menu of the patient include only fresh and natural products that are rich in vitamins. All the food should be light and easily digestible.


The patient should not be fed during the first days after the onset of the first symptoms of intestinal infection. At this time only give water and other fluids to prevent dehydration. Typically, a person with poisoning appetite is completely absent, so fasting will not cause him discomfort. A day of fasting a little is restored to the intestine in the child and the adult, after the intestinal infection.

If the child does not want to eat, not worth it to get. Food through force will not bring any benefit, but repeated attack of vomiting could trigger.

What are allowed to drink

Nutrition in gastrointestinal infection should include drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Unsolder the patient need fractional portions, but very often. Give clean drinking water, decoctions of dried fruits, compotes and jellies. You can make hot cocoa on the water, offer black or green tea. All these drinks contain active substances that reduce intestinal motility and prevent flatulence.

Children under the age of 3 years, sometimes it is very hard to drink. The kids prepare delicious healthful lemonade, which will bring the body vitamins and nutrients. To do this, cut a slice of lemon, pour hot boiled water and infuse for 20 minutes, then add a teaspoon of honey. The resulting drink give the child every 15-20 minutes for 2 tablespoons.

For otpevanie patient fit and congee, which reminds regidron. To prepare take a tablespoon of rice and the same amount of raisins, boiled in a liter of water on low heat for abouthalf an hour. Then strain and give to the patient.

It is strictly forbidden to unsolder the person with an intestinal infection milk, carbonated and alcoholic beverages. All this greatly aggravate the disease and can cause serious consequences.

Is it possible to feed the patient

A day later, after the first signs of illness begin to feed. Relatives are often concerned with the question of what can I eat with intestinal infection? The approved list of products is quite diverse. During the recovery period allowed in the diet such foods and dishes:

  • Baked apples green varieties with the addition of honey or sugar. Fruit can give well-ripe bananas. If the fruit is green areas, they can be a second in a pot with boiling water, so neytralizuya harmful starch.
  • Viscous porridge on the water with a small addition of salt and sugar – oat, rice and buckwheat;
  • Mashed potatoes on the water without adding fat. Vegetables you can even carrots and zucchini, well-cooking light vegetable soup.
  • Lean meats – chicken, veal or rabbit. The second broth. Boiled meat out, shredded and mixed with mashed potatoes makes a delicious and nutritious dish that can be given to eat even a small child.
  • Nesdobnoe crackers or cookies app.

Adult and children's diet in case of intestinal infection should include fresh herbs – parsley, dill and salad. These plant parts are a source of vitamins and are essential for a weakened body.

What not to include in the diet

There is a list of products that are not patient there until complete recovery. This list included:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • fatty meats – beef, pork, lamb and poultry;
  • mushrooms;
  • meats;
  • canned;
  • hot and spicy dishes;
  • pastries;
  • confectionery;
  • beans, cabbage and cucumbers;
  • citrus fruits except lemon;
  • semi-finished products.

Is strictly prohibited use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages, including beer. Inflamed digestive organs and the liver is unable to process aggressive components. Alcohol, even in small doses, will lead to a deterioration of health status.

Features meal

Man after intestinal infection should not eat a lot. Food must be fractional and frequent enough. A day can be up to 7 meals. In addition to basic food, children and adults can give snacking crackers with tea.

You can't force the patient to eat the entire portion of a dish, one should eat only when hungry. The body itself regulates how much he needed food.

In the period of rehabilitation after intestinal infection food is cooked at a time. This approach allows to keep the products in the maximum amount of nutrients.

How to feed babies with intestinal infection

Diet after intestinal infection in the infant is frequent breastfeeding. You can finish feeding the baby milk mixtures, which was approved by the pediatrician. The crumbs give a lot to drink clean water or stewed seasonal fruits and berries.

Do not forget that a child under one year is very small body weight and can quickly be dehydrated. It is necessary not only to give a lot of drinking, but also to monitor the frequency and volume of urination. If something is alarming parents, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Can dairy products

Many people are concerned with the question of whether to consume dairy products after intestinal infection? Dairy products can be included in the diet of the patient from the third day, after decrease acute symptoms. First, cook oatmeal in milk diluted with water, and then you can give low fat bifidokefir. This healthy drink will help to quickly restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines, and normalizes the process of digestion.

Allowed to feed the baby and low-fat cottage cheese only in limited quantities. A few days later after normalization of is possible to give a firm cheese with tea.

Can I give honey

In the acute stage of the disease honey and other bee products can not be given. As soon as the acute symptoms subside, you can gradually, there is quality honey or add it to cereal and drinks. This bee product contains a complex of essential vitamins and minerals. Honey enables you to quickly restore electrolyte balance without the aid of pharmaceutical drugs.

To get involved in this product should not, everything should be in moderation. Honey is excessive amount of irritating to the stomach and can lead to allergic reactions.

During the recovery period after illness, give the man a MEDA, which is purchased in the checked place. You need to remember that sometimes a low-quality product, which is collected from poisonous plants. Nothing but harm, so the honey will bring.

Is it possible to eat seafood

Already a week later, after the acute phase of the disease, the diet includes boiled fish. These products are rich in protein, needed for building new cells in the body. To consume exotic seafood in this period, undesirable, weak stomachmay not accept such food, which is manifested by nausea and vomiting.

Recovery after intestinal infections takes a lot of time. One of the main factors that influence recovery, is diet. A balanced diet will help to quickly restore the lining of the stomach and intestines. Adults should know what to feed the baby after intestinal infection, in order not to aggravate his condition.