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What can I eat with diarrhea and diarrhea adult

Diarrhea is an integral symptom of acute poisoning and intestinal infections. Nutrition during the treatment of these diseases should be diet, not straining the digestive system. In this article, we have considered what can I eat with diarrhea what foods to include in daily diet and which is better to refuse at the time of treatment and recovery how long should I diet?

Assignment rules diet

Food diarrhea and food poisoning should be diet, but at the same time full. The child or adult need to get enough nutrients. You need to give preference to products that do not cause bloating of the intestines and help stop diarrhea.

The list of permitted and prohibited products paints doctor who deals with treatment of the patient. During treatment, the patient may remain in hospital or home. Patients in a serious condition and requires constant medical observation, should be in the hospital.

Remember that self-medicate and diarrhea and poisoning, you are putting your life in danger. Only a doctor after a detailed examination of the patient and the diagnosis, can a plan of treatment and to describe the diet.

In compiling the diet should be considered chronic diseases, which sick poisoned people, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, celiac disease or lactose intolerance.

Below we'll look at how to eat a person with diarrhea, triggered by food poisoning. But the details of the diet need to be discussed with the treating doctor, as the power circuit is individually different for each patient.

The basic rules of food

Diet for food poisoning and diarrhea should help the body cope with toxins. To make the digestive system recover quickly, should follow a certain mode of eating.

Below are basic guidelines for eating diarrhea:

  • You should eat slowly, in small portions. A one-time amount of food eaten should not exceed the patient's fist. The intervals between meals should be small, no more than 3 hours. This diet will help not to burden the digestive system, what will ensure its normal and continuous operation.
  • Watch the temperature of food. It should be neutral, room. Hot and cold irritable affects the stomach, can stimulate the intestinal motility.
  • Give up Smoking. Weakened body difficult to cope with the nicotine and the smoke will eat away at the inflamed wall of the stomach. Also nicotine many acts poslablyayusche, it can cause increased diarrhoea.
  • Do not drink sodas, alcohol. They adversely affect the entire digestive system. Alcohol can neutralize the action of medicines prescribed by the attending doctor.
  • Avoid by-products and semi-finished products. They are very heavy for digestion, are poorly tolerated by patients with diarrhea and poisoning.
  • Cook meals diet ways: steamed, in the oven, boil or simmer. From grilled and smoked should be abandoned for the period of diet. Preferred to cook in a double boiler or a slow cooker.
  • In meals you can add vegetable oil, sugar and salt in a small amount. Other seasonings, spices, sauces prohibited. In no case can not eat lard, butter, mayonnaise, ketchup.

Remember that diet is a part of treatment of diarrhea. Failure to comply with her medical therapy becomes ineffective, the recovery process is delayed.

How to choose the right foods for the diet

Diarrhea and poisoning the human body is weakened and very susceptible to any bacteria and toxins. During treatment and recovery need to buy fresh and quality food, as safe as possible for the patient.

Below we have gathered tips that will help you in selection and purchase of safe food:

  • Buy food only in certified retail outlets: in supermarkets, shops, markets. To get something natural for the markets, or with hands is dangerous. Such foods may cause repeated poisoning and diarrhea.
  • When buying products, you should carefully check the freshness date of production. Fish and meat need to sniff. The sharp smell of low-quality evidence and the staleness of the products.
  • Check the package of purchased goods. Her injury, the risk of acquiring tainted product increases. This rule specially applies to hard cheese, curd and dairy products.
  • Don't buy ready meals in cooking or in a cafe. It is best while keeping diet food to cook at home. So you can be sure that your food is made from fresh and quality ingredients with clean hands.

Permitted foods

What to eat with diarrhea, what to eat afterwards for recovery? As we have said, the list of allowed foods, usually prepared by the doctor individually, whiletake into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

The following is a list of foods that can be eaten with diarrhea. It can be extended or reduced by the attending doctor:

  • Fruit: bananas and baked apples. They are rich in pectin substances, can strengthen and stop diarrhea.
  • Oatmeal helps restore the inflamed mucosa of the esophageal tract. Oatmeal with diarrhea need to boil water. Allowed to add vegetable oil. Oats supplies the patient's body with the right nutrients and helps to get rid of electrolytic failure.
  • Rice and buckwheat diarrhea can also be included in the diet. These grains can help replenish the body's energy costs. They are rich in potassium and other necessary nutrients. You can also cook buckwheat or rice soup with water or low fat chicken broth.
  • Lean meats and fish cooked on the steamer, or cooked.
  • Chicken broth made from lean sirloin. You can add pumpkin, potato or carrot.
  • Boiled vegetables (beets, potatoes, carrots, zucchini).
  • Boiled eggs or steamed eggs.
  • App cookies, crackers of white bread.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.

When severe diarrhea and the patient's condition, severe intoxication on the first day you can eat only porridge, app cookies and liquid Fig. It is also permissible to be eaten dried white bread. In the days following the diet expands to other products from the above list.

The list of prohibited products

What not to eat with diarrhea what foods and beverages should be discontinued at the time of treatment? Some foods are strictly prohibited to use with loose stools and poisoning. Below are a list of them:

  • Coffee. Despite the fact that without it many people cannot imagine a day that you use it in the treatment of diarrhea is strictly prohibited. Drinking coffee while diarrhea is dangerous, it increases the severity of diarrheacan cause tachycardia, increase dehydration.
  • Milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt. These drinks increase intestinal peristalsis, flatulence.
  • Sodas, juices (store), alcohol.
  • Fresh fruit (except bananas) and berries. Our favorite fruit can worsen diarrhea.
  • All fried, fatty, spicy and smoked. If you eat such food during diarrhea, it is possible to get to the hospital with acute pancreatitis or cholecystitis.
  • Chocolate, baking and pastry, ice cream, various sweets.
  • Alcohol.
  • Chips, popcorn.
  • Sausages.
  • Fast food.
  • Nuts, dried fruit.
  • Pasta, ravioli.

The patient is forbidden to eat foods that he's allergic or intolerant to. For example, if you eat cheese with lactose deficiency, you can earn the strengthening of the chair and deterioration.

Drinking regime

Diarrhea a person loses a large amount of fluid and electrolytes. This condition increases the risk of developing severe dehydration. It drinking plenty of fluids can help to prevent the emergence of dehydration.

Dehydration is manifested by skin pallor, increased heart rate, severe weakness, decrease of skin tone. With the development of these symptoms should immediately call an ambulance.

What to drink during the diarrhea? It is best to drink simple or mineral alkaline water, for example, "Borjomi" or "Polyana Kvasova". All drinks must be free of gases and room temperature. You can also drink black tea, decoction of chamomile or rose hips.

With abundant and frequent diarrhea, you can drink pharmaceutical solutions for oral rehydration. The most popular drug is regidron. It composition similar solutions, which is administered in hospitals intravenously in the treatment of severe dehydration or severe intoxication.

Rehydron is available a La carte. One sachet should be diluted in 1 litre of warm normal water. An adult with diarrhea should drink 2-3 liters of this solution per day.

After each defecation, you should drink a glass of solution or plain water. Thus, will not increase dehydration.

After the suspension of the diarrhoea can start to drink a decoction of flax seed. It favorably affects the lining of the stomach and duodenum.

What else is included in the treatment of diarrhea

Treatment of diarrhoea consists not only of diet and drinking regime. The doctor, usually assigned to medical therapy. Its composition depends on the disease that triggered the diarrhea. Below are the main drugs that can be treatment for poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea:

  • Sorbents. With these drugs begins rendering first aid with development of severe diarrhea. You can use any preparations of this drug group, for example, activated carbon, smectite, APSCO, POLYSORB, enterosgel. These drugs bind and neutralize toxins, reduce the severity of diarrhea.
  • Antispasmodics is indicated for intestinal colic. These drugs can relieve pain caused by movement of gas in the intestinal loops. You can use Nospanum, duspatalin.
  • Antacids are drugs that help to relieve heartburn and pain in the stomach. Someof them, for example, aluminium phosphate gel, are similar to the sorbents action.
  • Enzymes (CREON, festal, Mezim, pankreatin) are assigned to improve digestion.
  • Antibiotics can be prescribed only by the attending doctor after confirming the presence of intestinal infection.
  • Solutions for droppers (Trisol, saline, disol) are administered intravenously in severe dehydration and uncontrollable vomiting.

How to identify cause of diarrhoea

Diarrhea can be a symptom of a large number of diseases such as intestinal infections, poisoning, colitis, food intolerance, acute appendicitis, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Diet and treatment can be assigned only when an accurate diagnosis and identify the causes of the disease. After taking a history and examination of the patient, the doctor prescribes a number of laboratory and instrumental examinations. The list of diagnostic methods can consist of:

  • the General analysis of blood, which helps to identify the presence of inflammation, viral or bacterial infection. Also it can be used to determine the degree of dehydration;
  • urinalysis, to detect abnormalities in the kidneys. In case of severe dehydration urine output may be very small;
  • biochemical blood tests on kidney, liver and pancreas markers;
  • bacteriological examination of feces. Is based on the results of this analysis and may be prescribed antibiotics;
  • radiography of the abdominal cavity, which is necessary for suspected appendicitis or intestinal obstruction;
  • ultrasound investigation of internal organs (ultrasound);
  • electrocardiogram (ECG) is conducted to diagnose any abnormalities in heart rhythm that can occur when a strong electrolyte shift.

If the patient is in serious condition, doctors initially provide the necessary first aid, and only then proceed to the diagnosis.

Diet for diarrhea and poisoning is a complete therapeutic component. Without compliance to achieve rapid healing and recovery of the organism quite difficult. With the development of diarrhea should consult a doctor who will tell you what you can eat if you have diarrhea. Diet is tailored to each individual, takes into account the characteristics of the organism. During the diet need to give up fatty and fried, heavy, junk food. Except diet, treatment includes drinking regime and medication. Remember that all medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Do not self-medicate.