Absorbent: what it is, use in medicine

Absorbent – this drug, which is designed to help with many types of intoxication, the effects due to the absorption of harmful substances from the digestive system. These drugs consist of active substance of natural or synthetic origin.

Absorbent after taking a pass across the gastrointestinal tract, will absorb and neutralize almost all poisons and will leave the body naturally.

What are the different sorbents

Sorbents are chemicals in solid or liquid form, which are used in the chemical industry and medical practice. They are able to absorb and absorb the most chemical elements from the environment in which it will be placed.

In medical practice, the sorbents are designed for indoor use and function purposefully in the human digestive tract. These medicines are indicated for poisonings and intoxications gaseous, liquid and solid substances, they quickly absorb, absorb, bind and attract to its specific surface toxic substances.

There are several types of sorbents that are functionally similar but have difference in the principle of action on the body. The effect of sorbents klassificeret:

  • Absorbents: absorb harmful substances with all your volume using the so-called capillaries located on the surface, thereby increasing the contact surface of the absorbent.
  • Adsorbents: absorb toxic substances throughout its outer surface. Prescribed for organism poisoning with heavy metal salts, alkaloids, glycosides, diet drugs, as well as in the acute form of chronic pathologies of the digestive tract.
  • Chelators: absorb and absorb toxic substances as a full volume or full surface. Provide both internal and external use for the treatment and disinfection of wounds. Prescribed for poisoning of different etiology, and acute course of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nonabsorbable antacids: drugs of natural origin.

You need to remember that the impact of a particular sorbent is characterized by its active substance.

All sorbents are produced in the most diverse form, as tablets of different dosage, capsules, granulates, powders, pastes and gel mixtures.

Indications for use

Absorbents appoint a doctor with a large variety of inflammatory processes and pathological diseases that can occur in the patient. They are also used in viral and bacterial diseases, which are always accompanied by quite a strong intoxication of an organism.

Absorbent medicine is prescribed in such cases:

  1. Poisoning for a variety of reasons, for example, alcohol, chemicals, stale food and various methylated spirits.
  2. Food poisoning if it enters the human body pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Atherosclerosis with plaque formation as the consequence of insufficient fat metabolism.
  4. Psoriasis the result of an allergic reaction.
  5. Diseases of the kidneys, liver and the entire digestive system.
  6. In the prevention of coronary heart disease.
  7. For preventive cleansing of the body from harmful and toxic substances or intentional weight loss.
  8. After a course of radiation therapy at oncological pathologies.
  9. In allergic exacerbations.

You need to remember that absorbents together with poisonous substances absorb in the body of the patient and useful minerals.

Medicinal drugs should only be taken after visiting a physician and setting the correct diagnosis. Most medicines in this group have contraindications, and side effects.


Absorbents cannot be discharged in certain diseases and conditions:

  • individual sensitivity to the active substance;
  • erosions and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stomach and intestinal bleeding;
  • inflammatory processes in the biliary tract;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • taking drugs with anion exchange resins in pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions.

Among absorbents, there is a very hygroscopic drugs, so they tie all that will be in the digestive system.

We must remember that the drugs that patient is taking with these absorbents will be neutralized.

Side effects

The use of absorbents, especially for a long time may be accompanied by some side effects:

  • drastic reduction of useful elements in the body;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • drugs with the active ingredient in the form of activated charcoal painted stool in black color;
  • Medicines on the basis of anion-exchange resins cause diarrhea.

It is important to comply with the rule: between the receiving absorbent material, andother medicines need to pause for more than two hours.

What are some absorbents

Depending on the active substance absorbents are made in the form of the following drugs:

  • Karbacken, carbol, carblog, activated coal - based activated charcoal natural charcoal.
  • Use adsorbents, intersorb: with the use of a water-soluble polymer polyvinylpyrrolidone.
  • White charcoal, POLYSORB, enterosgel: with silicon content.
  • Almagel, gastal, fosfalyugel: with the content of the aluminum-potassium-magnesium substance.
  • Venter: on the basis of sucralfate.
  • Smectite: a medication containing medical clay;
  • Algiers, polifepan: the content of cellulose and pectin.

From the entire list of drugs selected absorbents are most widely used. These include activated carbon, as one of the cheapest, and absorbents.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is the most common absorbent. Available in the form of tablets, granules, capsules, powder, and paste. Similar drug used in the fight against the poisoning of food products, drugs, salts of heavy metals, various chemical elements, alkaloids, glycosides and other harmful substances.

This absorbent is prescribed for the suppression of pathological conditions, such as asthma, dermatitis, liver cirrhosis and disorders of the stomach and flatulence. The drug is quite effective in regulating the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the digestive system.


Intersorb – another popular absorbent. It is based on a water-soluble polymer is polyvinylpyrrolidone. The drug is used in the form of powder for solution preparation, and solution for injection.

This medicine is indicated for the treatment of acute infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as at exacerbation of chronic diseases – liver failure, enteritis and enterocolitis.


Enterosgel contains the active substance Metelkina acid in the form of a hydrogel. The drug looks like pasta and is immediately ready for use.

The drug is prescribed to combat diarrhea, dyspepsia and noninfectious nature, skin diseases, dysbacteriosis, various intoxications and infectious diseases.

This medicine is prescribed for pathological conditions of allergic diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.


Smectite is one of the most common safe and effective absorbents, powder is applied even in the treatment of infants. This natural drug composition contains a clay powder. Available in sachets with different flavors – vanilla and orange.

Smectite is prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea caused by different reasons, both acute and chronic. Prescribed to eliminate heartburn, flatulence and discomfort in the digestive tract. In the complex treatment of she is recommended in colitis, peptic ulcer disease and gastritis. Usually prescribed one packet up to three times a day. Powder previously stirred in a small volume of water.


This medication is known as an effective absorbent with good sorption qualities. It helps to clean the body of pathogenic microorganisms, toxic substances, medicines, alcohol and some heavy metals. In addition, polifepan quickly binds and excretes some products of metabolism – bilirubin, cholesterol and urea.

The treatment of any poisoning is not without purpose absorbents. Such drugs promote binding of toxic substances and soft them out of the body. Before taking absorbents it is desirable to consult to your doctor, as there are a number of contraindications and side effects.