Home / Help after poisoning in the home / Sorbents from poisoning: rules of admission, doses / How to take activated charcoal before or after a meal

How to take activated charcoal before or after a meal

Activated charcoal tablets are in almost every home medicine Cabinet. Although the shelves of pharmacies filled with modern analogs, many people still prefer black and cheap tablets. Use the medicine as emergency treatment for various intoxications. Make the adsorbent you need to properly, otherwise you may get unpleasant side effects. How to take activated charcoal, will be able to tell the treating physician or on a standard dosage can be read in the enclosed instructions.

General characteristics of the drug

Produce activated carbon from coke, it is of three kinds – wood, coal and oil. The highest quality drug obtained from the shell of nuts or twigs of plants. Coal tablets a lot of the open pores, allowing them to adsorb the toxic substances that enter the body. The drug has a shelf life of 2 years, but if stored properly it can be used even after expiration date will. Keep the coal in the original blister packs in a cool dry place.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of activated carbon a lot, it is prescribed to patients of all age groups:

  1. In case of poisoning with different toxic substances, including drugs, salts of heavy metals and alcohol.
  2. For the treatment of food poisoning, caused by substandard products.
  3. At violation of exchange substances, but only under the supervision of a physician.
  4. After chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in case of intoxication.
  5. Flatulence.
  6. When in the gastrointestinal tract are observed congestion.
  7. In all types of hepatitis.
  8. In the hangover, after the alcohol abuse.

In the instructions for use indicated the standard dosage of the drug that are followed for various diseases. If necessary, your doctor may adjust the dosage.

Should not without consulting a doctor to take activated charcoal long courses, as there may be side effects.

Contraindications to the medication and side effects

Even such natural remedies are the limitations of the appointment. Contraindications include the following diseases and conditions:

  • individual intolerance to the components that are included in tablet;
  • stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in case of poisoning, in that case, if the victim is not assigned to the antidote. Otherwise, the carbon pill is toxins take the antidote;
  • in case of allergic reactions.

Administration of activated charcoal can be started only after consultation with a doctor, especially if there are comorbidities. In the case of an involuntary appointment, you can face with side effects.

Have activated charcoal side effects are few, but they must be considered when therapy. Can be constipation, persistent decrease in blood pressure, deterioration in the assimilation of vitamins and nutrients to the body. To avoid side effects need to drink activated charcoal, taking into account the recommendations of the doctor.

It must be remembered that coal tablets absorb not only toxic substances, but also vitamins and minerals. So drink drug costs with care, strictly observing the dosage and duration of treatment.


Overdose can occur if just eat a lot of pills. Symptoms of overdose are quite specific, they are difficult to ignore:

  • there is a severe allergic reaction;
  • disrupted the cardiovascular system, possible respiratory failure;
  • volvulus, which is accompanied by severe abdominal pain.

If Potrerillos too many tablets then may be intestinal obstruction. In this case, you may need the help of a surgeon.

Can you die from overdose

To overdose that leads to death, very hard. For this you need to drink a dose of pills, which is ten times higher than therapeutic. As a result, possible irregularities in the parts of the nervous system that are responsible for breathing and heart function. These States with the untimely assistance provided can actually lead to death.

Severe health consequences can be when a loop of intestine, when to save the life of the person needs urgent surgical intervention.

Rules of administration of activated charcoal

Applications of the adsorbent are different depending on disease and patient's age. Adopt coal a tablet before meals 2 hours or several hours after a meal, the stomach should be empty. In the manual describes what the pill on the basis of body weight, per 10 kg of body weight take one pill. If poisoning should immediately take 3-4 tablets 250 mg, once nausea, vomiting, or other signs of intoxication. In other cases, the regimen is a little different:

  1. For the treatment of allergic reactions prescribed 2-4 tablets 3 times a day. Take the medication no more than 2 weeks.
  2. When excessive bloating dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day. Drinkactivated charcoal before eating not more than a week.
  3. With stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract appoint 4 tablets 3 times a day.
  4. For getting rid of strong diarrhea take 3 tablets 3 times a day until symptoms disappear.

The activated carbon is allowed to be taken by pregnant and lactating women and children over the years. How much can you drink of the adsorbent to a pregnant woman without harming the fetus, decided by the doctor. Children up to two years of age give two tablets a day. From 3 to 6 years – 4 tablets, after 6 years may be given 6 tablets per day.

Many people wonder how often you can drink activated charcoal? A course of treatment prescribed by a physician or a gastroenterologist, it also determines the intervals between courses.

To avoid negative health consequences, receiving adsorbent should be reduced to 4 days, unless other treatment has not been prescribed by a doctor.

The rules of admission of the adsorbent

Order activated charcoal started to adsorb toxic substances in the body faster, his pre-crushed using a rolling pin. This can be done without breaking the blister, it is sufficient to pin down the pills with a rolling pin. The finished coal powder before taking dissolved in a small volume of water and then drink.

Some people chew up black pill and then drink water. This is also a normal variant, but is better to keep the teeth and use a rolling pin. People should decide for themselves as to how best to take the drug. An easy to drink the slurry of coal powder and others chew the tablets or swallow whole. The therapeutic properties of the method of reception is not reduced, but it is worth considering that when swallowing tablets whole adsorption of harmful substances a little slow.

Unconventional use of coal tablets

There are descriptions of the non-standard use of activated charcoal. So, it is actively used by people who are trying to lose weight. Is this procedure useful or not, many doctors are still arguing. But the fact remains that, with the help of classical adsorbent can do to lose weight. Coal absolutely no effect on body fat, but it improves liver function and helps rid the body of excess cholesterol. It helps to normalize the work of the pancreas and the adrenal cortex.

The main objective of the adsorbent when losing weight is to rid the body of excess fluid. Thanks to the activated charcoal are removed and the swelling goes overweight. There are several standard schemes, following which a person can lose weight.

The first option

The person who wants to lose weight, taking before each meal tablets of coal. Dosage is taken on the basis of weight – for 10 kg weight one pill. Drink the adsorbent every day during the month.

You need to consider that this method of weight loss can be bad for health, as it washed out all the nutrients.

The second option

Take 2 activated charcoal tablets in the morning, before eating. Drink a glass of cool water.

The third option

In a day drink 10 coal tablets, dividing them into 3-4 reception. Drink for several hours before eating, drinking sufficient amount of clean water.

All weight loss methods are aimed at stabilizing the digestive tract, which disturbed almost all people that have obesity. So take coal if overweight useful, but only for a short period.

In some cases, the powder of coal used for the treatment of wounds of various etiologies. It promotes cleansing of wounds and rapid healing.

Knowing all of charcoal, you can use this remedy with great benefit. Plain black pills come to the aid of the whole family in case of poisoning and other diseases. Despite the presence in pharmacies of a more modern analogues, coal tablets do not lose their popularity for many years.