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POLYSORB or enterosgel: which is better for poisoning

On the shelves of pharmacies there are a lot of different adsorbents, but buyers often choose enterosgel, Polisorb and that quickly and safely remove toxins from the body. Both drugs belong to the chelators. They are prescribed to patients diagnosed with diseases of toxic or infectious nature, and if the disturbed metabolism. In addition, sorbents necessarily prescribed in the treatment of allergic diseases, digestive diseases, liver and kidney and skin diseases. What to choose enterosgel, POLYSORB or that to better cope with the toxins and pathogens?


POLYSORB – belongs to the sorbents for a large range of action. It binds and removes from the body various toxins, allergens, harmful microbes and decomposition products which are formed in the digestive organs as a result of stagnation. Promotes gentle elimination of toxins from the blood and its components.

Indications for

POLYSORB is recommended for all types of poisoning in patients of all age groups:

  • Intoxication of different origin in patients of all groups.
  • Intestinal infections of various etiologymanifested by diarrhea.
  • Septic conditions that accompanied by severe intoxication.
  • Acute poisoning by drugs, alcohol and heavy metal salts.
  • Allergic reactions caused by different allergens.
  • Hepatitis and chronic kidney failure.

POLYSORB sometimes prescribed to prevent residents of environmentally contaminated areas and work in harmful industries.

Method of application

Drink the adsorbent only in the form of an aqueous slurry. To prepare the solution a certain amount of drug measured is diluted in half a glass of cool water. The suspension is prepared before use and drink one hour before food or other medications. Daily dose for adults is on average 6 to 12 grams, it depends on the weight of the person and the severity of the condition. The dose for children is calculated individually, based on the weight of the baby. The can says estimated doses for children of different weights.

Duration of treatment determined by the attending physician. The average duration of treatment can range from 3 days to 2 weeks. If necessary, repeat the treatment after three weeks.

In rare cases, there may be side effects such as constipation or persistent allergies. When such phenomena treatment correct other drugs.

Application features

There are some nuances of the reception of POLYSORB, which allow to increase the efficiency of medication:

  1. The food poisoning needs to be treated with gastric lavage with a solution of medication. The procedure uses a probe of large diameter.
  2. In case of intestinal infections of the adsorbent need to be taken at the first signs.
  3. Jaundice sorbent appointed in the role detoksiciruuschee funds.
  4. When persistent allergies drug drinking rates of up to 2 weeks. If diagnosed with an acute form of Allergy, pre-washed stomach a weak suspension of the medication.
  5. In renal insufficiency, the sorbent is assigned course to one month.

When the appointment should take into account contraindications, which include peptic ulcer disease, and bowel obstruction.


Enterosgel is characterized by enterosorbiruyuschee, and enveloping antidiarrheal properties. Active element is the silica which only adsorbs toxic substances. Enterosgel binds and removes from the body all kinds of toxic substances. These include bacteria and decay products, allergens, salts of heavy metals, poisons and alcohol. The adsorption is performed from the digestive tract and blood selectively.

Indications for use

Recommend enterosgel in different lesions of the intoxication of nature, namely:

  • chronic diseases mochevyvodyashih ways;
  • septic conditions that exhibit strong intoxication;
  • burns of the skin of different etiology;
  • the toxemia of pregnancy at any time;
  • the diagnosis of allergic or atopic disease;
  • acute viral diseases;
  • radiation injury of a person;
  • poisoning in the acute stage, including alcoholic.

In addition, a drug prescribed for peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, colitis, and before and after surgical interventions on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Method of application

Enterosgel before use, diluted in a small volume of water, prepare all the time fresh slurry. Drug is released in the form of paste, allowed to drink pure, drinking adequate amount of water. The adsorbent will be used three times a day between meals, for a couple of hours before a meal or after. Children under one year of age prescribed 1 teaspoon, divided into 3-4 reception. Babies under two years old 2 teaspoons of the sorbent divided into 3-4 reception. Children 2 to 7 years prescribe 1 teaspoon of the drug, up to three times a day. From 7 years to 14 write on a dessert spoon, and adults take 1 dining roomspoon.

The duration of treatment in severe poisoning is 10 days, in chronic intoxication, the treatment can take up to 3 weeks.

Application features

There are some recommendations that allow you to use the adsorbent as efficiently as possible:

  1. Medication begin with the appearance of the first symptoms of intoxication.
  2. If the disease be severe, the first three days of treatment may be double the dosage.
  3. When persistent allergies enterosgel spend on drink a course.

Do not forget that the drug has side effects. After intake may be nausea and vomiting, which require the cancellation of the adsorbent. Contraindication can only be idiosyncrasy.

What is the more effective adsorbent

To understand what is better – or enterosgel, Polisorb, you need to perform a comparative analysis of these two drugs. The main indicator that patients and doctors choose medicine is that it is effective on the cause of the disease. But not only are these two factors important when choosing a drug should take into account the safety and practicality of use.

Enterosgel is a unique adsorbent on the basis of metalquimia acid, which is produced in jelly form. POLYSORB – is a powdered adsorbent, the active material of which is silicon dioxide. Both of these sorbent have similar indications, but the difference is still obvious.

The convenience of receiving

If you compare the usability of these two drugs, enterosgel to take the. It comes in the form of jelly, so it can be taken with water and, if necessary, allowed to dissolve in a small volume of any drink that is at hand. POLYSORB before taking you should be diluted in sufficient volume of water to obtain a homogeneous liquid.

POLYSORB is forbidden to smell and eat dry. Fine particles settle in the respiratory organs and trigger severe disease!


High absorption activity can bring both benefit and harm. Enterosgel, in comparison with analogues, selectively acts on substances in the body. Silica gel adsorbs pathogenic compounds – toxins, allergens and poisons, and it does not bind vitamins, nutrients and proteins.

POLYSORB have high activity against proteins, so it is often prescribed in the treatment of burn diseasewhen the patient's blood is circulating an increased amount of protein. For dietary or certain intoxications, when the consumption of protein by the body is large, doctors recommend to apply enterosgel. If long take the sorbents with poor electoral performance, you can experience symptoms of protein deficiency – edema, anemia, weakness in muscles and joints, insufficiency of cerebral circulation and persistent immunosuppression.

Enterosgel is better suited for the treatment of children. It has virtually no side effects and is well tolerated by patients of all age groups.

The prevention of dehydration

In many types of toxicity, for weight loss or kidney diseases should avoid dehydration. Therefore, it is preferable to use the adsorbent that is most selective to water molecules. Most of the sorbents bind water and the prolonged use impair intestinal motility that may lead to atony. Than enterosgel is completely different from other sorbents is the fact that it is not disruptive to the digestive tract even after prolonged use.

The impact on the flora

Not all the sorbents retain the beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines. The pathogens are breaking the microflora in the digestive tract as antibacterial drugs.

POLYSORB refers to the non-selective sorbents and can lead to dysbacteriosis. Enterosgel gently acts on the toxins and harmful substances and has no effect on beneficial microflora.

Therefore, the effectiveness of selective treatment of sorbents higher than non.

How can harm sorbents

The contraindications to the use of POLYSORB indicated peptic ulcer disease and bleeding of internal organs. Have enterosgel such there are no contraindications, he, on the contrary, a well-envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and eliminates inflammation. The gel helps to restore the mucous membrane and protects it from the harmful substances – alkalis, acids, alcohol and toxins.

On the question of which is better adsorbents is enterosgel, POLYSORB, or the answer is obvious. Definitely should give preference to modern sorbent in the form of a gel, although the old-fashioned doctors prescribe in cases of poisoning POLYSORB or enterofuril. These drugs should not be discarded, but before taking you need to weigh the pros and cons.