After poisoning the stomach (belly): what

Food poisoning common disease. It can cause various pathologies of the digestive system. The defeat of the gastric mucosa and development of chronic gastritis is a common complication of poisoning. In this article we considered why, after poisoning and stomach aches, how to eliminate this symptom, when should I seek medical help, what is a survey in this situation.

Possible causes of pain in the stomach

Stomach pain after food poisoning can occur in a child and an adult. This symptom is not specific and can mean a number of complications that can be caused by food poisoning. A possible cause of pain in gastric region are:

  • acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic gastritis. In this disease the inflammation of the gastric mucosa. If the process is acute, the patient develops severe pain in the epigastrium, nausea and vomiting, possibly fever and the appearance of flatulence. During exacerbation of chronic gastritis, the symptoms are less pronounced, the pain appears not dramatically, has an aching and oppressive in nature;
  • peptic ulcer disease. Some toxins and poisonous substances that were the cause of poisoning, can cause erosions and ulcers in the area of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. When the disease developed epigastric pain, which occur on an empty stomach, can increase after a meal. It is also possible bloating, intestinal colic;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding, developing in violation of the integrity of the vessel, the balloon located in the submucosa of the stomach or duodenum. This condition can develop in cases of poisoning by chemicals, acids and alkalis. When internal bleeding abdominal pain may be absent or may be acute, permanent;
  • the dysbacteriosis of intestines develops as a result of poisoning or intestinal infection. The pain is often reminiscent of intestinal colic, which is characterized by migrating pain in the entire abdomen, cramps;
  • acute or chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). For this pathology is more typical girdle pain in the abdomen, but sometimes it may be localized in the stomach, to simulate gastritis. On palpation of the abdomen soreness will be marked in the epigastrium and left hypochondrium. In acute pancreatitis develops severe intoxication, the body temperature rises to 39 degrees. On the skin of the abdomen can appear petechiae, hemorrhagic spots. Also for the defeat of the pancreas characterized by nausea, vomiting, flatulence and diarrhea.

Please note that in acute appendicitis the pain at first may be localized in the stomach. It then gradually descends to the lower abdomen, the right iliac fossa. Food poisoning can cause inflammation of the Appendix.

Your actions in the case of pain in the stomach

What if after poisoning a stomach ache in the stomach? It should be understood that this symptom is "just because" does not appear. It means the presence of some pathological process in the stomach, duodenum or other parts of the digestive system.

When the pain in the stomach, you should seek medical help. There are emergency situations in which you should immediately call the SMP, and not an emergency, a patient can contact the doctor at the clinic or district hospital.

Below are emergency cases, as well as your actions in their development.

  • The appearance of sharp unbearable pain in the stomach may indicate a perforation (breakthrough) ulcers or the development of acute inflammatory process. While the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall tense up, become rigid as a Board.
  • The development of black vomit and dark diarrhea indicates the beginning of gastro-intestinal bleeding. The patient quickens the pulse and breathing, decreases blood pressure, there is weakness and dizziness.
  • Encircling the occurrence of acute abdominal pain indicates the development of pancreatitis.
  • Movement of pain from the epigastric region to the right iliac region may indicate the development of acute appendicitis. In this pathology can rise the body temperature, to develop nausea, vomiting, loose stools.

In the case of the above acute pathologies is forbidden to give the patient to drink any medication, painkillers. They can lubricate the clinical picture or worsen the patient's condition. You should call an ambulance, while waiting for physicians to provide one with the peace and bed rest.

If you suspect the development of gastrointestinal bleeding, put the patient in the region of the stomach bubble with ice. The cold will slightly reduce the volume of blood loss. Do not give the person anything to drink do not try to wash out his stomach.

Diagnosis and examination in the development of stomach pain

Treatment of pain in the stomach area is appointed by the doctor after carrying out of anamnesis, examination and diagnosis. You need to describe in detail the doctor the symptoms, tell about the previous poisoning. If you have any chronic comorbidity, don't forget to mentionabout them. Also for the purposes of treatment need information about the medications you regularly take, and about whether you have any allergies.

Please note that to treat stomach pain need a qualified doctor, a gastroenterologist or surgeon. To self-medicate is dangerous not only for health, but for life.

To clarify the reason why stomach hurts after poisoning, the patient is assigned to a detailed examination of the body. It consists of:

  • a General detailed analysis of blood. This laboratory research is needed to detect any inflammatory process in the body, bacterial or viral infections, anaemia, worm infestation.
  • General analysis of urine. Sometimes kidney disease masquerading as a pathology of the digestive system, whining can stomach, but not in the lumbar region.
  • biochemical analysis of blood, which is necessary for identifying impaired kidney, liver, pancreas.
  • gastroscopy – study that helps to reveal inflammation of the stomach lining, ulcers, bleeding and perforation. It uses the gastroscope, which is put through the mouth into the gastric cavity. At its end it has a camera and a flashlight, which transmit the acquired image on the monitor. During this procedure, the doctor takes bits of tissue for biopsy, and may impose a clip on the bleeding vessel, thereby to stop the bleeding.
  • ultrasound of internal organs, which allows to examine the size and shape of the pancreas and liver, to identify their pathology.

The list of studies can be extended or reduced by the attending doctor. He chooses diagnostic methods based on observations of the clinical picture and examination of the patient.

Treatment of stomach pain

The treatment is prescribed by a doctor. In case of perforation of the ulcer, appendicitis, acute pancreatitis and gastro-intestinal bleeding, a surgical intervention. Other pathologies are treated conservatively, often on an outpatient basis, at home. The doctor paints the patient's diet, drinking regime, says which medicines to take.

In the case of gastritis is assigned to the etiological treatment of. If the survey had revealed H. pylori infection is specific antibacterial therapy.

Stomach pain after food poisoning can develop for many reasons. This symptom should be taken seriously when it occurs to go to the doctor. For diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe laboratory and instrumental examination. This diagnosis will help him to recommend the appropriate etiological treatment. In some cases surgical intervention is performed.