If coffee is bad and what happens if you drink too much

Coffee is a drink which can't imagine their lives a huge number of people all over the world. Due to its taste, aroma and toning effect on the body, coffee is loved by many, has become a cult drink. Some people try to limit themselves to him for fear of heart problems. In this article we decided to find out what happens if you drink a lot of coffee, how many cups you can drink a day without harm to the body, we do not recommend this drink, regardless of how beneficial and negative properties it possesses.

What is coffee

Coffee is a drink that is made from grains of plants belonging to the family coffee. For its preparation are most often used roasted coffee beans, occasionally green. 98% of all coffee brewed on the basis of just two varieties: Arabica and Robusta. Manufacturers, by combining these two types of grains in different proportions and ratios, get a different taste palette.


Arabica is considered the more refined coffee, it is more demanding weather conditions, and exposed to parasites. Arabica has a sour taste and strong coffee aroma.

Robusta is less demanding to the environment and weather conditions, it is not so often affect parasites and diseases. Despite the fact that it is considered cheaper coffee variety, in its structure at times more caffeine, it acts more toning on the human body. The coffee foam, which we used to see on the surface of the espresso, is formed by Robusta.

Have you noticed on the packs relatively inexpensive coffee the label "100% Arabica"? In fact, it is not. "100% Arabica" is not delicious, and very acidic. What we buy and drink is a mixture of Arabica and Robusta.

That is included with coffee

Coffee is a multicomponent beverage. Coffee beans are a natural source of a large number of different active substances. Some of them are widely used in medicine.

The main substances contained in the composition of coffee:

  • caffeine – the active substances that have a stimulating effect on the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system. Scientists learned how to artificially synthesize caffeine, produced on its basis preparations for oral and parenteral administration;
  • theophylline is also widely used in modern medicine. It is able to remove the spasms in the bronchi and increase urine production. Theophylline is a natural diuretic substance;
  • tannins – these substances belong to the group of binders. They provide the coffee drink bitter and strong taste;
  • kofeol – affects the blood vessels by improving their blood circulation. Kofeol also reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • vitamin e – improves the condition of blood vessels, prevents brittleness of the vascular walls;
  • chlorogenic acid regulates and improves the metabolism of proteins in the body;
  • essential oil. These substances not only give to the coffee drink a pleasant taste and smell, but also can relieve vascular spasm, eliminate headaches and tension.

These components are only a small part of the substances included in the composition of the coffee beans. According to the research, coffee contains over thousand of various active elements that can affect the condition of the human body.

How coffee affects the body

The assertion that drinking coffee every day bad for health, is not true. In fact, this drink is useful for the human body and has a beneficial effect. Around coffee there are a lot of myths and rumors. Someone thinks that it is poison and poison, and some are not, and day of my life without a Cup of this aromatic drink. So who is right?

Details below we have tried to consider the effects of coffee on various systems and organs in our body to understand, harmful this drink for us.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

We decided to start studying the effects of coffee from this system, as most people believe that this drink leads to heart disease and hypertension.

Coffee is the favorite drink of most hypotensive, that is, people who tend toward lower blood pressure level. Without a Cup of this aromatic drink is difficult for them to start the day and start doing the work. Scientists after research have found that moderate coffee consumption increases only the negative pressure and does not affect the normal.

Blood pressure increases if you drink lots of coffee, more than three cups a day. But this figure is highly individual and depends on many factors. For example, if the person does not use this drink regularly, change of pressure can occur from one of his cups.

Coffee has a positive impact on the condition of the vessels. It improves microcirculation in them, strengthens the vascular wall. Caffeine in large quantities leads to vascular spasm and the development of tachycardia – a rapid heartbeat. It is believed that people suffering from coronary heart disease, it is best to drink decaffeinated coffee.

Effect on the nervous system

We all know that feeling of fatigue and lack of energy to enjoy a Cup of coffee. This drink actually stimulatethe work of the Central nervous system, excites her. Caffeine helps people Wake up faster, focus on the task and gather my thoughts.

In a large number of caffeine has the opposite effect on the Central nervous system. Man, if you've drunk too much coffee, starting to feel drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue and General weakness.

The effect on the digestive system

Coffee stimulates the digestive system, promotes more rapid secretion of gastric juice.

This drink gastroenterologists are not advised to drink during exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, as well as people with increased production of hydrochloric acid.

Effect on kidneys

Coffee has a diuretic effect. Upon consumption it increases the amount of urine produced. If you often drink this drink and not to drink the water, there may be dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

The effect on the liver

Coffee stimulates the discharge of bile from the gallbladder. According to statistics, people who regularly consume coffee drinks, less likely to suffer gallstone disease.

How much can you drink a day coffee

How much you can drink coffee without harm to health and what will happen to the body when consuming this drink in large quantities? Doctors estimate that a person can only drink 1-3 cups of coffee. This is the number of this drink is beneficial to the body and does no harm.

While consuming coffee in moderate amounts in the body, accelerate metabolism, improves the function of the Central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Contraindications to coffee

Coffee as a daily drink is not for everyone. There are conditions under which it is contraindicated. These include:

  • Pregnancy. Scientists have proven that women who regularly consume this drink while carrying the baby, the risk of having a sick child with malformations increased in several times. Coffee may cause miscarriage and premature birth.
  • Elevated intraocular pressure and glaucoma.
  • Essential hypertension (primary and secondary).
  • Acute renal failure.
  • Peptic ulcer disease, gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic.
  • Reflux disease.

Is it harmful milk coffee with gastritis? It is believed that this drink can be consumed people who have problems with the digestive system. Milk neutralizes the irritant effect of coffee on the mucosa of the digestive tract.

Overdose coffee

Uncontrolled consumption of coffee may occur in acute poisoning. It can grow to more than 10 cups of this beverage in a short period of time. Man, trying to keep myself in good shape and perform as much work, it stimulates of coffee, not thinking about possible consequences.

Coffee acute poisoning manifests with the following symptoms:

  • aches and sharp pains in the stomach. They can be accompanied by heartburn, nausea and vomiting;
  • hallucinations visual and auditory nature;
  • local convulsions or seizures;
  • a violation of consciousness;
  • hyperthermia – increase in body temperature;
  • a heart rhythm disturbance. May develop tachycardia, fibrillation;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure, which in severe caffeine intoxication may fall sharply;
  • shortness of breath, in which breathing becomes frequent and superficial, the person begins to feel the lack of oxygen;
  • neurotic changes. Poisoned the patient feels anxiety, getting nervous.

In the case of acute overdose of caffeine you should immediately call an ambulance. Prior to her arrival, make sure that the patient doesn't drink coffee. Let him drink sorbents, e.g., activated carbon or APSCO. Then begin to use water. You need to drink as much as possible. Perfect alkaline mineral water or regular dining room still water.

Summing up all that is written, we once again want to draw your attention to the fact that coffee is useful energy drink, but only in the case of moderate consumption. You can safely drink daily 2-3 cups of your favorite beverage without fear earn hypertension and heart problems. To give up coffee should be contraindications, we have considered in this article. In this case, it can be replaced by other beverages, like green tea.