The dangers of gum, or how dangerous chewing gum

The advertising company chewing gum annually spend millions. Every manufacturer tries to present their products in the most noble perspective, absolutely not caring about the consequences for the end user. Is it true that such a popular tool for healthy teeth and white smiles are actually detrimental to our health? What is the harm of chewing gum how to protect yourself without abandoning the usual "Goodies".

The chewing gum composition

The basis of chewing gum on rubber complex polymer compounds that are not fissile in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva. In fact, we chew the elastic piece of plastic, carefully seasoned with various flavors. To gum had flavor and aroma, use preservatives, flavorings and sugar or its substitutes. Each of these ingredients on its own negatively affects the body, causing various health problems:

  • Sugar creates in the mouth a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic microflora, affecting the enamel of the teeth.
  • As substitutes for sweet is used on the basis sorbitol, and xylitol. These ingredients can cause abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.
  • At the core of the flavorings most commonly used substances, irritating the tender mucous membrane. This leads to the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity.
  • In chewing gum, which inflates big bubbles, add a special oil. In contact with the skin in the mouth area they provoke the development of perioral dermatitis.
  • Е140 and E321 (colorants and antioxidants) often cause allergic skin reactions. The most common of them is the urticaria.

Some manufacturers in their gum use licorice extract. With regular intake it can increase blood pressure and reduce the concentration of potassium in the blood.

This is not the whole list of dangerous ingredients used in the manufacture of chewing gum. And how harmful gum, will depend on the periodic table, shoved a member of the popular treats.

Harmful than chewing gum: 10 essential facts

Information about the benefits of chewing gum are highly unreliable, and the results of medical research in the frame – not more than a marketing ploy. And if you frequently chew gum, your teeth will not save no dentist. And problems of the mouth is not the only thing that can threaten the lovers long to process a piece of the aromatic polymer:

  1. The packaging often can be seen the warning label "contains aspartame". In the process of disintegration in the body of it is formed of a molecule of methanol, are known carcinogens. The accumulation of this toxin can lead to pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Glutamate or flavor enhancer. Additive, commonly used in the food industry, has a devastating effect on the nerve cells. The substance is contraindicated in children under the age of four years. To use it is bad for pregnant women because of the risks to harm the child in the womb.
  3. Chewing gum can damage fillings in the teeth. Manufacturers repudiate this assumption, arguing softness of their products in comparison with the same butterscotch Soviet times. But if you chew a lot of gum, it creates a strong pressure on the teeth, resulting in deformation of the filling material.
  4. In the process of chewing aktiviziruyutsya salivary gland and is increased production of gastric juice. If during this period no food goes into the stomach high concentration of hydrochloric acid leads to disruption of the mucosal integrity of the stomach. In the long term it threatens the stomach ulcer, gastritis and other digestive problems.
  5. The sugar in the chewing gum composition is a nutrient medium for pathogenic bacteria. Actively multiply in the oral cavity, they are thinner tooth enamel, causing tooth decay. Use in the routing of substitutes does not solve the problem of security of the finished product, as mentioned above.
  6. Gum can't be a real alternative to conventional cleaning. In certain situations, excessive salivation during chewing will help to clean the teeth from food debris, but in hard to reach places with this task cud not cope. Rinsing with plain water will be much more effective and safer.
  7. Whitening chewing gum is a myth. None of the mint cushion is not able to whiten the enamel of the teeth even to the quarter tone.
  8. If an adult accidentally swallows a piece of gum, nothing catastrophic will happen. The amount and concentration of gastric juice is such that you can dissolve even this piece of plastic. But my children if swallowed, chewing gum can cause intestinal obstruction or strangulation.
  9. Our jaw device is able to withstand heavy loads, but under constant pressure may occur unformed violation of occlusion in children.
  10. Gum, as a vector of infection. The situation of chewing gum one of several people is very common in children. He chewed himself – share with a friend. For the immature child's immune system enough one such "brother" to pick up any infection. And dozhevat sweet gum, rested on the table an hour or two, like many kids. And that stuck to hera million bacteria, they are already a little worried.

So parents should carefully monitor their children. If we are allowed to eat chewing gum, then after 5 minutes it should be removed from the mouth and thrown in the trash.

Each thrown to the asphalt gum is the death of one bird. Attracted by the aroma, she dips his beak in a sticky substance that glues it. Because of the inability independently to free herself, she perishes from hunger and thirst.

Is there any benefit

If the gum product is so harmful, why are they not allowed to manufacture? The fact is that with proper use, one mint plate can really benefit. And provided there is some truth in this:

  • Chewing gum really help to cleanse the occlusal surfaces of the teeth from food residues. Not so good, like a toothbrush, but still.
  • Do not forget about development of gastric juice. The use of chewing gum after eating promotes better digestion.
  • Mint pads freshen breath. Therefore, immediately after eating or Smoking they can not hurt.

So chewing gum is possible, but everything is good in moderation. Chewing gum can only be used immediately after a meal, when there is a real need, and not usually one plate a day. The entire process of chewing should not take more than five minutes. This time will be sufficient to achieve the desired effect without harm to health.