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The benefits and harms of carbonated drinks for the human body

To quench their thirst, people of all ages often drink carbonated beverages. Many believe that this product is not only well makes up for the lack of fluid in the human body, but also tones. Rare consumption of pop does not bring harm to health, but if this production is present in the diet constantly, can be quite bad consequences. What's the harm of carbonated beverages, what substances they include, you need to consider thoroughly.

What is in the part

Harm soda water is directly linked to the ingredients that it contains. If a few years ago, the composition of soda manufacturers remained secret, today no one hides what components are included in the composition of a beverage. Fizzy drinks contain:

  • sugar or sweeteners of various types;
  • different flavors and flavor enhancers, which include sodium benzoate;
  • acid;
  • caffeine;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • water.

When a person drinks this mixture, it creates a false impression that thirst was satisfied. But actually full filling of liquid there, and to minimize the harmful effects of soda on the body, you need to drink lots of plain water. To understand the dangers of soda on the human body, should consider in detail all the contained ingredients.

Sugar or substitutes

Sugar refers to simple carbohydrates, which when released in the stomach immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and quickly penetrate into the cells of the liver. Just one standard Cup of soda contains about 3 tablespoons of sugar. A similar volume of glucose in the bloodstream increases the production of insulin, a special hormone that is responsible for complete processing of incoming sweet substances. In addition, the body begins to produce dopamine – a neurotransmitter that is involved in the recycling process. Large amounts of sugar can lead to rapid failure of the pancreas, which will eventually cause diabetes.

Many companies are trying to reduce the amount of glucose in the produced products and instead of sugar sweeteners. But that doesn't make the soda less harmful, as not all sweeteners are completely harmless to humans. For example, a common xylitol promotes the deposition of stones and sand in kidneys, sorbitol and aspartame deteriorating eyesight, cyclamate, some doctors do believe carcinogen.

At the very sensitive people any sugar substitutes cause allergies, from a typical skin rash to angioedema.


Acid in fizzy drinks that act as preservatives and some flavorings. Such substances slow down the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the product and thereby increase the shelf life. Basically manufacturers add citric or phosphoric acid that the label can appear as E330 and Е338. Constant consumption of these components leads to the occurrence of dental caries, kidney stones and severe osteoporosis.

Some sodas can have a light intoxicating effect and cause persistent addictive!

Sodium benzoate

Hydrocarbons when mixed with other chemicals help to reproduce the tastes that are identical to natural products. A few years ago the main flavoring for the soda was considered to be benzene, a very carcinogenic substance.

Now to the drinks to add a less harmful compound – sodium benzoate, but the reaction with ascorbic acid which is almost always there in the product composition, this substance is converted into the highly toxic benzene. The substance with regular consumption leads to genetic changes in the cells and significantly increases the risk of development of oncological diseases.


Improved health and a sharp burst of energy, after consumption of soda is not self-hypnosis. Such an effect of carbonated drinks on the human body due to the presence of caffeine. But the danger is that after a short tidal forces the person becomes irritable and feels tired. Taking another batch of fizzy drink, the situation is getting better, but again for a short time. Due to this, there is a strong addiction like the narcotic.

Due to caffeine manufacturers can keep sales of carbonated beverages at a consistently high level. People wants to buy and drink the fizzy drink.

Carbon dioxide

All children and adults love fizzy drinks for fizzy bubbles that pleasantly tickled the nose. Everyone knows what gas is added to a product, but not everyone knows its harmful effects on the human body. Carbon dioxide itself is completely harmless in small amounts, that is in the drinks, but it becomes harmful when combined with water. Due to the chemical reaction released carbonic acid, which is extremely harmful to the delicate walls of the digestive organs.

The harm and benefit of carbonated drinks comparable. Just a moment of satisfaction from the consumption of sparkling water can quickly lead to persistent health problems and failures of many organs and systems.

The consequences of frequent consumption of soda

Fizzy drinks are very bad influencethe human body and cause a lot of bad consequences. The most serious diseases that can trigger pop are the following:

  • obesity or overweight;
  • diabetes;
  • rocks and sand in the kidneys;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, gastritis and ulcer;
  • dental disease and oral mucosa;
  • osteoporosis;
  • liver failure;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

With a set of body weight all clear, a large amount of fast carbohydrates leads to the accumulation of fat as a reserve. Excess calories that is in the POPs, almost no effect on hunger, which after consumption of soft drinks remains at the same level. Because of this, people consume much more energy than the body needs. Excessive weight is considered one of the main causes of metabolic or endocrine disorders that lead to the development of diabetes.

Studies have confirmed the suspicions of doctors that people who constantly drink soda, have problems with kidneys. This condition leads phosphoric acid, which is composed of all the Fant, Coca-Cola and Baikal.

Diseases of the digestive organs is the result of the impact of carbon dioxide. Even perfectly healthy adults who never complained of digestive problems, long-term consumption of soda begin to pay attention to persistent disorders.

Problems with the teeth and General deterioration of the bones happens due to the dissolving acids, what is in the product, minerals. In use of clean carbonated mineral water, this problem disappears.

To reduce the harmful impact of soft drinks on tooth enamel, it is recommended to drink pop through a straw and immediately after drinking to brush your teeth.

Contraindications to the use of the product

Doctors suggest not drinking soda at all, but there are a number of people it is strictly contraindicated, these include:

  • children under the age of 3 years;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with obesity or excess weight;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • people who have chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract.

In the hot season greatly increased the sales of carbonated beverages. Buy and drink pop people of different ages, hoping to quickly quench the thirst. However, the expected effect of this product brings, instead of benefit a person receives only harm. This is reflected in the addictive, damage to teeth and chronic diseases.