Harmful garlic and what is its benefit for human body

Is there a dangers of garlic or you can safely eat it? You may assume that people used it for many generations without any negative health effects, and at first glance you'd be right. However, there is a lot of evidence that point to the opposite: the garlic is not need to your body. In this article we will discuss various properties of garlic, including alleged health benefits and find out what he actually does to the human body and why you should avoid using it in raw or processed form.

History of garlic

It is a plant of the genus onions "Allium", and his close relatives - leeks, onions, shallots and other onions. It originated in Asia and has been used for many thousands of years for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Often used to flavor dishes and touted for their purported health benefits many people, including vegans, vegetarians and raw foodists.

It can be grown all year round in a temperate climate. The plant is usually grown together with bulbs, which should have sufficient space to Mature. There are many varieties. The plant is usually not affected by any pests or disease.

Alleged health benefits

Conducted a series of studies on the alleged beneficial properties to human health from consumption, and they found that garlic has:

  • the ability to lower blood pressure;
  • the ability to lower cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • has a natural antimicrobial action against bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

Avid gardeners have long known that the benefits of garlic is that it is a powerful natural pesticide. A proven way to protect plants is placing garlic near the plants you want to protect from pests. It is also used by the sputtering method.

It should be noted that no animal or insect eats it, and this is due to the allicin in the composition, which gives garlic a well-known pungent taste and smell and is a mechanism of plant protection from potential predators.

Side effects

It can be toxic when consumed in very high doses, so adding it to food should never exceed 5% of the diet. As allergen 17 grams may be a lethal dose of garlic for susceptible people who weigh 70 kg.

Would it be harmful garlic for you, depends on disposition. Some people have sensitivity to aggressive active substances in its composition, and in this case there is a potential risk to life, even if the reaction was not significant. See what side effects it can cause.

Can damage the liver

Being one of the most important organs in the human body, liver can be damaged by excessive consumption.

Although, according to Indian research, it is rich in antioxidants, it can cause toxicity in the liver, if consumed in excess. Similar results were recorded in the report, published by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States.

Can cause a bad smell

That, in turn, can damage self-confidence. Smell and bad breath can turn off the confidence like nothing else. And, unfortunately, garlic does just that.

According to one Italian report, the smell of garlic and body odor from him was two of the most common side effects. The lack of personal hygiene is not the only cause of the smell, as its consumption can lead to helicase.

Helicos (bad breath) is a term used to describe noticeably unpleasant odors when breathing. In most cases (85-90%) halitosis arises from the mouth. Its intensity differs during the day due to eating certain foods (such as garlic, onions, meat, fish and cheese), obesity, Smoking and alcohol consumption. Since the mouth is exposed to less oxygen and is inactive during the night, the odor is usually worse upon awakening (" morning breath").

Language bacteria produce unpleasant compounds and fatty acids and constitute from 80 to 90% of all cases of unpleasant mouth odor.

It was discovered that the smell lingers in your mouth after brushing your teeth. Some experts believe that the chemicals that contribute to unpleasant smell from a mouth, – these are the chemicals which also benefit. However, bad breath can be a source of embarrassment – so you probably need to think twice before you consume the garlic.

Or to take precautions. For example, use the spray, refreshing oral cavity.

Effect on the brain

A physicist named Dr. Robert C. Beck, gave a lecture at the exhibition "Whole life" in March 1996 in the United States and talked about why it is actually toxic to the human body.

He said that it contains a substance that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier / corpus callosum in the brain and is a poison for higher life forms and brain cells.

He also said that when he worked in aerospace engineering in the 1950-ies, flight surgeon reminded everyone not to touch the garlic 72 hours beforeflight, because it'll double or even triple their reaction time.

Nausea, vomiting and heartburn

According to a report published by the National cancer Institute in the United States, consumption of fresh garlic cloves, extracts or oil on an empty stomach may cause nausea, vomiting and heartburn. Some observational studies have also shown that consumption of garlic may cause heartburn and nausea. According to a report published by Harvard medical school, garlic is one of those foods that can trigger GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).


Garlic is a gas-forming food and can therefore cause diarrhoea, particularly harmful if you consume it on an empty stomach.

Exacerbates bleeding

This effect of garlic was presented in the report, published by the Medical centre of the University of Maryland, USA: garlic may increase the risk of bleeding. That's why it can not be taken with blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin and aspirin.

It is also important to note that it is better to stop the consumption of garlic at least two weeks before scheduled surgery since it can prolong bleeding and affect blood pressure.

Cause stomach problems

In one of the Japanese research, garlic products with enteric coating after ingestion lead to redness of the mucous membrane of the stomach. The results show that before the use of garlic and related products should be cautious because they can have certain undesirable effects on the health of the stomach.

In fact, contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that the consumption of garlic has a preventive effect on stomach cancer.

In one report, published by the Medical centre of the University of Maryland, USA, said that garlic is one of the products that should be avoided during the treatment of GERD.

May lower blood pressure too much

Garlic definitely has the advantage in reducing blood pressure, having properties that lower blood pressure. However, if you are already taking medications for high blood pressure, garlic is better to abstain. It also reduces blood pressure so taking garlic supplements can be a bad idea when you are already on medication for blood pressure.

Causes sweating

In various clinical studies reported minor side effects of garlic. And one of them, according to the Indian study, it was excessive sweating.

May cause dizziness

In one study 1997 people were subjected to deodorization garlic during the 16-week period, of which 1.3% of the noted signs of dizziness. This effect was observed when the participants were standing. Experts believe that this effect may be the result of excessive lowering of blood pressure level. Although the percentage of participants experiencing this effect is quite small, it must be considered.

May be the cause of eczema or rashes

Prolonged contact with garlic may cause irritation of the skin. Cause irritation can be an enzyme in garlic called alliin-lyase. The result of the development of this Allergy could also be eczema. When applying garlic directly to the surface of the skin in the form of the oil causes reddening and swelling (inflammation) of the skin, which is the body's attempt to isolate the irritant (toxic) substance, so that it could no longer damage the body. People use it for various reasons, including control of acne prone burns.

Possible vision changes

It was discovered that excessive consumption of garlic can lead to a condition called "hyphema", which refers to bleeding inside the eye chamber space between the iris and the cornea. It was found that the assimilation of large amounts of garlic cause the anticoagulant effect. Hyphema can cause permanent vision loss.


Garlic, especially when it is taken in raw form, can trigger migraine. While it does not cause pain itself, it activates the process responsible for it.

Although the exact reason is unclear, some experts believe it can have the value of the trigeminal nerve is the main pathway for pain in the body. Eating garlic can stimulate this nerve to release of neural signaling molecules called neuropeptides that go to the membrane that covers the brain and cause headaches.

May increase blood pressure levels

The production of allicin is the factor that makes garlic an ideal tool to reduce blood pressure, but allicin is destroyed in the cooking process. Therefore, if you want to lower blood pressure, can help raw garlic.

Possible side effects pregnant women

Pregnant women and those feeding children breast milk, you should avoid eating a lot of garlic, because, as noted, it plays a role in accidental abortion, as well as in changing the behavior of infants.

Thus, caution yourself and your family from excessive consumption of garlic or adjust its temperature to decreasethe amount of allicin in its composition.