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Harmful or no protein is for the health of men, women and children

Sooner or later, many people involved in power sports, are thinking about the need to receive more food supplements. On television, in magazines, Newspapers, there have been disputes about harm and benefit of sports nutrition. That anabolic steroids affect the human body, knows, probably, everyone. A harmful or not protein? Whether you need athletes and would not its use for health problems in the future? Try to understand.

What is the protein

The English word protein is translated into the Russian language as "protein." But protein is a necessary component of healthy human diet, being involved in all processes of life:

  • responsible for building of bone and muscle tissue of the body;
  • protects against bacteria and viruses;
  • is the source of power;
  • regulates metabolism in the body;
  • carries oxygen in the blood system;
  • maintains in good condition the skin, nails and hair.

In sports nutrition protein is called a powder with high protein content. It is easily digested and contains all essential amino acids.

Protein powder made from extracts of natural products containing protein of animal or vegetable origin:

  • eggs;
  • soy;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • peas.

Raw materials undergo several stages of purification and drying, with the result that the output is an all-natural protein concentrateused in sports nutrition as an additional source of energy and material for building and regeneration of muscles.

How protein affects health

According to doctors, the use of protein powder is of good quality and in reasonable dose has no negative impact on health. On the contrary, in many scientific works proved the beneficial effect of protein on the human body.

Protein is useful for men who want to gain muscle mass and for women who want to lose weight, get rid of skin problems and have strong healthy hair and nails.

All parents know the importance of protein for the growing organism of the child, so the question may arise: can the protein to the kids? Experts agree that protein powder in the age dosage affects the body of a child (3 years) only in a positive way. Therefore, if the child is difficult to feed meat or cheese, but he would be happy to drink a protein shake in the age dose, the damage this is not.

The shortage of protein in the human body leads to:

  • sleep deprivation;
  • depression and irritability;
  • low immunity;
  • frequent violations of the chair;
  • increase weight;
  • slow healing of wounds;
  • dryness of the skin;
  • brittle hair and nails;
  • the development of various diseases.

Poor nutrition and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract lead to symptoms of insufficient protein in the body, and people with high physical activity and athletes to achieve consumption of the daily requirement of protein from food is simply unrealistic. That's why eating protein powder is a necessity.

It is important to understand that protein is the extract of the products, and any product that has properties, contraindications and the daily rate of consumption. In accordance with this is the use of protein or harm that may be inflicted on the body.

The daily intake of protein

Daily protein requirements are individual and depend on age, gender and physical activity. In accordance with the recommendations of the world health organization norm of consumption of protein is 0,8 – 1 g/kg of body weight. This is average for an adult with moderate exercise. For children under 18 and pregnant women the normal protein is 2 g/kg per day.

People engaged in heavy physical labor, and athletes should take 2.5 g of pure protein, for girls and women, whose task is to lose weight and maintain good physical shape – 1.5 g/kg of body weight.

Exceeding the daily protein intake to 3 g/kg can lead to side effects: digestive problems and kidney disease.

If regular foods to exceed the rate of protein is almost impossible, while consuming protein powder is easy. That is why it is very important to follow the dosage in the preparation of a protein shake and do not exceed the recommended dose listed on a jar of protein powder.

The types of protein powder

Before you buy protein in sports nutrition store, it is important to figure out which powder will suit you. For this it is necessary to know the individual characteristics of the organism (intolerance, Allergy, chronic diseases) and to take into account the purpose of the use:

  • a set of muscle mass;
  • weight loss;
  • recovery after a power load;
  • maintaining overall health;
  • filling the missing amount of protein from food (vegetarians, people with diseases of the abdominal cavity).

To powder protein did not cause harm to the body, is recommended when it is selected to followadvice of the trainer and the attending physician, who will prescribe a type of protein that meets your needs in the necessary and sufficient dosage.

Powders with animal based

Protein powder based on animal products are the most popular athletes:

  1. Egg protein is an excellent source of protein, the standard for a protein powder that contains all essential amino acids. Has the highest amino acid digestibility coefficient is 1.00. It choose egg protein bodybuilders seeking to gain muscle mass. With its help, the muscle fibers are built up faster than with any other type of protein. Recent scientific studies have shown that consuming egg protein strengthens the heart and blood vessels, promotes good cholesterol. Contraindication to receive only one egg white – allergic reaction to chicken eggs.
  2. Milk protein is another highly digestible protein powder with a complete set of amino acids. Milk proteins promote weight loss, lower blood pressure and restore muscle fibers after grueling workouts. The main disadvantage of the lactose, so milk protein is bad for people who have intolerance to lactose sugar, resulting in the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Milk protein consists of two types of proteins: casein (slow) and whey ("fast") protein, which can be purchased separately.
  3. Casein protein – the protein contained in cottage cheese. Absorbed very slowly (up to 7 hours), thanks to which the muscles for a long time eat amino acids. Permanently suppresses hunger, so casein is helpful for weight loss.
  4. Whey protein milk is preferable when building muscle mass. Absorbed completely and in a short time (within 30-50 min).
  5. Protein from beef is rare in stores of sports nutrition and has a high price, so considerably inferior to the popularity of egg and milk proteins, but its advantage is the creatine content, good tolerability (option for athletes who are allergic to lactose or the protein of chicken eggs) and quick absorption.

Powder proteins on the basis of animal origin are completely natural, contain all essential amino acids, easy to digest. They are completely safe for women, men and even child's body. Only people with individual intolerance to animal proteins and by increasing the recommended dose they may harm.

Powder proteins are based on plant products

Protein powders plant-based proteins are vegetarian protein options, but they are completely full and useful for overall health. In addition to amino acids, they contain fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

There are proteins based on hemp, Flaxseed, brown rice, peas. These types of protein powders are not often seen for sale, most often they are included in the mixture with other proteins.

The most common type of protein powder plant-based protein is soy. The protein quality and digestibility it is closest to animal protein powder (digestion coefficient of 0.95). He is able to quickly rebuild muscle tissue after physical exercise and promotes their rapid increase.

But there is a perception that protein is soy dangerous for men because it contains phytoestrogens, similar in effect to the female sex hormones. Harmful protein for men's health? Will be discussed further.

Effect of soy protein on the body

Some side effects can actually occur with prolonged use of soy protein by men. Most often it is an allergic reaction to soy, rarely – indigestion due to gluten intolerance.

Numerous studies have proved that phytoestrogens in men's health no harmful effects and does not reduce the potency, if not exceed the recommended dose. The excessive use may decrease the production of the hormone lipase responsible for the breakdown of fat, which will lead to a set of fat mass and not muscle.

For women (especially during menopause) soy protein is most preferred, since its use normalizes hormonal balance and prevents the development of cancer of the breast.

When choosing a soy protein product must pay attention to the manufacturer and price because you buy poor quality protein from a genetically modified soybean that will cause more harm, not good.

Negative effects of the use of protein mixtures

It is proved that protein powder effect on the body positively. The dangers of protein for human health only occurs when:

  • individual intolerance of protein;
  • a mismatched sports diet (replacing the main meals of protein shakes);
  • disregard the dosage.

The apparent intolerance of the protein is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • rash from protein, and itchy skin;
  • redness of the sclera of the eyes, lacrimation;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinaltract;
  • intoxication (nausea, vomiting, fever).

What else can be harmful protein? In the shops of sports nutrition is quite rare to find a pure powder good quality protein. Mainly commercially available protein blend, enriched with different additives with the aim to increase nutritional value and improve the taste of protein.

Side effects when they are used largely depend on the content of these additional substances. When buying a protein blend is important to carefully examine the qualitative and quantitative composition.

What are the ingredients in protein mixes should be alerted?

  1. Taurine (Taurine) is an amino acid that is added to all energy drinks. In small doses, affects health positively, but an excess of taurine causes the body to work wear, increases the risk of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Synthetic sugar substitutes (Sweeteners). Not absorbed by the body and cause irreparable harm in certain diseases: kidney failure (cyclamate), phenylketonuria (aspartame), diseases of the heart and blood vessels (asparaginova acid). The use of sweeteners in high doses negatively affects health, especially children and adolescents.
  3. Thickeners (Gum Blend): xanthan gum, carrageenan. Give the best consistency in the preparation of a protein shake, but regular consumption of these supplements, according to the latest scientific data, can lead to ulcers of the stomach and cancer of the digestive tract.
  4. Synthetic sugars: dextrose (Dextrose) and maltodextrin (Maltodextrin) are important components of sports nutrition that affect recovery rate after physical exertion, but excessive consumption of sugars increases the likelihood of developing diabetes, obesity, heart disease. Often high doses of dextrose cause digestive disorders.

Adding different components to the composition of the protein mixtures, manufacturers are not always guided only brought them health, and improving taste. Often this is done in order to reduce the cost of product, as a protein concentrate (60 – 85% protein) or hydrolyzed isolate (90% protein) will cost much more than the mixture to prepare a cocktail of food additives.

Protein bars

Another source of protein in addition to high-protein mixes, protein bars are. The content of protein should be higher than fat and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, many manufacturers under the guise of the protein bars release products, containing a variety of ingredients.

Therefore, if the purpose of use of the bar is an additional receiving a high dose of protein, it is necessary to carefully read the label on the composition and caloric content of the product. A quality protein bar, and protein powder will only benefit, as a cheap fake – injury and extra weight.

What you should pay attention to when buying and consuming protein

It is proved that the consumption of quality protein in appropriate dosage is not harmful to human health. But you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The consumption of high-protein foods should be prescribed only by a physician or athletic trainer.
  2. To buy protein powder or mixture should be only from reputed and proven manufacturers.
  3. Be replaced by protein main meals and get a portion of protein from meat and fish products, legumes and cereals, nuts.
  4. The chronic administration of protein-rich mixtures for years in the body can occur hormone imbalances, electrolyte imbalance.
  5. With the continuous use of protein mixtures for 5 years in the tissues of the liver become irreversible degenerative processes, develop various diseases of internal organs.

That's why you need to take protein courses under the strict supervision of a physician. Uncontrolled long-term use is fraught with serious complications and health problems.

Protein – useful, all-natural biological additive to food, the right use of which in sports and diet nutrition does not harm the body, and helps to achieve your goals and improve health. Side effects occur only if the use of poor quality protein blends, in high dose or if you are hypersensitive.