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Poisonous plant chilibuhi (emetic nut): benefits and harms

Chilibuhi is a deciduous tree that grows in the tropical climatic zone. In the people this plant is called gag nut because its seeds resemble nuts. They are toxic to the human body because of the content of alkaloids, the brucine and strychnine. Poison from chilibuhi has a toxic effect on the Central nervous system, leading to failures in its work. Therefore, for therapeutic purposes, the preparations of this plant are consumed under the strict supervision of a physician.

The chemical composition of plants and the effects on the body

As raw materials for medicine, use the seeds of chilibuhi. Of alkaloids extracted nitrate salt, which is the main active ingredient of the drugs. For medical purposes suitable strychnine. Brucine acts only as a chemical reagent.

The nitrate of strychnine is extremely toxic. Substance refers to the highest, the first class of hazard. The average lethal dose for humans is 0.7-1 g Is a crystalline powder that is insoluble in alcohols and water but is rapidly destroyed by boiling.

However, chilibuhi has properties that can be successfully used in the treatment of various diseases.

Strychnine stimulates the Central nervous system and sensory organs. Under its influence, increases the reflex excitability. Stimulating effect is caused by blocking inhibition of nerve impulses.

The main action of the substance:

  • stabilizes the balance of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex;
  • improves visual acuity, improves sense of smell and hearing;
  • boosts the activity of neurons;
  • makes easy the passage of nerve impulses in the spinal cord.

Also the nitrate of strychnine improves the metabolic processes in the body, has a tonic effect (increases the tone of smooth muscles of internal organs and skeletal muscles), enhances the physiological responses.

The beneficial properties of plants

Initially poisonous chilibuhi used to cause an artificial vomiting in cases of poisoning, and digestive disorders. Later, with the development of medical science, it was used for medicinal purposes.

In neurology, the drugs from chilibuhi prescribed to patients during rehabilitation after paralysis and paresis (partial paralysis) because they stimulate tsentralnoy nervous system.

Effective for functional pathologies of the auditory apparatus and disorders of the visual analyzer (reduce vision quality).

In Allergy medicine is prescribed under these conditions:

  • atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammation of the skin genetic in origin;
  • food allergies;
  • urticaria;
  • allergic rhinitis.

Drugs chilibuhi benefit in diseases of the digestive system. Their use in intestinal atony – loss of tone, decrease motility and peristalsis. Strychnine normalizes the frequency of acts of defecation, eliminates atonic constipation. Also the drugs based on plant improves the appetite and functionality of the stomach.

Due to its tonic qualities, chilibuhi improves the condition of the veins and arteries and helps normalize blood circulation.

The drug is also indicated for chronic fatigue, exhaustion, fatigue, sexual weakness, hypotension (reduced blood pressure). The medicine is also prescribed for chronic alcoholism.

There is information about what the plant suspends growth of cancer cells in the digestive tract. But this Onco-protective action is not scientifically proved.

The poison from the leaves of chilibuhi in medicine does not apply.

Given the high toxicity of the substance and the limited therapeutic range of effects on the body, the drugs on the basis of strychnine are assigned very rarely. The doctors prefer the safer Central nervous system stimulants.

Toxicity and adverse effects chilibuhi

Even with a slight overdose of strychnine in the body develop negative processes associated with poisoning. Therefore, drugs can harm the body.

Because the drug directly affects the brain, it first responds to large doses. Negative manifestations of CNS – abnormal excitation of the vagus nerve, the medulla, vasomotor center.

Overdose symptoms in humans:

  • increase blood pressure;
  • heart palpitation;
  • breathing becomes shallow and frequent;
  • difficult swallowing.

When ingested poison in high concentrations is a strong excitation in the spinal cord that leads to a sharp reduction in skeletal muscle. The affected person has difficulty breathing. Consequences – tetanic spasms (head thrown back, neck muscles are shortened) and opisthotonus (arched body in the form of an arc, head thrown back, limbs extended, back muscles in good shape).

In very severe cases death occurs due to sudden contractions of the respiratory muscles and stop breathing.

If the poisoning has happened, as an antidote the patient is prescribed means, depressing Central nervous system – chloroform. Also shown sorbents for the removal of the remnants of the poison from the gastrointestinal tract. If convulsions are not yet be prescribedintravenous barbiturates.

Who use contraindicated chilibuhi

The application of the nitrate of strychnine is contraindicated for people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular, excretory, endocrine and nervous systems.

Diseases in which absolutely not make chilibuhi:

  • hypertension with persistent current;
  • atherosclerosis is a chronic vascular disorder with deposits of cholesterol plaques, leading to fragility of the walls and narrowing of the lumen;
  • angina is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which is accompanied by severe chest pain;
  • bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the Airways with shortness of breath;
  • hepatitis (inflammation of liver) of different origin;
  • nephritis – inflammation of the kidneys;
  • graves ' disease – violation of the thyroid gland;
  • epilepsy, the tendency to convulsions.

Drugs contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. They are not appointed for children up to 2 years.

Dosage forms plant

In the pharmaceutical industry release drugs chilibuhi called "Strychnine nitrate". Form release capsules with a powder for oral administration and solution preparation for subcutaneous administration. The maximum daily dose is 0.05 mg a Single dose should not exceed 0.02 mg.

The cure comes in the form of pills and prepared solutions for injection.

From the powder prepared alcoholate of chilibuhi, 1 liter of 70% alcohol taking is strictly 16 g of material. The medication turns dark brown, transparent, no cloudiness. The taste is bitter. Indications – improvement of appetite, increase body tone.

Due to the high degree of danger chilibuhi not included in the composition of biologically active additives, vitamin complexes.

Using drugs chilibuhi must strictly adhere to the prescribed dose and all recommendations of the doctor to avoid an overdose, which will inevitably lead to poisoning.