What are the dangers of x-ray radiation properties of x-rays

X-ray radiation is one of the greatest discoveries made for the benefit of medicine. Thanks to x-rays, was diagnosed with a huge number of diseases and saved many lives. Now we can't imagine how early you can live without this diagnostic method and to treat pneumonia, fractures and other pathologic States. In this article, we have tried to consider all of the x-ray, and what the dangerous x-ray radiation, in some cases, prohibited to carry out this study, which may be negative effects to the human body after x-rays?

What is x-ray radiation

X-ray radiation was discovered in 1895 by W. Roentgen. It is thanks to this man we are now available radiographic methods of investigation. The researcher described his discovery as the ability to look inside a person is picking up the scalpel. Shortly after the opening of "x-radiation", began to appear information about the disease in people who underwent this diagnostic procedure. As it turned out, x-rays are unsafe for humans, can lead to serious diseases, including cancer pathology.

X-ray radiation – this radiation, which is electromagnetic waves. X rays are formed during the acceleration of charged particles. For their education are special x-ray tube. Also x-rays can be produced in special accelerators.

Listed below are the main properties of x-rays:

  • X-rays can pass through tissue of the human body, as well as through different media and substances with different density.
  • The rays are capable of provoking luminescence – glow. All substances can be divided into two groups: those that glow under the influence of x-rays, and those that do not glow.
  • Cause photochemical reactions, resulting in changes in the halide compounds.
  • Lead to ionization of neutral particles (atoms and molecules). Under the influence of x-ray radiation of uncharged elements are ions. The environment in which the formed ions can conduct electric current.

X-rays are not only able to Shine through the fabric of the human body, but also lead to electrolyte changes in them. The x-ray affects every system and cell in the body.

Medical applications of x-ray radiation

X-ray irradiation is widely used in medicine. It can be performed to diagnose and identify different pathological conditionsand for treatment of diseases.

Remember that any human exposure to radiation through x-rays should be conducted only if there is a particular testimony to it.

Types of diagnostic x-ray techniques

A chest x-ray or any other part of the body is quite informative method of research. The basis of the diagnosis of diseases using x-ray radiation was the ability of the rays to pass through tissue and cause a glow in some of them.

In medicine uses the following x-ray diagnostic techniques:

  • Fluoroscopy – image displayed on a fluorescent screen. In modern medicine is almost not used, deprecated method.
  • Radiography is the study by which the image obtained during the irradiation, is transferred to a special film. There are several kinds of this research:
  • Duodenography is the study of the stomach and duodenum. Performed to detect ulcers, tumors, obstruction in these parts of the digestive tract.
  • Holetsistografia, cholegraphy – x-ray the gall bladder and its duct, to evaluate their throughput, size and the presence of stones in them.
  • Barium enema – x-ray parts of large intestine. It is required for the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction, benign and benign tumors, diverticulitis, volvulus.
  • A chest x-ray is done to detect pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy, pneumothorax, tumors of the lung tissue and the presence of alien bodies.
  • The metrosalpingography – x-ray study conducted for evaluation of the fallopian tubes.
  • Orthopantomography – x-ray examination to help you assess the condition of the teeth and jaw.
  • Mammography – x-ray of the breast. This study is considered a screening, it is recommended by who to detect breast cancer at early stages.
  • Radiography of the spine and parts of the bone structures is carried out for evaluating the integrity of bone, abnormalities in their structure or location. With the help of x-rays is most often diagnosed fractures, cracks and dislocations.
  • Tomography or computed tomography (CT) is a type of x-rays, which fails to obtain cross-sectional images of various organs, systems and structures of the skeleton. CT is one of the most informative and modern diagnostic techniques. Thanks to him, you can identify strokes, spinal disorder etc. surgeons oftenuse of layered CT scans to create a plan for an upcoming surgery.
  • Fluoroscopy is a study, in which the image appears smaller than the actual size of the studied structure. Nowadays, widely held fluoroscopy of the lungs, it is a screening for tuberculosis.

According to the latest modern protocols and who recommendations, the annual fluorography prevention of tuberculosis is not recommended. This survey has a great radial load on the body, being at the same time a low informative. Screening for tuberculosis is recommended to carry out an analysis of venous blood.

Treatment with x-ray radiation

Despite the fact that the x-ray is harmful to health, can cause some diseases, scientists have found the use of it in the treatment of pathologies.

X-ray radiation in modern medicine are widely used in the treatment of malignant tumors. The basis of such radiation therapy is the ability of X-rays to influence the ionic composition of cells and tissues to change their structure.

With the help of radiotherapy is impossible to stop the pathologic division of cancer cells, stop the growth of tumors and dissemination of metastases throughout the body.

Treatment with x-rays, usually hardly tolerated by the body. But, despite the large number of side effects, it helps in fighting cancer gives a person a chance for life.

The negative impact of x-rays per person

As we have said, x-rays affect the human body. Such a property of the physicians have adapted to use with the purpose of treatment of cancer tumors. But at the same time, a large number of individuals who take the examination of the body by radiographic techniques, are at risk for the formation of cancer and other diseases caused by radiation exposure.

The following discussion describes what could be the harm of x-rays on the human body with the increased dosage:

  • The skin lesion. X-ray radiation effects on humans in a large dosage can cause deep skin burns. This defeat tolerated by patients heavier than normal thermal burn. This disease of the skin is capable of be complicated by skin cancer.
  • When dosage exceeded, may develop radiation sickness. This is a condition in which there is a loss of the immune system, blood, connective tissue. Chronic radiation disease often develops in people working with radiation.
  • Endocrinological disorders. High doses of radiation affect the thyroid gland, ovaries and testes and adrenal glands.
  • A variety of cancer pathology. It could be cancer, leukemia, sarcoma. For example, scientists have proven that frequent mammography contributes to the development of breast cancer.

There are standards and dose indicating how many doses of x-ray is permissible for a man. According to standards, calculated the length of the working day for people in contact with the radiation, and a safe amount of x-rays.

Modern x-ray unit have less radiation exposure on the human body. The harmfulness of pictures taken with them, is much lower. Unfortunately, these are relatively safe devices are not available in all state health institutions, there are more in private diagnostic centers and clinics.

X-rays and pregnancy

An x-ray during pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated. To make it prohibited at any time carrying a child. The fruit is very sensitive to any radiation. Under the influence of x-rays can develop anomalies of its development, which are often incompatible with the life of the baby.

The woman, which were carried out x-ray examination during pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases significantly.

X-ray of a pregnant woman has an impact on the formation of organs and systems of the fetus. It can lead to heart defects, abnormal development of the nervous system and other anomalies.

At risk are women in early pregnancy, as they may not know about their situation, and not to report it to the attending doctor who prescribes x-rays.

Is it possible to minimize the harm X-rays

Despite the harm and danger of x-ray examination, refuse it not worth it. These diagnostic procedures are very informative, and very often make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment without conducting impossible.

Below, we have gathered for you the recommendations that you can use to reduce the harmful effects of x-rays on the human body:

  • Wear protective capes on the body areas that are not surveyed.
  • After a diagnostic procedure it is possible to drink a glass of milk or dry wine. It is believed that these drinks can help your body deal with a dose of radiation exposure.
  • Add to your diet seaweed and fish. These foods are rich in iodine, a substance needed by the thyroid gland.

Infrequent x-raysurvey almost safe for humans. Under the condition of holding them only in necessary situations, the risk of complications and diseases caused by X-rays is minimal.

X-rays are harmful to humans. It can cause and provoke a huge number of different diseases and pathological processes. But such a negative effect of x-rays developed only in case of exceeding the maximum allowable dosages. Do not be afraid of this diagnostic method and to abandon it. Thanks to computer tomography and radiography rescued a huge number of people all over the worldexceeding tens of millions.