The dangers of tattoos health: effects of applying

Now young people and older people often decorate their body parts with ornaments that are called tattoos. However, not all the most fashionable and modern is safe, so before you stuff yourself this figure, it is necessary to study the possible impact of tattoos. Sometimes people weigh the pros and cons and refuse from such a dubious pleasure.

General characteristics of the tattoo

Some people have drawings on the skin causing genuine admiration, while others start nervously twitching eyes at the sight of such art. Often drawings on the skin of disgust from the older generation who did not see the point in such decoration. People who have at least some relevance to medicine, understand the danger of this procedure, but not even all health care providers deny yourself the pleasure to apply to the skin tattoo.

Tattoos tattoos are called permanent ornaments on the human body, which was performed by injection of the specific dye in the top layer of the skin using tiny needles. Colorant point is injected just under the skin and out of many such small dots is obtained a finished drawing. Most of the masters that make the tattoo, using for this purpose electric cars. The pigment vylivaetsya in the subcutaneous layer at a depth of 3 mm. Common in women permanent makeup is also considered a tattoo.

Drawings on the skin do people of different ages and different social status. Men think this is a manifestation of masculinity, and young women see tattoos something particularly mysterious. Each image is treated differently.

How to make tattoo

The process of applying any tattoo is, in fact, injury of the skin, that is her wound. It is usually accompanied by inflammation, the intensity of which depends on sterility of the tool and of the pattern area. If the tattoo is done in a good salon, the danger of infections is practically no, as the experts value their reputation. But the body reacts to the dye as a foreign agent so the inflammation would, in any case.

Applying tattoos is quite a painful process, which is accompanied by release of small volume of blood. This is a consequence of injury to the upper layers of the skin, which have capillaries.

Often after getting your ornament on body there are many bruises and significant swelling. This phenomenon disappears after 2 weeks, and then the tattoo gives it an attractive look.

Danger tattoos for health

Tattoos harm to health is significant, but many people who have them already filled, think about the consequences after the tattoo is too late. The risks may be different, but either way it's pretty spoils not only health, but also your nerves.

  • Infectious diseases – the main harm tattoo is to be entered in the body of pathogenic microorganisms. Not all people have strong immune system and the body to cope with the attack of bacteria and viruses that occur result of infection with hepatitis, HIV and other dangerous infections.
  • Allergy – a fairly common phenomenon when getting your tattoo. Have especially sensitive individuals when using the coloring pigment of low quality, the skin appears redness and swelling. The rash may be merged or point. If human history has allergic disease, the pattern on the skin can cause angioedema or even severe anaphylactic shock.
  • The effect of toxins in the pigment substance, which is used for tattoos contains many toxic compounds such as cadmium, copper, mercury, zinc, pyrophosphates and oxides of different metals. When drawing all these toxic substances in various volumes are absorbed into the bloodstream and provoke the development of acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic. The special effect of the exposed kidney, liver and brain.

Tattoos harm to health can not be underestimated, but young people are rarely stops. Young people are in a state of certain euphoria, it seems that only after doing the tattoo, they will become more popular and fashionable.

With adolescents and youth is necessary to carry out preventive conversation about the dangers of tattoos. Lectures can be reinforced by photographs of possible complications after the application of such drawings.

And if you really want a tattoo

When the desire to get a tattoo is huge and no arguments do not help to refuse this procedure can significantly minimize the risks. It is sufficient to observe some rules:

  • Before visiting the salon tutu need to consult a dermatologist and a GP, and if necessary to pass a number of tests.
  • For a couple of days before getting your tattoo you should not drink alcohol or take drugs that thin the blood.
  • To perform tattoos, it is desirable in a large salon which has been operating for more than one year. Before the procedure, you should see the documents, listed his qualifications.
  • While in the cabin, need to pay attention to the sterility of the entire instrument. So the needle should be removed from the case only when the client. The master must first gather the hair, wash hands and put on sterile gloves. On the face is worn a medical mask.
  • After applying the tattoobegins the so-called recovery period. It is the time to take care of a picture, tell a qualified technician.

All the tips experienced craftsmen carefully listen to and remember. In any unusual situations to urgently go to the salon. The reason for the appeal may be severe swelling, not passing a long time the pain, or periodically emerges on the drawing blood.

If after applying the tattoo man felt ill, the urgent need to see a doctor. It is possible to start a severe allergic reaction.

How safe is a temporary tattoo

Temporary tattoos that make the type of decals, pretty safe. But if a person has sensitive skin, the consequences of a henna tattoo can be unpredictable. So, the dyes that are taken from abroad, contain, in addition to henna, many other components that are not approved by the Ministry of health. The pigment added dyes, which is valid only for dyeing hair. These components can cause severe allergic reactions and other pathological phenomena on the skin.

The security of any tattoo, be it permanent or temporary, can't be 100%. That is why experts advise before applying the pattern to consult a doctor and heed his recommendations. It is not necessary to do tattoos if you have a serious chronic disease, this procedure can give a boost to their aggravation.

How to remove a tattoo

If before getting your tattoo you should have a good think about it before deleting the figure, you should think twice. After the removal of the tattoo may be unsightly scar, change colour or its texture. Remove a tattoo in several ways:

  1. The removal of the portion of skin with a pattern.
  2. Using mechanical exfoliation, with the use of special abrasives.
  3. Burning chemicals.
  4. With the help of freezing a certain portion of nitrogen.
  5. With the help of modern laser technologies.

The last way is the most painless and effective way to remove tattoos. The principle of this operation is simple. The laser beam contributes to the destruction of pigment substances, and it is eventually excreted by the skin. When the tattoo is much vast and dark, you need several procedures. However, the picture is still not completely lost and with careful consideration you will see a change in skin tone and texture.

Each person must decide for themselves whether the brief joy of tattoo serious health problems. And if some infectious disease can be cured, hepatitis and HIV are deadly. Don't forget about trivial allergies, a severe form which can lead to death.