What kind of probiotics after taking antibiotics better

Infectious diseases doctors often prescribe antibiotics of different dosage groups. These drugs have detrimental effect on many bacteria and speed up the recovery. Often, however, after treatment with antibacterial drugs a person develops a goiter. In this state, constantly aching and stomach rumbling, periodically concerned about nausea and diarrhea. Consequences of dysbiosis may be thrush or vaginal candidiasis. To prevent dyspeptic symptoms, doctors prescribe probiotics after antibiotics for both adults and children. These drugs are needed to prevent violations of the microflora.

Causes of dysbiosis

Dysbiosis is called a pathological condition in which an imbalance in the normal microflora of the digestive tract. To provoke disorder can be such reasons:

  • Prolonged or unjustified treatment with antibacterial drugs.
  • Improperly organized nutrition.
  • Frequent stressful situation.
  • Addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  • Diseases inflammatory and infectious type.
  • The travellers ' diarrhoea.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract – gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis.

Dysbiosis can occur at different ages, from such a pathological condition affects infants and the elderly.

A person with a strong immune system antibiotics does not lead to disruption of normal intestinal flora.

Functions of beneficial bacteria

To understand how to take probiotics after antibiotic treatment, you need to know what is the role of beneficial bacteria. In the human body there are several types of beneficial bacteria, which are anaerobic gram-positive rods and microaerophile. Most of these organisms inhabit the large intestine, situated on its walls. These bacteria perform the following functions:

  • Protect the body from pathogenic microbes trapped in the digestive tract.
  • Take part in the digestive process.
  • Improve metabolism, accelerating the synthesis of some vitamins, amino acids and proteins.
  • Promote good absorption of calcium and iron.
  • Help improving the immunity.
  • Maintain a healthy alkaline balance in the body.
  • Activate macrophages and neutrophils.
  • Activate the synthesis of immunoglobulins.
  • Some useful bacteria prevent the development of cancer.

Often diarrhea after antibiotics may be due to the simultaneous destruction of a large number of beneficial microflora. It may even cause this life-threatening disease pseudomembranous colitis.

Many doctors believe that even if after taking antibiotics there are no apparent health problems, the consequences of accepting them for a long time will have a negative impact on the body.

Classification of probiotics

After treatment with antibiotics you can take different drugs from the group of probiotics. All these medicines are recommended after antibiotics are divided into several groups, depending on the generation.

  1. One-component. Used in the treatment of dysbiosis mild. In severe cases, these drugs may be administered in combination with other. Most of this group prescribe medications with such names: Colibacterin, Lactobacterin and Bifidumbacterin.
  2. These probiotics the spore-bearing bacilli and yeast-like fungi. These organisms normally do not inhabit the digestive tract, but they contribute to the displacement of pathogenic bacteria from the parietal layer of the colon. This group can be assigned to Bactisporin and Enteral.
  3. These include drugs from several components. In their composition there are several strains of live bacteria and special additives. These probiotics are very effective for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis. Can also be administered in the treatment of intestinal disorders. This group is, Bifiform, hilak, lineks and many other drugs.
  4. In the composition is adsorbed bacteria. They quickly inhibit pathogens, help to reduce abdominal pain and diarrhea eliminate. These drugs are forbidden to accept intolerance and lactase in rotavirus enterocolitis. This group includes Probifor and Florin.
  5. These probiotics contains interferon, so they help boost immunity and detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses. This group includes Subalin.

In addition, all probiotics are divided into groups, depending on the active ingredients. There are the preparations containing bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and enterococci colibacteria.

Probiotics allow you to create the body's optimum alkaline balance where pathogenic microbes are killed and beneficial microorganisms grow well.

Overview of drugs

In the treatment it is necessary to take bifidobacteria after antibiotic to prevent severe disorders of the digestive tract. But to appoint such drugs should only doctor. A person who is far from medicine, can not always choose the right probiotic, therefore, from such treatment will have no effect.

It should be remembered that probiotics can't drink right after taking antibiotics, soas probiotic can neutralize their action. Between administration of these two drugs need to withstand about two hours. It was during this time the antibiotic has time to be absorbed into the bloodstream.


This probiotic has enhanced resistance to antibiotics, which significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy. The current component of Enterogermina has a strong antimicrobial effect, but does not change qualitative and quantitative structure of normal microflora.

Taking the drug orally, after adding a bit of cold tea or simply water. Infants can mix the drug with breast milk or formula milk.

Children under 12 years scribbled at 1 plastic ampoule of the drug 2 times a day. Teenagers and adults should take a drug every 3 hours, for 1 ampoule.

Enterogermina can be given to pregnant and lactating women. In rare cases, the treatment develop hives, which speaks of the intolerance of the drug.


In composition this probiotic is a yeast-like fungi that have anti-diarrhoeal and antimicrobial action. Enteral promotes local immunity and prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Adults can take the drug 2 capsules several times a day. Children the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Enteral it is unacceptable to assign simultaneously with antifungal agents.

In rare cases, in the treatment of Anteroom having dyspepsia, and allergic reactions.

Bifiform baby

A good probiotic after the antibiotics is Suitable. This drug quickly eliminates all the phenomena of a dysbacteriosis and normalize the alkaline balance.

Children over 2 years appoint 1 capsule of the drug, twice a day, approximately equal to the time interval. If the patient's condition is severe then the dose can be increased to 4 capsules.

Children up to 2 years are prescribed one capsule, once a day. Babies up to six months one capsule divided into 2 doses, dissolve the powder in water, and breast milk.


This preparation consists of lactobacilli and kefir grains. Has a pronounced antimicrobial activity, creates an inhospitable environment for life and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Acipol improves digestion and synthesis of vitamins in the body. Promotes the excretion of harmful cholesterol and bilirubin, increases local immunity. The drug reduces the severity of allergic reactions. It can be administered in severe intestinal infections and in complex therapy.

Children up to 3 years-give 1 capsule Acipol 2 times a day. Children older than 3 years and adults are recommended to take up to 4 capsules per day.

The average duration of treatment Atipolab is two weeks, but if necessary, therapy may be prolonged for a month.


This is quite a popular drug that is often prescribed to both adults and children. It includes acidophilus bacteria, which normalize the microflora in the gut.

Linex helps to improve digestion and quickly removes all dyspeptic symptoms. To apply the drug in case of dysbacteriosis of different etiology.

  • Children up to 2 years give the contents of one capsule 1-2 times a day. The powder is diluted in a teaspoon of water.
  • Children older than 3 years, give 1 capsule up to three times a day.
  • Adults drink 2 capsules, three times a day.

The treatment duration is usually a month, but the doctor of the course may be reduced or extended. The drug is approved to take during pregnancy.

It is strictly forbidden to drink probiotics with soda or hot drinks!

To avoid problems with digestion after the antibiotics need to take probiotics. These drugs normalize intestinal flora and boost immunity. To pick up such drugs should only doctor.