Medicinal herbs for kidneys: how to take

Kidney is a paired organ in the human body that performs the function of filters. These filters actively removes toxins and decay products. Since ancient times this body was treated with herbs, as they have many positive qualities. One of the main is that they have no side effects compared to drugs. In different pathologies herb for the kidneys having a different effect – bacterial, bacteriostatic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic.

All these impacts is necessary because the kidney disease occur due to the activation of a bacterial infection, metabolic disturbances, ingestion of certain toxic drugs. And often the pathology of the kidney occur as complications of viral infections and intoxication.

Quite often, doctors in the complex therapy prescribed various herbal teas. In the official medicine is quite popular, so the pharmacies have special renal fees.

The action of herbs

In the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder well-chosen herbs have such effects:

  • Reduce the manifestation of side effects from taking medicinal drugs.
  • Increase the effectiveness of drugs that are assigned as primary therapy.
  • If the disease has already passed into the chronic form, the periodic use of herbs can help to prevent its recurrence.
  • Herbs can improve overall health of the person with renal pathologies.
  • Treatment herbs can help relieve pain, renal colic.
  • Increases immunity, thereby increasing the body's resistance to infections.
  • The use of herbs in acute inflammatory processes and prevents chronic.

All these positive properties of medicinal plants are obtained only if the person is fully examined and the specialist picked up his herbs to picolette.


Many people think that herbs can be taken and nothing bad will happen. This is wrong, as herbs have also a number of contraindications. This is especially true of diuretic plants.

The main contraindication all natural ingredients in treatment is individual intolerance. There is a possibility of allergic reaction. Prohibited herb for the kidneys in acute manifestation of glomerulonephritis.

Not prescribed diuretic herbs, if you have kidney stones with large stones.

In addition, any acute condition that may endanger human life, are full contraindication to the use of herbs. Is an inflammatory process which is accompanied by severe intoxication, high blood pressure, disturbed electrolyte composition of blood. Renal insufficiency is also a contraindication to the use of herbal treatments. Also, if a person is undergoing chemotherapy, herbs for kidney also prohibited.

Rules herbal therapy

There are certain rules that should be followed. The first principle is that treatment should undergo courses. More importantly, that grass was picked up by the technician taking into account the diagnosis. Together with the use of plants for the kidneys need to follow a special diet, in this case, phytotherapy be effective.

Course of treatment should last from 10 to 28 days. Between courses, an interval of 7-10 days. If the reception of the renal collection is prophylactic, then the rate can last for 10 days.

Long mnogokursovoe treatment recommended for chronic pathologies. But if herbs are selected diuretic type, then their application should not exceed 10 days, after that definitely take a break.

Using phytotherapy from kidney diseases, it is necessary to control the condition with regular urine samples.

Renal collecting

For the treatment of many renal pathologies is applied to the Assembly. Most often it includes the following herbs:

  • thyme;
  • the grass is half-collapsed;
  • the celandine;
  • Ural licorice;
  • dandelion;
  • nettle;
  • quack grass;
  • oregano.

These herbs are used to treat pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, nephritis. But keep in mind that constantly the same collection cannot be taken. Grass needs to change because of the addiction to specific components and their effectiveness is reduced. Therefore, it is important that all treatment prescribed by a specialist.

There may be a collection including St. John's wort, parsley root, bearberry, sage, series, wild strawberry leaves, violet three-color type and lovage.

Kidney tea is a strong diuretic. In its application of the body's output of uric acid and chloride. It is prescribed only to patients with acute and chronic pathologies of the kidneys and bladder. Another effective kidney tea will be in heart failure. Only all dosages and duration of treatment determined by the doctor-the cardiologist.

The use of herbs

Herbal teas can be administered in combination with the procedure of crushing kidney stones with ultrasound. In this case, the treatment is prescribed by a doctor with a comprehensiveapproach only after careful diagnosis.

Flax seeds

If detected in the urine oxalate, cleansing kidney is assigned herbal collection, which will be flax seeds. Or a decoction of them can be used separately. A decoction is prescribed to eat 4-7 times a day.

Bear ear and calamus root

When kidney inflammation use infusion water-based from a bear's ear and calamus root. Bear ears have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions. They are often used for treatment of inflammatory process of the renal pelvis, nephritis and oedema.

Corn silk

Corn silk is recommended for people who have a history of in addition to renal pathologies, there is still hypertension, and swelling often occur. A decoction of this plant is anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

Birch and St. John's wort

The young leaves and buds of birch is used for the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. St. John's wort is also a versatile herb that has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties.


Cranberry is used to improve kidney health. A positive point is that these berries can be consumed without any restrictions. Cranberry is very useful for the entire body.

Diuretic plants

Diuretic herbs derive not only extra fluid but also minerals from the body. This is the danger of improper use.

When taking diuretics people must drink about 2 liters of clean water. But also regarding drink such amount of liquid you need to consult a doctor, as there may be contraindications from the heart.

If diuretic herbs necessary to treat kidneys, it is important to understand that in the first place will be excreted from the body is potassium. Therefore, it is necessary in the diet to include foods with a high content of it. Doctors in all renal pathologies always prescribe a special diet.

Parsley root has a potent diuretic effect, if it is to boil milk. This remedy effectively relieves renal colic. Diuretics need to be applied very carefully, as if you use them with the incorrect dosage, you can harm the body. Herbs with diuretic properties is contraindicated for some categories of patients.

Pronounced diuretic effect of these herbs and plants:

  • the leaves and berries of cranberries;
  • series;
  • burdock;
  • buds and leaves of birch;
  • gryzhnik;
  • dill;
  • horsetail;
  • bearberry;
  • juniper fruit;
  • flowers of cornflower blue;
  • the knotweed.

To prepare kidney tea with a diuretic effect is also used shepherd's bag, bear ear and calamus root in a single composition.

Do not make multi-component diuretic decoctions. It is better to take 1-2 species of grass and to test its effect. If after its application the swelling has decreased, the severity of lower back disappeared, and mild diuretic effect, it means that the grass suits the person and works of non-corrosive on the body.


Cystitis most commonly prescribed bearberry, yarrow and birch buds. Used and preparing a decoction of these herbs as a tea. Another collection cystitis is:

  • knotweed;
  • buds of birch;
  • psyllium;
  • bearberry.

If you need to prevent the symptoms of cystitis, you can prepare a decoction of leaves of bilberry.

Still recommended for the treatment of cystitis apply anti-inflammatory fees for baths. This will need to take birch leaves (collected in may), eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, calendula, leaves of currant, clover, horsetail, nettle leaves. This bath should be taken for 15-20 minutes, but not more than that.


With this disease often have pain and other unpleasant symptoms. To alleviate the condition, you can apply the rose hips and juniper. In exacerbations is recommended to drink a decoction of increased concentration, but it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the human body. Better about dosages to consult with your doctor.

For the prevention of manifestation of urolithiasis is recommended to take an infusion of carrot seeds, yet it can be the infusion from the leaves of the currant. Courses should not exceed 10-14 days. And then the obligatory pause, which lasts at least 1 month.

Herbs from kidney stones dangerous to take uncontrollably and without prior diagnosis, as in the kidney can be too large stones, and after such treatment a person may be on the operating table.