Oats for cleansing: recipes, useful properties

For a long time, oats were considered a weed, then feed. For a long time people had no idea about neither its nutritional value nor about the unique composition. First as a food product oats began to be used in India.

It later emerged that will help "green doctor" in exhaustion: physical or mental impairment, insomnia, skin diseases. But it is now known that oat grain – a wonderful tool, which you can use to conduct a cleansing of the body.

Oats and its beneficial properties

Oat grain is rich in a number of useful substances, so the oats for cleansing the body safe and healthy product. Ways to use "green doctors" are diverse and we can always choose the one that best suits them.

Benefits of oats for humans? It's all in the composition of the oat grains, which contain:

  • 26 macro - and microelements;
  • vitamins: b, A, e, PP, N;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • important for the construction of proteins amino acids;
  • vegetable oil (40%);
  • carbohydrates in the form of fiber.

Due to the presence in the composition of proteins and oils oat groats are more nutritious – 345 kcal/100 g. Therefore, oatmeal is considered a wholesome and nutritious product.

Because oats are considered a "green assistant" in the recovery from beriberi. It is effective for liver, liver function improving, and strengthening joints. Used as a remedy for the cardiovascular system: good stabilizes heart function and cleanses the blood. Recommended in the diet of patients with diabetes.

Affect oat grain and the digestive tract, helping it work efficiently. Purification of the oats gives the ability to excrete salt, toxins, heavy metals. Unnecessary breakdown products are excreted via bowels, not stopping it.

It is important to use whole grain oats. Cereal does not have the same effect. But the morning meal is complete of many people without Hercules. And no wonder: oatmeal reduces the feeling of hunger and provides the feeling of satiety.

What category of people it is useful clarification of oats?

To cleanse the body oats can be like applying a decoction and infusions that are useful for all people, but especially important in the diet:

  • people with diabetes type 2 diabetes;
  • patients colds;
  • if the kidneys have stones or sand;
  • if you experience hypertension.

"Healing grain" include a program of weight loss, they help in cleaning the various organs: liver, kidneys, intestines and even the lungs.

What is useful decoction of oats

A decoction to cleanse the body suited for long-term use leads to addiction and irritation of the bowel (mucosa). The principle of its action is the ability to absorb unnecessary body substances. Is a vegetable sorbent, which is able to envelop the food lumps.

Oats for decoctions and infusions prepared as follows:

  1. For decoction use 1 liter of water and 200 g of oat grains. Grain and steam it on a mild heat for 45 minutes. Strain, cool, drink half a Cup several times a day. Two weeks later, marked improvement in General condition. You can drink a decoction of oats for digestion. Sometimes use the method of purification according to Jean de S. Catherine. French physician used the technique myself. It took 2 cups of broth from oats before Breakfast, 2 glasses at lunch and 3 hours after lunch. The whole procedure was designed for two weeks and was held in the year 2 times. The Frenchman lived up to 100 years.
  2. For infusion grain oats and leave in warm water for 14-16 hours, using 1 part oats and 2 parts water. Drink 2-3 times a glass. This infusion is beneficial for children, only a single dose would be 1 tbsp.

You can use the infusion of oats in the thermos:

  1. Oat grain was lowered into the thermos and add boiling water up to 1 liter.
  2. In the morning the infusion is poured, pressing it steamed grain.
  3. Taken over equal time intervals.
  4. The beginning of the day – morning on an empty stomach, then about 5 times a day.
  5. The length of treatment is two weeks, then make one month break.

This infusion of oats to cleanse the body more healthful, because it better preserves the vitamins and other necessary body substancethat can deteriorate when heated.

Oats can help in the flu. In the evening a Cup of grains, pour a liter of water. On the morning of the infusion set on fire and proverjaem until steaming 1⁄2 part. Filter and drink a little all day. On the same day, it is advisable to drink up to 500 ml of curdled milk with pounded in her 5 cloves of garlic.

Oat drink to cleanse liver

There are strict methods of cleaning the liver, for example, by using lemon and vegetable oil. After this cleaning person not just feels bad, it can get in the hospital.

We will look at cleaning the liver soft way, using grain oats and rose hips. It is a safe way that will not harm the body:

  • Does a Cup of oats and washed.
  • Crushed in a blender.
  • Crushed in a blender with a glass of rose.
  • Oats with rose hips carefully backfilled in a thermos.
  • All the contents poured boiling water and insist day.
  • The resulting mixture is filtered through a sieve and squeeze.
  • Steamed oats after spin onconsistency like a jelly but more liquid.

It is not forbidden to taste add a spoonful of honey and lemon juice. Per day the infusion from a thermos is used completely. And in the evening you need to put the next batch. The treatment continues for 2 weeks. So cleansing oats at home is not difficult and safe.

The composition of the grain parts of oats: 18% protein, 60% carbohydrates and 5% fats. It is the best combination of nutritional product. Oat jelly and porridge is popular not only among the British, in Russia also ate these dishes, so grow the Russian heroes.

Cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract: how to spend wisely

You should prepare a decoction of oats, a principle which will differ slightly from other recipes. 500 g of oats fill in with 3l of water. Cook for 3 hours. During this time the grains will swell.

When the broth has cooled, it is filtered. Cooked whole grains mixed with broth, pre-chopped. Semi-liquid composition is diluted with one liter of water. Then placed in the refrigerator, take the decoction in 2 days, pre-warming. This mixture is useful for stomach. The reception is long and lasts for 2-3 months.

When are purged, you cannot drink alcohol, and spicy food. In the initial stages of treatment, the urine may acquire a reddish tinge, but do not be afraid: this takes a long time.

Help those with kidney disease

If you have problems related to kidney disease and the symptoms observed:

  • pain in the lumbar region,
  • swelling,
  • frequent urination,
  • a feeling of weakness and malaise.

It is necessary to clarify the diagnosis by a doctor, then take up the oatmeal recipe. Oats for the kidneys can be used as prophylaxis. To do this, 2 tbsp of oats and pour 1/2 liter of water and cook until the mixture thickens. The length of treatment is one week.

You can modify the recipe: take oat forage and fill a quart jar. Prepare the infusion in a water bath for 2 hours. Drink 125 ml three times per day.

Kidney disease good oat straw decoction with milk. There are two ways of cooking:

  • add in the already prepared decoction of oats to the milk mixture,
  • soak the grain in milk, and steamed at a temperature of hour.

From sand and stones to help cleanse oats. This procedure is carried out gradually that will protect the body from stress: rocks and sand will come out immediately. Use this recipe:

  1. Oats are washed, poured into a thermos and pour boiling water.
  2. The infusion is prepared at 12 hours, then grind.
  3. The obtained adhesive mass should be consumed instead of a morning meal without salt and sugar.
  4. For cleaning it is advisable to eat only vegetarian food.
  5. At the same time, drink infusions of herbs: ervy woolly and bearberry, following the instructions.
  6. You need to drink plenty of fluids, juices, cooked their own, not store-bought.

During the first month of treatment "porridge" drink once a week in the second month – two days a week, third month – only one day. So cleaning oats helps to remove kidney "deposits" of sand and stones.

The problem is, where to buy oats, rarely occurs. It is in the grain stores, pet stores, grocery stores. But in the granaries of oats treated with chemicals, in pet stores it is of poor quality, as in conventional stores – not always the whole grain without the husk. So buy oats in pharmacies or specialized stores.

Will the oats in diabetes

Drink oats in cleansing the body and is useful in diabetes. It will help to reduce the cholesterol, to assist in the work of the cardiovascular system. The recipe is simple:

  • per gallon of water use a Cup of oatmeal,
  • bring to +100C, and then keep them warm until the broth thickens,
  • further, it should be filtered,
  • can be mixed with the juice of hawthorn berries (1:1)

Recommended to take for 2 months, 3 times a day.

Help in cleaning the lungs

Use oats to clean the organism and to clean the lungs of foreign substances. Clean light will not prevent the lovers of Smoking, people working in hazardous industries, as well as the inhabitants of the metropolis. To all those who constantly inhales the dust of the road and was able.

A decoction of oat milk can be used both as prevention and as treatment. The course is short: just 1 week. Recipes you can use the following:

  • Take 500 ml of milk per Cup of grits, heated in slow heat for hours. Milled and semi-fluid mass consumed before meals. Use only freshly prepared mixture 3 times a day. You may receive a cough, which brings out the phlegm lungs with unnecessary products.
  • In pneumonia per litre of milk take a Cup of oats, boil for one hour. The broth is good with honey in the form of heat. Take 2-3 times a day for weeks. For single use is preparing a fresh batch.

Lose weight with oats

Ten-day oatmeal diet not only cleans of toxins, it will help those wishing to lose weight. Cleansing the body oats of toxins helps in the digestive tract, increasing intestinal motility, which leads to weight loss, to improve the quality and color of the skin.

To cook porridge is necessary before use. Hercules is soaked in cold water andput to swell for 8-10 hours. The porridge is ready, it is possible to eat, adding the prunes.

All 10 days drink plenty of fluids: this can be any drink, but without sugar. Parallel to drink boiled oats: 300 g boiled in 1.5 liters water for about 20 minutes, strain and drink with honey or lemon.

For insomnia oats can also be helpful. To do this, 1 tbsp of the bean is ground, add 100 ml of vodka and insist 15 days. When the tincture is ready, you can take it diluted with water to 30 drops.

Oat pudding: worth a try

Jelly from oats is an ideal tool for cleansing and for weight loss, it helps to improve the General condition. The composition of the jelly include:

  • 300 g of oat grains
  • 1⁄2 Cup of yogurt,
  • 1сл. L. sour cream or crust from rye bread,
  • 2 l of cool boiled water.

You need to mix the mixture and leave it in a warm place for fermentation for 2-3 days. After the infusion is fermented, press it and boil at low temperature. Drink 1⁄2 Cup half an hour before meals. Drink small amounts all day is the best option.

Possible contraindications

Because grain oats – natural remedy, and contraindications are relatively few:

  • Cholelithiasis decoctions and infusions can cause harm.
  • If you have cholecystitis, renal failure or heart disease, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.
  • In the case of high acidity of gastric juice to make rich broths impossible.
  • Pregnant women they are not contraindicated, but do not exceed therapeutic dose, drinking the broth at any time of the day or night.
  • "Recover quickly", increasing the dose of this healing drink, will not work. Everything should be done in accordance with the recommendations gradually.

Now we know how to use and how to prepare oats for cleansing the body. A high percentage of amino acids in the product stimulates the production of lecithin in the liver. The body can be cleansed of toxins from the breakdown products in the intestine with the help of oats. Oats reduces cholesterol, cleaning the walls of the arteries, and helps to normalize the sugar level in the blood.

Oats have many beneficial properties. In addition, the purification of a natural product – the procedure is simple, incapable of harm. Just add oats to your diet, constantly trying to come up with a new dish. This is a useful habit that will bring the body to benefit health and wellbeing.