High temperature and vomiting in children: causes, treatment

High temperature and vomiting in a child often indicates intestinal infection. This condition is supplemented by diarrhea, severe weakness and headache. Vomiting and diarrhea are protective functions of these unpleasant processes of self-cleaning the body from toxic substances and pathogens. In young children this disease is a serious concern, due to the small body mass dehydration sets in very quickly. It should be remembered that the smaller the age of the baby, the harder it can be complications.

Causes vomiting with fever

The reasons of occurrence of vomiting and a high temperature is not so little, although many parents blamed this condition on poisoning anything and trying to treat the child. Meanwhile, if vomiting have a high fever, it could indicate a dangerous disease which may require urgent intervention of health workers.

Intestinal infection

Temperature after vomiting the child may be the consequence of intestinal infections caused by different pathogenic microorganisms. This disease is most often diagnosed in children from one to six years and is called the rotavirus. For rotavirus characterized by acute onset, which is manifested by such symptoms:

  • nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • high temperature;
  • abundant salivation;
  • General weakness.

Later joined by signs of respiratory diseases, sore throat, runny nose and watery eyes.

For the treatment of intestinal infections used adsorbents, probiotics and antimicrobials. Antibiotics are prescribed very rarely and then after receiving the results of cultures to determine the causative agent.

Allergic reaction

If the child has severe vomiting and high fever – could it be an allergic reaction to some foods or medications. Most often this is complemented by flushed or petechial rash. If this happens, you need to remember what foods the child ate and which drugs he took. As first aid give antihistamines and adsorbents. The time interval between these two drugs should be no less than an hour.

Have younger children allergic reaction can quickly develop into angioedema, so at the slightest suspicious signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If the child often appears after eating discomfort in the digestive organs, and then adds vomiting and temperature, it is possible to suspect disease of the stomach, intestines or pancreas. Before you panic and do something, need to complain to the gastroenterologist. He will prescribe a series of examinations and on their basis will determine an effective course of treatment.

Head injury

Confusion and vomiting after a stroke or head injury indicate a concussion. The temperature in this case rises a little later, as a response to the inflammatory process in the body. In this case, the child should be urgently taken to a doctor-a neurologist. With proper treatment of concussion of moderate severity treated only a couple of weeks, and if the process is running, then the treatment may take several months.

A neurologist usually appoints a head x-ray to confirm the diagnosis. To refuse this procedure is not necessary, as only this way you can identify possible cracked skull.


A temperature of 39 and uncontrollable vomiting can be for appendicitis. The symptoms are complemented by a sharp pain in the right lower abdomen. The diagnosis should only doctor, so if alarming signs call an ambulance or take baby to the emergency room on their own.

On the basis of routine clinical blood work and a thorough examination, the surgeon determines the location of the surgical or pathology such as caused typical poisoning. Appendicitis is treated only by surgery, any delay threatens to peritonitis, that is, the spill of purulent content into the abdominal cavity.


Occasional vomiting and a high fever can be present in a child before public speaking or a visit to a new team. This is due to the imperfection of the child's nervous system and usually goes away without any treatment. Kids need to create a calm environment at home and to talk in detail about the upcoming changes in his life.

When the child for a long time do not want to go to kindergarten, crying and nervous, then you need to talk to the teacher and find out the reason. If the cause is not clear, a baby is better to take the time from the new team, not to injure the psyche.


Often diagnosed in child and poisoning. This can be caused by medicines older carelessly left in a conspicuous place, poisonous plants and various chemicals. In this case, the symptoms look like this:

  • there is a strong nausea, which always ends with vomiting;
  • the child complains of acute pain in the abdomen and stomach;
  • sometimes confusion and cramps;
  • diarrhea appears;
  • General condition of the child is severely disturbed.

If, after an abundant vomiting, high fever, you can suspect dehydration. In this case skin and mucous membranes look dry, the child lethargic and urination is absent for 4-5 hours. In infants the large Fontanelle sinks.

The smaller the weight of the child, the more dangerous for him such a state. Treatment of children up to 3 years must be extremely physician preferably in a hospital environment.

Vomiting due to high temperature

With SARS and influenza may be single vomiting due to increased body temperature and spasm of blood vessels. This is a protective reaction of the organism and is no threat to the health of the baby does not carry. Usually this phenomenon is observed in immunocompromised children with acute beginning of the disease.

How to help your child with vomiting and a temperature

Before taking any steps, you need to understand exactly what is the cause of the disease. Most often make it at home is problematic, therefore, call the doctor. But before his arrival can help our babies such actions:

  • If vomiting is caused by poisoning or acute intestinal infection, this process is not trying to stop immediately after the first urge. In this way the body tries to remove pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The child provide bed rest, the position should be on the side to avoid zahlebyvayas vomit. Infants are kept upright on the hands, slightly bent forward.
  • After gagging the patient give rinse your mouth and throat. Outgoing gastric juice irritates the delicate mucous membrane.
  • Before the arrival of the doctor can be given adsorbents. You can use any that will be in the house.
  • Baby ensure a good drinking regime. Water or other drink, give in divided portions, but very often.

Before the arrival of the doctor adults should collect in the bag the essential baby things and documents you may need urgent hospitalization.

If there is a suspicion on poisoning with medicines or poisonous plants, it is necessary to show the doctor the packaging or part of the vegetation. This will facilitate diagnosis and speed up treatment.

What not to do

Parents need to know what not to do categorically without consulting with a physician in order not to aggravate the situation. The list of prohibited actions, like this:

  • A toddler cannot be forced to eat until you stop retching and not normal body temperature.
  • It is forbidden to give the child any medications except adsorbents. In exceptional cases, before the arrival of the doctor allowed to give paracetamol to bring the temperature down.
  • If there is a toxic chemical substances, it is impossible to wash out the stomach at home. This will lead to greater damage to the esophagus and throat.
  • You can't leave a sick child alone even for a few minutes, he needs to be supervised.

In addition, the child as a drink you can't give dairy products, juice, or soda. These products are inflammation of the stomach and can trigger new bouts of vomiting.

Folk recipes to help

If vomiting and high temperature caused by strong emotion or poisoning of food products, which takes place in the form of light, it is possible to do improvised means, without drugs. You can make medicinal teas out of these herbs:

  • peppermint;
  • Melissa;
  • Valerian;
  • dill;
  • chamomile.

You can take the herbs that will only strengthen their effectiveness. Spoon collection pour a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil, insist and filter. Give the child to drink several times a day a tablespoon.


You need at least a week to stick to the diet. From the child's diet remove fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods. Limit the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. All food should be balanced, natural and healthy.

Food boiled, steamed or in the oven. Vegetables only give potatoes, carrots, beets, and zucchini, and after heat treatment. Fruit can give the green apples and ripe bananas.

Dairy products begin to enter the third day after normalization of the child. Milk diluted in half with water and boil the porridge. Allowed low-fat cottage cheese and bifidokefir.

When properly organized treatment and feeding the child quickly goes on the amendment. A few days later about the disease will resemble a pale complexion and poor appetite, and a week or two the symptoms will go away.