Temperature for food poisoning in a child: what to do

Temperature in cases of poisoning in a child is increased due to a strong intoxication of an organism. This symptom is alarming, and points to the need for treatment. In this article we considered the reasons for the increase of fever in children food poisoning and the main methods of normalization.

The main reasons for the increase in temperature

Hyperthermia, or increased body temperature is a protective mechanism of the body with which he fights with the infectious agent. It increases with the attempt of the immune system to kill pathogenic bacteria.

The fever food poisoning is not always observed. This symptom should be paid attention to.

The following are the main reasons why temperature can increase food poisoning in a child:

  1. Severe intoxication of the organism by bacteria or toxins. Develops food poisoning food products and the intestinal infections.
  2. Viral intestinal infection. The symptoms of food poisoning are very similar to a viral infection.
  3. Wrong treatment of poisoning, in which there is restoration of water and electrolyte losses of the body.
  4. Acetoneiso syndrome often accompanies childhood poisoning. It increases the level of ketone bodies in the blood. It is accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, fever, dehydration and intoxication syndrome. Urine smells of acetone. The same smell can be heard from the mouth of a baby.
  5. Acute or chronic pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis is a common complication of childhood poisoning. Characterized by low-grade fever (37,0-37,5), nausea, vomiting, girdle pain in the abdomen.
  6. Acute gastritis develops as a result of severe poisoning. Manifested by severe pain in the stomach, heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting.
  7. Damage to the kidneys. Some toxins can cause acute renal failure. In this patient be swelling, yellowness of the sclera, pain, impaired urination.

Peculiarities of children's organism

Children suffer food poisoning harder than adults. Their body is more sensitive to toxins. Small patients are more prone to develop pancreatitis, gastritis against the background of poisoning. This is due to the following features of their organism:

  • Low acidity of gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid is necessary to neutralize toxins and pathogenic bacteria. In children first years of life, it is produced in very small quantities, and toxins trapped in the stomach with food, are absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Defective pancreas that children are not able to produce enough enzymes, and in cases of poisoning are often unable to cope with their work.
  • The mucous membrane of the stomach in children has a better blood supply than adults, and toxins, trapped food quickly enter the blood stream.
  • A weak immune system. Children cannot cope with the infection as quickly as adults. With only 3 years protective ability of the body begins to operate fully.

What to do if hyperthermia

Self-treatment of child poisoning, which is accompanied by high temperature is dangerous. Only baby doctor can adequately assess the condition of the baby. Therefore, the development of hyperthermia on the background of poisoning should seek medical help.

If you see that the condition of the child heavy, sluggish, inactive, he can't stop vomiting call an ambulance. Physicians will render first aid, and hospitalityat in the infectious diseases Department at children's hospital.

If the child is feeling relatively normal, you can call the pediatrician back home, or bring him to the doctor in the clinic to him. Resolution accurate diagnosis, determine the cause of hyperthermia and treatment may require laboratory or instrumental examination.

Survey for hyperthermia

Depending on symptoms, duration of fever and the child's condition, a doctor can be assigned to the following diagnostic procedures:

  • General complete blood count can show the presence of viral or bacterial inflammatory process in the body.
  • Urinalysis is done to detect the kidneys.
  • Urine test for ketone bodies are needed to identify acetonemia syndrome. For this purpose, special test strips.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of internal organs are shown in cases of suspected pathology of the pancreas and gallbladder.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood may be appointed in cases of suspected pancreatitis.
  • Stool cultures performed to identify intestinal infection.

Than to lower body temperature child

Please note that children are strictly prohibited to use for fever acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin). This drug may cause an acute hemorrhagic syndrome and death.

The list of allowed drugs to reduce fever in cases of poisoning for children is much shorter than for adults. Any drug you give your child must be approved by his attending pediatrician.

Belowlists the basic steps you should take to treat a child with high fever:

  1. Bed rest and quiet. During hyperthermia the child does not need to send to school or kindergarten. Weakened body require rest.
  2. Airing the room and providing fresh air. The room in which the patient is a child, should be aired every hour.
  3. Drink plenty of liquids. In cases of poisoning, the body loses a sick amount of fluid that goes along with vomiting and loose stools. Daily volume of liquid that you want to give a child with fever should be discussed with the pediatrician, it is calculated on the basis of the temperature and the volume of fluid lost, weight and age of the baby. To feed you can use:
    • alkaline mineral water without gas;
    • Rehydron is a drug whose composition is similar to composition of blood plasma. It replenishes the body with not only water, but also need electrolytes. Sold in portion bags. One sachet is diluted with one liter of simple boiled water. He tastes salty.
    • weak sweet tea.
  4. Physical methods of cooling. Child with a temperature should be disclosed and undress. At high hyperthermia can wipe with plain cold water.
  5. Medication for lowering the temperature used when it is increasing above 38 degrees for children under 3 years of age and above 38.5 – in older. When a low-grade fever (37,0-37,9) they are not needed. Do not try to bring down the fever immediately. The normal rate of temperature decrease of 1 degree per hour. Rapid reduction could cause a collapse (spasm) of blood vessels. For children are only allowed 2 drug: Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. They are available in syrup, which is easy to dose depending on the weight and age of the baby.
  6. Treatment of the underlying disease. Temperature is a symptom of a pathological disease. For example, if the cause was an intestinal infection, it is necessary to conduct the etiological treatment of antibacterial drugs.

Contrary to the belief, hyperthermia is not wiping the child with vinegar. During the fever the patient's blood is oxidized, and vinegar, being absorbed through the skin, may cause acidosis (disorders of blood pH).

Poison can every kid. Parents should know what to do in case of increase his body temperature on the background foodborne diseases. No need to self-medicate, and give Chad the drugs at random. Only the children's doctor, after examination will be able to choose the correct method of therapy. In some cases, you may need additional tests that will help determine the exact temperature of the fever, and to identify possible complications.