Bile vomiting in a child: causes, first aid, treatment

Vomiting in children is common. It is associated with immaturity of the digestive and immune systems. Vomiting bile is a child's as fasting and after eating. The process of emptying of the stomach, is a protective reaction of the body response to internal or external stimulus.

The rate of bile in the stomach should not be. Her casting can be single or continuous. Observation of the child vomited, has valuable diagnostic significance, helps in the choice of methods of examination of young patients. Bile in the stomach is the unequivocal reason for going to the doctor.

The signs, which can be suspected bile in the stomach

Vomiting is always preceded by nausea. Small casts of bile accompanied by a systematic burp. In infants, this condition affects the overall physical development – stunted growth, poor weight gain, restless sleep.

Retching is provided by sharp contractions of the diaphragm, and for children it's a painful process. The discomfort was amplified by the feeling of bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, heaviness in the inguinal region. Children always feel a sense of thirst, weakness and fatigue. Sharply reduced physical activity. Periodically a child is sick bile.

Characteristics and color vomit:

  • green vomit contains large amounts of bile, occur while eating or after a meal;
  • if the child vomits yellow liquid is a mixture of bile and gastric juice, it happens on an empty stomach;
  • vomiting of a dark green shade with brown streaks – the presence of bile in the gastric bleeding background of low intensity.

The condition may worsen – vomiting with fever, a fever, skin turns pale, becomes cold and sticky, associated with diarrhea. This indicates an infectious or acute inflammatory process in children. If the temperature rise is not, in the body there are functional disorders of the digestive system.

Why do children vomit bile present

The reasons causing this condition are different. One safe and is easily corrected, others are talking about serious diseases:

  • Acute intestinal infections – salmonellosis, dysentery, E. coli. Diseases are accompanied by enlargement of the liver and its toxic lesions the production of bile and reflux into the stomach.
  • Viral hepatitis a – infection of the liver with an increased release of bilirubin in the blood, skin, mucous membranes.
  • Functional diseases (obstruction) of the gallbladder and excretory ducts – dyskinesia.
  • Acute inflammatory disease of the digestive system – cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Sphincter deficiency – congenital or acquired (illness, surgery).
  • Food, drug, and chemical poisoning.
  • Improper diet, poor or unbalanced food.
  • Neurogenic factors – eating disorders and the microcirculation of the brain, nervous stress, mental disorders.

In children in infancy cause of vomiting bile can be a deficiency in production of pancreatic enzymes. Predisposing factors – active physical games, emotional overload, fatty foods. In rare cases, if the child is vomiting bile is a sign of appendicitis.

First aid for vomiting bile

If vomiting green happened on the background of a high temperature, diarrhea and poor General condition of the child, you need to call an ambulance.

What to do before the arrival of medical personnel? The child to provide physical rest. He should be in bed, reclining, with a raised chest.

To put children horizontally it is impossible. This will trigger the re-entry of bile into the stomach and, as a consequence, repeated vomiting.

To prevent dehydration keep giving fluids. If the child refuses to drink water, you can give warm rather weak tea, juice, water, diluted juice. The best way to prevent dehydration and electrolyte solutions, which are prepared using special powders (regidron).

If not pharmaceutical drugs, saline solution can be prepared independently. Recipe recommended by who: in 1 liter of water dissolve 1 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp of baking soda. For the most rapid absorption of the drink to give a warm (37 °C). That the child is not sick, should drink often and in small SIPS.

Before the examination of the child by doctors to exclude any meal. Babies breastfed for breast milk are allowed.

Occasional vomiting of bile in a child without fever most often occurs on the background of malnutrition, in this case vomiting may be a green liquid. To alleviate and relieve the digestive system, for 4-5 hours to refuse food, to ensure to drink plenty of liquids.

Vomiting yellow the child is accompanied by such symptoms as heartburn, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth. In this case, give antacids. They regulate the acidity in the stomach, envelop the wall, relieve irritation.

Antacids are available in the form of syrup and are well toleratedchildren:

  • Almagel.
  • Maalox.
  • Aluminium phosphate gel.
  • Gaviscon;
  • Talized.

School-age children can be offered lozenges "Rennie". But they can cause drowsiness, weakness, belching.

If the child's vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea shown the drugs – ftalazol, smectite, enterosgel, Imodium. This treatment is prescribed in case if a large number of bile entered the intestine and the stool turned green.

For pain in the stomach as a result of spasm of the bile duct, abrupt movements of the diaphragm, the contraction of the walls of the stomach, the child is given painkillers – but-shpu, Nurofen.

In severe cases (acute intestinal infections), the treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes – the complex antibacterial and symptomatic therapy in a hospital environment.

Bile in the stomach is not a reason for self-treatment. This condition, especially if it is systematic, fraught with serious complications – a violation of the acidity of the stomach and, as a consequence, gastritis, chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent their development, treatment of bile reflux into the stomach should appoint a pediatric gastroenterologist.