What to do if a child is sick and his stomach hurts

Symptoms such as nausea, discomfort in the umbilical region, bloating, frequent in children, especially in the first year of life. This condition is painful for babies. Parents do not always know why this happens and how to help your child. What to do if a child is sick and has a stomach ache how to eliminate the symptoms?

Causes nausea and pain in the intestine in children

In neonates and infants cause discomfort and pain in the abdomen – digestive system adaptation to new conditions of life (breastfeeding, baby formula, lures). As a rule, this condition is systemic in nature and passing on their own without serious medical intervention within 4 months after birth.

In children 1-5 years causes nausea and abdominal pain is more:

  1. Acute intestinal infections – salmonellosis, E. coli, dysentery, infectious disease, Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Food poisoning – ingestion of spoiled, low-quality food, with expired.
  3. Nausea and pain as a reaction to changes in diet – solid foods, exotic dishes, new dishes, innovative cooking appliances, lack of heat treatment.
  4. SARS, flu.
  5. Diseases of the internal organs – the biliary dyskinesia, functional disorders of the digestive system, a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes.
  6. Poisoning mushrooms, wild herbs and berries.
  7. Poisoning chemicals, household chemicals.
  8. Overdose of drugs.
  9. Trip in road transport.

In young children, vomiting can occur after eating. If overfeeding of children is systematic, in the body of a child fails the functional activity of the organs of pishevarenie. In this case, nausea and abdominal pain occur frequently.

At the age of 4-6 years and Junior school students, you may encounter such phenomena as nausea cramps and episodic (one-time, spontaneous, with nothing connected). Most likely, their reason – the physical and psychological load, the workload throughout the day, irregular meals, frequent snacking dry, insufficient days and nights.

Schoolchildren cause abdominal pain and nausea could be appendicitis. In adolescence nausea and discomfort arises as a result of poisoning by nicotine (during Smoking).

Accompanying symptoms

Abdominal pain, colic, nausea accompanied by the whole complex of symptoms, which allows to supply the initial diagnosis and to choose the right methods of first aid.

Distinctive symptoms in infants

Colic and nausea in babies severely affects their overall condition. Children are restless, cry often, sleep poorly, refuse breast or bottle with the mixture. The inability of the child to explain his condition puts parents in a deadlock, they cannot accurately determine what is happening with the baby.

Distinctive signs of intestinal colic in infants in the first year of life:

  • belly swollen, firm to the touch when touched, the child begins to cry;
  • the panic, the baby is spinning, can't stand in one position;
  • constant crying, which is periodically enhanced;
  • convulsive movements of the hands and feet.

How to understand what sick

How to recognize infectious disease

In acute intestinal infections nausea and abdominal pain are pronounced, along with other symptoms.

From the blood manifest such symptoms – severe nausea with retching, single or repeated vomiting (depending on the severity of the pathological process), diarrhea 5 to 15 times a day. Localization of pain in the abdomen, right upper quadrant, epigastric region.

Intestinal infections dehydrate the child's body, resulting in intoxication increases. There is always a temperature. With food poisoning it does not exceed 37,5°. In the case of severe infection the body temperature rises to 39-40°.

Functional disorders of the digestive system

This is the most common cause nausea and pain in children of all ages. When an unbalanced diet and violation of the body is disrupted in the development of biologically active substances.

Irregular nutrition leads to excess of bile, which causes the baby nausea. This can lead to reflux – reflux of bile into the stomach. The children are experiencing heartburn and bitterness in the mouth.

More Odon cause nausea and discomfort in the stomach – it is an enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas, also associated with the child's diet (fatty, fried, smoked, spicy food). A lack of enzymes does not allow junk food to completely digest. Unsplit proteins, fats and carbohydrates cause negative processes in the body:

  • the putrefaction or fermentation;
  • flatulence;
  • indigestion;
  • semi-liquid stool from the violation of absorbability of the intestines.

These symptoms are accompanied by nausea, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, aching in the umbilical region, General malaise.

Seasonal viral infection

Some forms of influenza and hard tolerated by children. Viruses can cause severe intoxication in children. Whenhigh temperature the child's body rapidly loses fluid.

If not timely to provide the child with the water in the right amount, the higher the concentration of toxins in the blood will lead to kidney failure, that will raise the level of acetone in the blood. This is manifested by such signs:

  • nausea;
  • periodic vomiting (due to toxic injury of the vomiting center in the medulla oblongata), she is drunk after each portion of the liquid, or try a meal;
  • headaches;
  • severe muscle weakness.

Mushroom poisoning, plants

This poisoning is seasonal and is recorded in summer and autumn. Walking the child can eat wild berries, mushrooms, leaves, which have a high toxicity.

The first signs of nausea, including dizziness, sometimes vomiting occurs, but infrequently. It continually reinforces the feeling of nausea and malaise. Later joined by abdominal pain cramping nature. Child is on the bed in a pose on one side, with pre-loaded belly and knees.

Toxic substances plants and fungi are very toxic and have negative effects on the Central nervous system.

The symptoms of brain damage:

  • increasing nausea, vomiting does not bring relief;
  • sudden muscle contractions, spasms;
  • spasticskie pains in the abdomen;
  • impaired coordination of movement, speech, vision;
  • a semi-conscious state.

Poisoning by household chemicals, medicines

Getting chemical substances into the body of the child leads to severe and often irreversible consequences for his health. It happens because of negligent and irresponsible attitude of parents to the baby. Accidentally left a bottle of chlorine-based products can lead to fatal consequences.

Symptoms of chemical poisoning in children are always acute. This is due to the deep and extensive lesions of the mucous membrane of the upper digestive system.

Sharp pain in stomach and nausea the child appears immediately. The condition with every minute growing. Observed repeated vomiting with impurity blood – a dangerous sign, indicating the destruction of the muscular layer of the esophagus or stomach. For chemical burns of the characteristic cutting and piercing pain in the abdomen, which is aggravated by any movement, even with a deep breath. Therefore, the breath the child has frequent and superficial. In severe cases, the nervous system is affected, the child is unconscious.

First aid to the child with nausea and abdominal pain

If the child has a stomach ache and feel sick, but there is no diarrhea, vomiting, body temperature is normal, most likely his condition is due to intake of heavy food.

In order to improve the condition and eliminate the symptoms, you need to perform these simple steps:

  • keep calm baby for 2 hours;
  • to stop eating until the symptoms are gone;
  • to ensure drinking regime – drink water, compotes, warm teas, diluted juices should not be consumed carbonated beverages, the child can pull;
  • to relieve nausea, to give the enzymes, Mezim, festal, Pancreatin, for children who cannot swallow a pill, give the contents of the capsules of CREON (the drug is indicated from birth);
  • to relieve heartburn prescribed antacid drugs – Almagel, aluminium phosphate gel, gastal, they are produced in suspension and safe for children;
  • if abdominal pain is strong and concerned about the child, you can give antispasmodics – Nospanum, spazmalgon, baralgin, Nurofen babies shown;
  • to eliminate colic and abdominal discomfort in infants shown such means – dill water, drops, Bifiform.

If you know that your child has a diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, in the right hypochondrium can be put warmer, for the better discharge of bile. This should relieve the spasm of the ducts and eliminate abdominal pain.

If a child is sick and vomiting, no fever, but stomach pain, it could be food poisoning. First aid: to eliminate meal, give a lot of drinking to make up for the loss of fluid to control the temperature. Children under 3 years be sure to call the doctor at home.

If a child has influenza and high temperature, immediately give glucose. It will reduce the level of acetone in the blood, which eliminates nausea and vomiting.

At suspicion on acute intestinal infection (persistent vomiting and diarrhea), the child is hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital for diagnosis and medical care.

If a baby has severe chemical poisoning – emergency hospitalization in the Toxicological Department.

Rendering proper first aid will greatly facilitate the child's condition and prevent complications. It is important symptoms and signs to recognize a pathological condition, what had caused it.