What to give a child for poisoning: drug list

Children are more likely to develop food poisoning. Their treatment should be approached with seriousness. Self-medication can be dangerous to the health of kids, all medications must be administered by a doctor. In this article, we considered that to give the child for poisoning at the stage of rendering first aid, the cases in which it is necessary to seek medical treatment.

Peculiarities of children's organism

Poisoning the child is more severe than that of an adult. This is due to the peculiarities of development and structure of the child's body. The following are the major factors contributing to the emergence of poisoning in babies.

  • Full production of saliva appears only a year old. Until that time, the kid is not protected by lysozyme, a protein which neutralizes some of the bacteria and protects against infections.
  • Insufficient development of the immune system, which is necessary to protect the body from pathogens. In only 3 years, the child's immune system begins to fully function.
  • Intestinal microflora provides local immunity and protects against some intestinal infections. A child is born with a sterile gut, which is filled with useful and necessary bacteria during the first year of life. Already 2 years children's intestinal microflora does not differ from the adult.
  • Gastric acidity in children below, whereby the stomach is not fully protected from intestinal viruses and bacteria.

What are the most common causes of childhood poisoning

There are many factors and causes that can lead to poisoning in children. It should be noted that the carelessness of parents and lack of childcare are a major cause of child poisoning. Left unattended medicines, cleaning supplies, expired food – all this is dangerous for the baby.

The main causes of poisoning in children:

  • the use of expired and improperly cooked food leads to foodborne illness. The child can be infected with salmonellosis, dysentery or E. coli;
  • welcome baby medications, chemicals found at home. Baby I want to taste everything he sees around. Bright pills he takes for the candy, but a tool for washing floors for a sweet drink;
  • mushroom poisoning. According to the dietary recommendations of pediatricians, mushrooms is forbidden to use children under 12 years. But many parents start to feed their offspring from an early age. A baby's digestive system cannot digest mushroom proteins. A toddler can be poisoned even high-quality edible mushrooms;
  • failure to comply with a child basic personal hygiene. Through dirty hands, he can get an intestinal infection.

Who are the management of childhood poisoning

Treatment of the poisoned child should be performed by doctors. At the first signs of poisoning, you should call an ambulance or to take the kid to the hospital.

Remember that to engage in self-treatment of a child is dangerous and pointless. In children poisoning is accompanied by severe intoxication and dehydration. Such conditions are treated exclusively by physicians.

You can have a baby first aid, due to which his condition slightly improved. It should start immediately with the development of the disease.

The basics of first aid for child poisoning

What to give a child for poisoning and vomiting prior to arrival of the paramedics? Please note that at this stage it is very important not to harm the baby by trying to save him. Below are the what drugs for poisoning food can give the baby and how to help the child while waiting for medics.

Quiet and mode

Provide to the kid rest. Do not panic and especially do not scold him if he is at fault in the development of the disease. Put the baby to bed, open the room window for admission of fresh air.

Do not try to feed the baby. Diet will be appointed by the doctor after rendering first medical aid.

Gastric lavage

The cleansing of the stomach to help out poor quality food residues, bacteria and toxins. It is possible to prevent deterioration of the patient.

If your child is older than 5 years, spend him self-gastric lavage. To do this, give gulp drink several glasses of plain water and try to provoke him vomit.

Remember that gastric lavage is forbidden in cases of poisoning by acids, alkalis, with the appearance of vomiting blood.


The colon cleanse will help out pathogens and toxins, reduce intoxication. Enema should be done on the basis of simple boiled water. Its temperature should be room. Enema is done to clean the intestinal wash of the waters. Add to enema medication or decoction of herbs prohibited in the home.


Sorbents are drugs that can be taken before arrival of doctors. Their dosage can be calculated by weight or by age of the child. For example, a child in 4 years and weighs approximately 20 kg 1 tablet of Activated charcoal is designed for 10 kg children weighing 20 kg it is necessary to give two pills.

Please note that the dosage of sorbents with different names different from each other.Before giving them to the kid, read the instructions carefully. You should also check the expiry date of the medicines. Expired pills can lead to poisoning.

List of names of sorbents:

  • activated carbon;
  • enterosgel;
  • sorbex;
  • smectite;
  • APSCO.

Drink plenty of liquids

What to drink poisoned child? Before arrival of doctors you can give baby or alkaline mineral water without gas. Hot and cold drinks is contraindicated.

What to do if a child drank acid or alkali

In this poisoning do not rinse the stomach or cause vomiting in toddler. Gastric lavage is carried out by doctors through a tube. The only way to safely dispose of chemical, without causing re-burn the lining of the esophagus and oral cavity.

Before arrival of physicians give the kid a little drink plain water, put him in the bed and on the stomach put the ice.

Remember not to try to neutralize the stomach contents. Many believe that if poisoned with acid, you just need to drink lye. During neutralization a large amount of gases that can break the stomach from the inside.

Medical treatment

The physicians who have arrived on a call, visiting a sick child, will gather medical history and begin first aid. It consists of:

  • gastric lavage through the probe (if there are contraindications to normal cleaning of the stomach);
  • connect droppers with solutions to correct dehydration and to reduce intoxication;
  • with the development of gastrointestinal bleeding are administered drugs that will stop it;
  • the introduction of antiemetic drugs (osetron, cerucal) helps to relieve retching.

Hospitalized poisoned child can infectious, reanimation or Toxicological Department. It depends on the substance that the baby was poisoned.

In-patient treatment starts in the first minutes of admission. It consists of:

  • the introduction of antidotes (if they exist for the substance that poisoned the patient);
  • hemodialysis – cleansing the blood. It is held for poisoning by drugs, mushrooms;
  • antibiotic therapy which is indicated for intestinal infections;
  • rich IV drips to treat dehydration;
  • enzymes – drugs that improve digestion;
  • antispasmodics, which are used to relieve pain in the abdomen;
  • diet.

The duration of treatment in the hospital depends on the condition of the child, the etiology of poisoning and the timeliness of access to medical care.

Prevention of child poisoning

Child poisoning is much easier to prevent than to cure. To make it easy. Below, we have gathered for you the guidelines by which you can protect your child from this disease.

  • Buy food only on the official market or in certified stores. You can't be confident in the quality of the food bought at natural markets or from hands.
  • Always check the manufacturing date when purchasing products, inspect their appearance, the integrity of the packaging.
  • Encourage your child to wash their hands before each meal and after returning from the street. Make sure he didn't lick his hands, not biting his nails.
  • Try not to buy processed or ready meals. The most useful and safe food that you have prepared yourself from fresh ingredients with clean hands.
  • Don't let the kids mushrooms, smoked products, canned food, sausage. These products are not intended for baby food.
  • Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables, use soda for cleaning dishes.
  • Hide from children all medicines and household chemicals.

Self-treatment of child poisoning is very dangerous. As soon as the first signs of this disease, you should seek medical help. Before the arrival of doctors to perform gastric lavage, do an enema to give your baby sorbents and drink. Further treatment is carried out by the ambulance and hospital. Its volume and duration are dependent on toxic substances and condition of the patient.