Is it possible to breast feed in cases of poisoning

Everyone once in a lifetime encounter with intoxication, and women in lactation are not an exception, but moms usually keep a strict diet. For this reason, information about whether to breast-feed in cases of poisoning is relevant.

Which can cause intoxication

The fundamental point, which will help to decide whether to continue breastfeeding toddler or to use the formula, is to determine the causes of the painful condition.

To causes poisoning of the body include:

  1. Food intoxication, in which the body penetrating toxins. As a rule, harmful substances are formed in spoiled food. Pathogens are Clostridium and staphylococci. The most severe poisoning occurs when the botulism.
  2. Intestinal infections: dysentery, salmonellosis and others.

Symptoms, which can determine that a nursing mother poisoned (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, in some cases, fever, chills) appear after eating low-quality thermal processing of meat, bad water, expired products, unwashed fruits and vegetables.

To feed or not to breastfeed?

The adoption of such decisions depends on the condition of nursing mothers and the severity of the disease. If the stage of the poisoning is very severe, it is shown immediate hospitalization (if there is uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea, drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, convulsions). In such cases, breast-feeding in cases of poisoning is excluded.

During treatment, the mother can be advised to Express milk. Of course, the baby would not. This is to ensure that it does not disappear and after the final recovery could continue to feed the child valuable product.

The woman who decided to stop breastfeeding should use only high-quality mixture is able to fully replace the baby mother's milk.

If toxicity is mild, the feeding should continue. The fact that the toxins are striking in the digestive system women, and the risk of ingress of harmful substances into the body of the baby with mother's milk is very small, also in the process of lactation a child gets protective antibodies that increase immunity.

The condition of the mother can be transmitted to the baby. For example, if a woman there is constipation, the child will experience problems with the bowel movements.

If the mother decided to continue breastfeeding, the first thing she should care about a thorough observance of measures of personal hygiene: timely washing of hands and other parts of the body, which can get contaminated with bacteria. Before you feed the baby, the mammary glands should be washed, it is advisable to take a shower.

The intervals between feedings can be increased. During treatment the mother should be individual dishes, soap, towel. To baby safety it would be better if all the care about it will temporarily take on someone from the family members to give the opportunity to the young mother to rest and recover after food intoxication.

How to treat poisoning in nursing mothers

In General, the treatment of intoxication in women during lactation symptomatic, so it is necessary to consider clinical manifestations of the disease and their severity. If the poisoning occurred due to intestinal infection, then appointed antibacterial and anti-microbial agents which are needed to suppress the activity of bacteria. Without these medications, however with breastfeeding they contraindicated. Assigns them only a doctor, who determines whether they represent a threat to the health of the child.

For many drugs the taboo is imposed as chemical substances excreted with breast milk, which may have a negative impact on the child's body.

If food poisoning lactating mothers occurred due to defective products are detoxification activities. The sooner treatment is started, the less negative effects it will bring illness.

Cleansing the body

This is the first step on the path to healing. Food poisoning in HS should be washed stomach a weak solution of potassium permanganate or baking soda. You should drink the solution, press with two fingers on the tongue and induce vomiting. This will cleanse the body of food residue, which provoked poisoning.

Vomiting and diarrhea is a natural protective reaction of the organism. In the absence of diarrhea, it is desirable to cleanse the bowel with an enema of warm water.

Reception of sorbents

The next step will be the appointment of adsorbing drugs, absorbing toxins and removing them from the body. Such drugs include activated carbon, smectite, Polisorb, enterosgel. These drugs are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so it is allowed during breastfeeding. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, they work on the principle of a sponge: absorb all the toxins and go along with them naturally. Any absorbent medicines should be taken after food.

When taking activated charcoal followed by scheme – 1 tablet per 1 kg of body weight. The disadvantage is that tablets need to drink quite a lot, so it is recommended that the drug be diluted with water or replace it with white charcoal (you will needjust 2-3 pills).

In the case of other medications you need to carefully read the instructions and, if possible, is to consult with your doctor.


When heavy vomiting and diarrhea from the body toxins. However, together with them, he loses water and useful minerals. During treatment nursing mother needs to drink a lot to restore fluid and electrolyte balance: mild sweet tea (black, green), weak solution of glucose, mineral water without gas. Not contraindicated reception regidrona. The main thing is to drink often, but not by a lot.

A therapeutic diet

The diet of a breastfeeding mother should be balanced and consist of healthy dishes. Should be excluded from the menu foods with high fiber content as it irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and increased peristalsis.

Even if you don't want to eat, otherwise the body will not have the power to fight toxins.

Food poisoning during lactation on the first day you should drink more tea, water, and food should be abandoned. The next day, gradually introduce allowed foods. You should start with sweet tea and crackers.

What is the period of food poisoning while breastfeeding:

  • soups on the secondary broth;
  • boiled or steamed meat, fish;
  • mashed potatoes on the water;
  • semolina, rice porridge without added oil;
  • vegetables baked or boiled and mashed.

Nausea, vomiting

In the case of uncontrollable vomiting, you can use traditional ways of dealing with it. This may be a decoction of fennel seeds (teaspoon in a glass of hot water) or green tea. These drinks will not only reduce retching, but will increase lactation. Drugs antiemetic actions are assigned as directed by the doctor.

Tormented by diarrhea

Antidiarrhoeal drugs are contraindicated in nursing mothers, including the well-known loperamide. With diarrhea it's best to fight with traditional methods. Proven themselves congee and porridge, infusion of wild cherry (30 grams of dried flowers in 250 ml of hot water). Effective in diarrhea and potato starch in half a Cup of cold water to mix 15 grams of powder to drink.

What if bloody diarrhea? With the appearance in the stool, bloody streaks immediately call an ambulance. This is a true sign of intestinal bleeding. Don't try to stop it yourself, without professional medical assistance you can not do!

Recommended the use of probiotics to replenish the intestinal flora: Linex, Bifiform.

Stomach hurts

To reduce abdominal pain, you should use medicinal herbs-antispasmodics. For example, chamomile tea will reduce not only pain but also inflammation. Reception of drugs from abdominal pain contraindicated.

Prevention of poisoning

In order not to face such a difficult choice – to continue or to stop breastfeeding during the poisoning – the mother should to be careful in many matters.

To avoid intoxication is possible if:

  • when purchasing a product closely acquainted with the information on the packaging, date of manufacture and storage the composition;
  • do not buy products whose packaging has been damaged;
  • do not eat foods if there are doubts as to their freshness;
  • before eating wash hands with soap and water;
  • drink only boiled or bottled water;
  • processing vegetables, fruit with hot water;
  • to make purchases from reputable stores, not shady benches.

Following these simple rules, the young mother can protect yourself from such unpleasant phenomena as intoxication.

To stop breast feeding if food poisoning is not necessary, of course, if the mother feels well and her treatment was not prescribed potent medications.